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Minutes for 2016 06 23

Lyndon Maydwell edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 1 revision

Minutes for 23-06-2016


  1. Next week's meeting - Tuesday (Only expecting 3 to attend)
  2. Workshops & Talks
  3. Day 2
  4. Videographer
  5. Sponsor Media Packs


  • Hustle for Talks - Email Contacts - All
  • Keynote - All
  • Lock-in Videographer - Andy
  • Get REA media pack for sponsorship - Ken
  • Follow up on CFP - Sarah
  • Email AB the Minutes - Lyndon
  • MVP List - Sarah
  • Back up talks - All
  • EB for Day two - Per workshop? - Noon (Blocked on room confirmations)
  • Purescript Workshop - Noon
  • Push Compose Tickets at MHUG - Lyndon
  • Stickers - Lyndon
  • Poster / Banner - Lyndon (Ren)
  • Insurance - RMIT - Noon
  • Dave Agreement B.A - Noon