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Minutes for 2016 05 09

Lyndon Maydwell edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 1 revision

Minutes for 09-05-2016


  • Next meeting - Thursday!
  • Last Meeting's Actions
    • RMIT?
  • CFParty
    • EarlyBird Registration - # of Tickets (20)
  • EasyChair


  • Follow up with JH - Andy
  • Visit RMIT Internal Bookings on Wednesday - Noon
  • DT Agreement - Noon
  • EarlyBird EventBrite (20 tickets, $50)
    • Note: Deadline - Noon
  • Open full registration too - noon
  • MHUG - Lyndon (CFParty) - DONE:
  • Scala - Ken (CFParty)
  • MFUG - Lyndon (CFParty)
  • Clj-Melb - Noon (Via James) (CFParty)
  • PyLadies - Sarah
  • Read Website and make suggestions on the compose description (All)
  • CFP changes by party date - All
  • Andrew Cowie @ CBA - Noon
  • Email AB re CFP
  • Sarah on Workshop
  • DataCom - Sarah
  • General Standards Follow Up - Ken
  • REA Sponsorship - Ken
  • Bar Tab for CFParty - Noon Note Down

19th May CFParty