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Minutes for 2016 06 06

Lyndon Maydwell edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 1 revision

Minutes for 06 06 2016


  • Next Meeting - Monday 13th June
  • Present (Sarah, Ken, Lyndon)
  • DT Bank Account - Noon
  • Keynote Speakers - All
  • Day 2 - Noon
  • FAQ Page - Lyndon
  • Unconference Page - Lyndon
  • Contact DT re. Contact - Noon
  • Costs Page - Lyndon
  • Sponsors
    • MYOB - Ken
    • CBA - Ken
  • Workshop - Sarah
  • Create Keynote Speaker contact email template - Lyndon

Potential Keynote Speakers

All added to the Trello Speakers Page

Action for all people to own a speaker and get in touch