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2022 04 14 Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

elfenpiff edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

Date: 2022/04/14

Time: 17:00 CET



  • Michael Pöhnl, Apex.AI
  • Mathias "Bob" Kraus, Apex.AI
  • Dietrich Krönke, Apex.AI
  • Marika Lehmann, Apex.AI
  • Simon Hoinkis, Apex.AI
  • Christian Eltzschig, Apex.AI
  • Neil Isaac, Waabi


  1. General: Introduction of new participants, 10 mins
  2. General: Are there other agenda points?, 2 mins
  3. iceoryx one click release
  4. autosar example #1332


  1. iceoryx one click release
  • do not validate docu in release, create separate docu release every year
  • extend set version script
    • run geoffrey for every example before release
    • run plantuml for every design doc
  • Improve CI performance by running whole CI pipeline only when source code was changed
  • QNX CI job
  • arm64 CI job: #1208
  • markdown linter & spell checker
  • example integration tests for windows, freebsd, mac os, qnx
  • only release branch for long term release, all other release get tags
  • eclipse iceoryx release:
    • top features (take from
    • road map, use high, medium, low priority milestones
      • go over all issues and assign priority
      • new issues should get assigned priority, when in doubt use low
      • introduce major feature label
    • (once a year a release review)
  1. autosar example
  • provide an example how to implement an autosar application with iceoryx
  • motivate new features with this example
    • service discovery
    • request response communication
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