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2021 03 18 Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

Simon Hoinkis edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 10 revisions

Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

Date: 2021/03/18

Time: 17:00 CET



  • Martin Hintz, Bosch
  • Andy Riexinger, Bosch
  • Marika Lehmann, Apex.AI
  • Bernhard Eickhoff, Bosch
  • Indra, Avin Systems
  • Jimmy Belloche, Bosch
  • Dietrich Krönke, Apex.AI
  • Carolina Garzon Garcia-Banos, Bosch
  • Christian Eltzschig, Apex.AI
  • Oliver Schünemann, Bosch
  • Mathias Kraus (Bob), Apex.AI
  • Somnath Holkar, Avin Systems
  • Matthias Killat, Apex.AI
  • Simon Hoinkis, Apex.AI


  1. General: Are there other agenda points?, 2 mins
  2. Toolchain files (see #609) - commit generic toolchain files to the repo (e.g. for QNX)?, Hintz 5 min
  3. TOML parser fuzz test (-> RouDi crashes found), Hintz, 5 min
  4. New proposals for iceoryx logo, Hoinkis, 10 min
  5. Naming of iceoryx releases, Hoinkis, 10 min
  6. Eclipse release for 1.0.0, Krönke, 5 min
  7. Which are the important pull request we have to merge before RC1 on April 1st, Hoinkis, 10
  8. New API element, Listener, Eltzschig, 5 min


  1. Other agenda points
  • No other agenda points
  1. Toolchain files
  • Everyone agreed to merge the pull request to have a common toolchain file for QNX build
  1. TOML parser fuzz test
  • TOML parser throws exceptions

  • Do we want to use exceptions in production code?

    • Exceptions and heap are forbidden in iceoryx
  • Bob suggest to wrap calls in a try {} catch {} block to gracefully shutdown RouDi

  • Martin will create issue and attach output of AFL

  • Side question regarding running RouDi twice

    • Dietrich will create issue for SWE.6 integration tests
  1. Update iceoryx logo
  • Simon showed two iceoryx logo proposals
  • At some point vote and decide with the community
  1. iceoryx release names
  1. v1.0 Release
  • RC1 release on 2021/04/01
  • Final Eclipse release on 2021/04/30
  • Best release ever!
  1. Important PR that need to go into v1.0
  • #619
  • #618
  • #614
  • #610
  • #608
  • #606
  • #598
  • #593
  • #587
  • #579
  1. Listener introduction
  • Christian presented iceoryx_examples/icecallbacks/ice_callbacks_publisher.cpp
  • Will be available in RC1 release
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