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Configuring your webserver

Lod3 edited this page Feb 4, 2020 · 13 revisions

For now we support nginx and apache webservers through automated solutions like docker and a crontab configuration.

Pros & Cons


  • The docker configuration can be installed alongside an already running webserver and is easy to remove
  • Nginx and Apache webservers supported
  • From the second you push newly created or updated PIDs to your code repository, they will be live


  • Dependant of Docker and Docker Compose
  • Only works with Apache .htaccess-files



Go to the README of the (CultURIze-Back-End-Docker repository) for installation and configuration instructions.

Unix + git + crontab (Culturize & Crontab)

Pros & Cons


  • Only uses standard unix tools that should be available on every webserver
  • Easy setup
  • Can be used with Nginx configuration files and Apache .htaccess files


  • Quick and dirty, dirty being the fact the crontab keeps sending requests to GitHub even when nothing has changed in the repository
  • No "immediate" update of the PIDs



You can find the complete documentation for setting up automated configuration for Culturize with crontab on this page Culturize & Crontab