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temi Permission

In order to better protect user privacy and temi's data security, a permission mechanism came into being. This is a bit like the dynamic permission application mechanism in Android. When you want to access or modify some sensitive information, you need to apply for these permissions dynamically. The permission mechanism is applicable to 0.10.70 and higher versions.

API Overview

Return Method Description
int checkSelfPermission(Permission permission) Check permission
void requestPermissions(List<Permission> permissions, int requestCode) Request permissions
Interface Description
OnRequestPermissionResultListener Listener for listening to the result of permission request
Model Description
Permission The permission

Request Skill Permissions

Add permissions to the manifest

Before requesting permissions, to declare that your skill needs permission, put a <meta-data> element in your AndroidManifest.xml, as a child of <application> element. For example, skill that needs to modify the system settings would have follow codes in the manifest:

        android:value="com.robotemi.permission.settings" />

If you need to request for multiple permissions, please append and separate them with ",".

                       com.robotemi.permission.face_recognition" />

Check all current permissions.

Check for permissions

You must check wheather your skill have that permission every time you perform an operation that requires that permission. Because users can revoke all the permissions from any skill at any time. For example, revoke the permission of face recognition: Settings > Permissions > Face Recognition > Your skill > Turn off the switch.

Determine whether your app was already granted the permission

To check if the user has already granted your app a particular permission, pass that permission into the Robot.getInstance().checkSelfPermission() method. This method returns either GRANTED or DENIED, depending on wheather your skill has the permission.

Request permissions

If your skills does not have the relevant permissions, there are two ways to obtain permissions, one is in Settings > Permissions > Click the required permissions > Turn on the switch of your skill; Another way is to request permissions through the temi SDK, and then a dialog box pops up, where user can choose wheather to grant specific permissions to your skill. The second way is mainly introduced in this documentation.

To invoke Robot.getInstance().requestPermissions() method to pop up the permissions request dialog box. Similar to the dynamic permission request, you can manage the request code yourself as part of the permission request and include this request code in your permission request callback logic.

Listen to the grant results

You can listen to permission request callback like listen to other listeners. It can be combined with the request code passed in permission request, you can continue the action or workflow in your skill after the permission is granted by user.



Use this method to check wheather your skill has the permission.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    permission Permission The permission to be checked
  • Return

    Type Description
    int Grant result, possible value is GRANTED or DENIED
  • Prototype

    int checkSelfPermission(Permission permission);


Use this method to request the permissions you want.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    permissions List<Permission> The list holds the permissions you want to request
    requestCode int Application specific request code to match with a result reported to OnRequestPermissionResultListener
  • Prototype

    void requestPermissions(List<Permission> permissions);



You can listen to the results of the grant of the requested permissions. Implement this listener interface in your context, and override the methods in the interface to get the permission request result.

package com.robotemi.sdk.permission;

interface OnRequestPermissionResultListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    permission Permission Pending permissions
    grantResult int Grant result
    requestCode int The request code passed in requestPermissions()
  • Prototype

    abstract void onRequestPermissionResult(Permission permission,
                                            int grantResult,
                                            int requestCode);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnRequestPermissionResultListener The object of the class implements this listener interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnRequestPermissionResultListener(OnRequestPermissionResultListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnRequestPermissionResultListener The object of the class implements this listener interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnRequestPermissionResultListener(OnRequestPermissionResultListener listener);


The following is the data model used in the above methods and interfaces.


Current permissions

Permission Enum Value Value Is Kiosk Permission
Face Recognition FACE_RECOGNITION com.robotemi.permission.face_recognition No
Map MAP No
Settings SETTINGS com.robotemi.permission.settings No
Sequence SEQUENCE com.robotemi.permission.sequence No
Meetings MEETINGS com.robotemi.permission.meetings No

Note: Only kiosk skills can request kiosk permissions. Since version 0.10.72, all permissions do not need to be requested in Kiosk mode.


package com.robotemi.sdk.permission;

enum Permission {

Static constants

Constant Type Value Description
GRANTED int 1 Granted by user
DENIED int 0 Denied by user
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