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2024 02 06 Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

Mathias Kraus edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 2 revisions

Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

Date: 2024/02/06

Time: 17:00 CET



  • Mathias Kraus, ekxide
  • Christian Eltzschig, Apex.AI
  • Niclas Larsén
  • Graham Palmer


  1. General introduction, 10 min
  2. Look at the open tasks from previous meetings, 10 min, Mathias
    • Adding the new meeting date to the ROS 2 calendar
    • Update to inform about the new Rust implementation - maybe also register - how to restructure for the new Rust implementation
  3. What's the state of the iceoryx1 v3.0 release and what needs to be done to bring it over the finish line, 20 min, Mathias
  4. How to move forward with iceoryx1, 20 min, Mathias
  5. General discussion


  1. nothing done yet
  2. needs to be discussed in the next meeting or we need to meet next week again
  3. also moved to next meeting
  4. Improvements
    • would be nice to have access to the thread of the listener
      • a WaitSet with a separate thread would be an option
    • access the fill state of the queue, e.g. 80% full or notifications that messages are dropped
      • the subscriber has a hasMissedData method which tells if there was an overflow and data is lost
    • take-modify-publish pipeline
    • forwarding/routing of samples with filtering

Topics for future meetings

  1. Move C-binding to separate repo?
    • #2030
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