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Bakkeby edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 5 revisions
Function Expected argument Default keybindings
setlayoutaxisex int (binary, see below) N/A

The setlayoutaxisex function allows for flextile-deluxe layout axes to be set externally.

The argument is an integer where:

  • the lower two bits indicate the layout split, master, primary stack area or the secondary stack area
  • and the remaining upper bits indicate type of split or arrangement
Lower bits Description
00 Layout split
01 Master area
10 Primary stack area
11 Secondary stack area


Upper bits Description Split
0000 No split 0
0001 Vertical 4
0010 Horizontal 8
0011 Centered vertical 12
0100 Centered horizontal 16
0101 Vertical dual stack 20
0110 Horizontal dual stack 24
0111 Floating master 28
1000 Fixed vertical 32
1001 Fixed horizontal 36
1010 Fixed centered vertical 40
1011 Fixed centered horizontal 44
1100 Fixed vertical dual stack 48
1101 Fixed horizontal dual stack 52
1110 Fixed floating master 56


Upper bits Description Master Stack 1 Stack 2
0000 Top to bottom 1 2 3
0001 Left to right 5 6 7
0010 Monocle 9 10 11
0011 Gapplessgrid 13 14 15
0100 Gapplessgrid (cfacts) 17 18 19
0101 Gapplessgrid alt1 21 22 23
0110 Gapplessgrid alt2 25 26 27
0111 Gridmode 29 30 31
1000 Horizgrid 33 34 35
1001 Dwindle 37 38 39
1010 Dwindle (cfacts) 41 42 43
1011 Spiral 45 46 47
1100 Spiral (cfacts) 49 50 51
1101 Tatami 53 54 55
1110 Tatami (cfacts) 57 58 59

External commands:

$ duskc run_command setlayoutaxisex 53  # sets the tatami arrangement for the master area (110101)
$ duskc run_command setlayoutaxisex 16  # sets centered horizontal split (010000)

Also see the rotatelayoutaxis function.

Back to Functions > Layout.

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