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zjn0505 edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 51 revisions

Navigation & Map & Floor


There are two main use cases with regards to locations. The first is location management, and the second is location navigation. The SDK provides methods that allows developers to handle both.

Location management allows you to control temi's locations by saving, deleting, fetching and monitoring their changes, while location navigation allows you to send temi to one of those locations and monitor its navigation status while it's in motion.


Map is a combination of:

  • Processed lidar data from ROBOX, the algorithm core of temi
  • Map elements, including locations, green paths, and virtual walls.
  • Map image, a visual abstraction of map raw data for UI presentation.

A map can be loaded, switched, backed up, and cached.

Map Id

There may be some confusion as map id is referred under its context.

When reference map on algorithm wise, e.g. MapDataModel, it has a map id which is unique across algorithm map, the one from process lidar data. This id should be only used by ROBOX as an identifier, and served no other purpose.

When (SDK) users load a map, they are using the map id idenfying the combination. e.g. MapModel. This id is generated from temi cloud service when we back up a map to cloud. Thus it can be fetched from cloud, and reloaded to the robot.

Map cache

When user backups or imports a map from UI or SDK, the map combination will be cached locally for quicker access next time. So when you switching between different maps, the large map file will not be downloaded every time. Starting from 129 version, there are methods to load map from cloud to cache, also force load map from cache.

Local map backup.

From 131 version, with SDK 1.131.3, you can backup current map to you app, and load map backup from your app to temi. The whole process can be made offline, without using temi cloud services.

Navigate to Local Map Backup section for details.


From 129 version, we offered the developer access of multifloor function from SDK. This should benefit temi robots serving in complex or dynamic cartographic environments. Once enabled, all the floor APIs can be used, also a new map editor with multifloor functions will be available in temi settings.

Every floor contains a standalone map, which has all map attributes and can be created, recreated, replaced, backed up, plus the features in multifloor of like copying map from other floor. Such operations on one floor will not affect map on other floors.

All the floors and their maps are stored locally on the robot and can be switched offline until they are deleted from the user operations in the map editor.

API Overview

Return Method Description
boolean saveLocation(String location) Save location
boolean deleteLocation(String location) Delete location
List<String> getLocations() Fetch all saved locations
void goTo(String location, boolean backwards, boolean noBypass, SpeedLevel speedLevel) Send temi to a specific location
void goToPosition(Position position, boolean backwards, boolean noBypass, SpeedLevel speedLevel) Send temi to a specific position(coordinate)
MapDataModel getMapData() Get the map data
void repose(Position position) Repositioning temi
List<MapModel> getMapList() Get the list of backed up map
String loadMap(String mapId) Load map by map ID
String loadMap(String mapId, boolean reposeRequired, Position position, boolean offline, boolean withoutUI) Load the map by map ID and the specific position of the target map
boolean setMultiFloorEnabled(boolean enabled) Enable/Disable Multi-floor function
boolean isMultiFloorEnabled() Check Multi-floor function
Floor getCurrentFloor() Get current floor data
List<Floor> getAllFloors() Get all floors' data
void loadFloor(int floorId, Position position) load target floor
Position getPosition() get current position
int resetMap() Reset map
int finishMapping() Finish mapping, lock the map
int updateMapName() Update current map name
int continueMapping() Continue mapping, unlock the map
int upsertMapLayer() Add or edit map layer
int deleteMapLayer() Delete map layer
Interface Description
OnLocationsUpdatedListener Locations updated listener
OnGoToLocationStatusChangedListener Go to location(position) status changed listener
OnDistanceToLocationChangedListener Distance to locations changed listener
OnCurrentPositionChangedListener Current position changed listener
OnReposeStatusChangedListener Listener for the status changed of repositioning
OnLoadMapStatusChangedListener Listener for the status changed of loading map
OnDistanceToDestinationChangedListener Listener for the distance left to the destination
OnLoadFloorStatusChangedListener Listener for the status of switching of floor
OnRobotDragStateChangedListener Listener for robot being dragged
OnGoToNavPathChangedListener Listener for robot navigation path
Model Description
Position Position(coordinate) in the map
MapDataModel The map data
MapImage The map image data
Floor The floor data



Use this method to save a new location for temi. Locate temi at the location you wish to save and give it a name, the location coordinates are extracted and passed automatically in the request.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    location String Location name you wish to save
  • Return

    Type Description
    boolean true if save successfully, false otherwise
  • Prototype

    boolean saveLocation(String location);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Use this method to delete a saved location.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    location String Location name you wish to delete
  • Return

    Type Description
    boolean true if delete successfully, false otherwise
  • Prototype

    boolean deleteLocation(String location);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Use this method to fetch a list of saved locations.

  • Return

    Type Description
    List<String> Locations list
  • Prototype

    List<String> getLocations();
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Use this method to send temi to one of your saved locations.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    location String Location name you wish the robot to navigate to. Use home base as location name when go back to charge.
    backwards boolean If true will walk backwards to the destination. false by default. Support from 0.10.80
    noByPass boolean If true will disallow bypass the obstacles during go to. Pass null to follow the Settings -> Navigation Settings. Support from 0.10.80
    speedLevel SpeedLevel The speed level of this single go to session. Pass null to start with the speed level in Settings -> Navigation Settings. Support from 0.10.80
  • Prototype

    void goTo(String location, boolean backwards, boolean noBypass, SpeedLevel speedLevel);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Use this method to get the map data.

This method currently(0.10.70) only supports relatively small map, we will support large map in the next version.
(Fixed in version 0.10.71)

Newly added virtual walls, navigation paths and locations data in 0.10.74.

  • Return

    Type Description
    MapDataModel The map data
  • Prototype

    MapDataModel getMapData();
  • Required permissions


  • Support from


  • Note

    This method is a time-consuming operation and is recommended to be used in a non-main thread. For more details please refer to the Sampe code.


Use this method to send temi to a specific position(coordinate).

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    position Position Destination coordinate. Ignore its' attribute tiltAngle in this method. Set yaw in position to 999, will cancel the rotation upon arrival.
    backwards boolean If true will walk backwards to the destination. false by default. Support from 0.10.80
    noByPass boolean If true will disallow bypass the obstacles during go to. Pass null to follow the Settings -> Navigation Settings. Support from 0.10.80
    speedLevel SpeedLevel The speed level of this single go to session. Pass null to start with the speed level in Settings -> Navigation Settings. Support from 0.10.80
  • Prototype

    void goToPosition(Position position, boolean backwards, boolean noBypass, SpeedLevel speedLevel);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Use this method to start repositioning if temi has lost his position(Caused by being lifted, dragged, etc.).

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    position Position Added in 134 version, optional, default is null. Assign a position to repose upon
  • Prototype

    void repose(Position position);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Use this method to get the list of the backed up maps.

  • Return

    Type Description
    List<MapModel> List of maps
  • Prototype

    List<MapModel> getMapList();
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Use this method to load the map by map ID.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    mapId String ID of the map backup in MapModel
  • Return

    Type Description
    String Request id. In the format of UUID, e.g. 538b44c9-fdcf-426a-9693-d72e9c0f9550. Used in onLoadMapStatusChanged callback to track load map result. Supported from 129 version, otherwise void is returned
  • Prototype

    String loadMap(String mapId);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Use this method to load the map by map ID and the specific position of the target map.

Only map Id is required, other parameters are optional with default values set.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    mapId String ID of the map backup in MapModel
    reposeRequired boolean Need to do repose after loading map or not, default as false
    position Position The position of robot on the target map to loading the map. If not set, target map will be loaded from home base. Default as null
    offline boolean Skip fetching the latest map data of target mapId and use local cache instead, default as false. Supported from 129 version
    withoutUI boolean Load the map in the background without showing any blocking UI, default as false. Supported from 129 version
  • Return

    Type Description
    String Request id. In the format of UUID, e.g. 538b44c9-fdcf-426a-9693-d72e9c0f9550. Used in onLoadMapStatusChanged callback to track load map result. Supported from 129 version, otherwise void is returned
  • Prototype

    String loadMap(String mapId, boolean reposeRequired, Position position, boolean offline, boolean withoutUI);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Enable/Disable Multi-floor function

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    enabled boolean true to enable,false to disable
  • Return

    Type Description
    boolean true if set, false if failed
  • Prototype

     boolean setMultiFloorEnabled(boolean enabled);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Check Multi-floor function

  • Return

    Type Description
    boolean true if enabled, false if not, null if Robot in not initiated
  • Prototype

     boolean isMultiFloorEnabled();
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Get current floor data

  • Return

    Type Description
    Floor Current floor data, null if service is not initiated, or lack of permission, or no floor data
  • Prototype

      Floor getCurrentFloor();
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Get all floors' data

  • Return

    Type Description
    List<Floor> All floors' data, empty if service is not initiated, or lack of permission, or no floor data
  • Prototype

      List<Floor> getAllFloors();
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



load target floor

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    floorId int floor id
    position Position Position in map on the target floor to be loaded from
  • Prototype

      void loadFloor(int floorId, Position position);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



get current position

  • Return

    Type Description
    Position Get current position, will return Position(0, 0, 0, 0) if failed.
  • Prototype

      Position getPosition();
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Reset current map or reset all floors

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    allFloor boolean true to reset all floors
  • Return

    Type Description
    int 0 not supported,200 succeed,400 invalid operation,403 permission required,408 timeout
  • Prototype

      int resetMap(boolean allFloor);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Finish mapping, lock the map

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String an optional map name, default as null
  • Return

    Type Description
    int 0 not supported,200 succeed,304 map already locked, 400 invalid operation,403 permission required,408 timeout
  • Prototype

      int finishMapping(String mapName);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Update current map name

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String map name
  • Return

    Type Description
    int 0 not supported,200 succeed,400 invalid operation,403 permission required,429 too many requests, wait 2s
  • Prototype

      int updateMapName(String mapName);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Continue mapping, unlock the map

  • Return

    Type Description
    int 0 not supported,200 succeed,304 map already unlocked,400 invalid operation,403 permission required,408 timeout,429 too many requests, wait 5s
  • Prototype

      int continueMapping();
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Add or edit map layer, if layerId exists then update, otherwise create new layer.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    layer Layer map layer
  • Return

    Type Description
    int 0 not supported,200 succeed,400 invalid operation,403 permission required,413 contains layer pose out of map
  • Prototype

      int upsertMapLayer(Layer layer);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Delete map layer, only support Green path and Virtual wall.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    layerId String map layer id
    layerCategory int map layer category
  • Return

    Type Description
    int 0 not supported,200 succeed,400 invalid operation,403 permission required,404 target layer doesn't exist
  • Prototype

      int deleteMapLayer(String layerId, int LayerCategory);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from




Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to get the list of saved locations every time it changes.


package com.robotemi.sdk.listeners;

interface OnLocationsUpdatedListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    locations List<String> All saved locations list
  • Prototype

    abstract void onLocationsUpdated(List<String> locations)

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnLocationsUpdatedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnLocationsUpdatedListener(OnLocationsUpdatedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnLocationsUpdatedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnLocationsUpdatedListener(OnLocationsUpdatedListener listener);
  • Support from



Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to get navigation information regarding temi's go to location action.


package com.robotemi.sdk.listeners;

interface OnGoToLocationStatusChangedListener {}

Static constants

Constant Type Value Description
START String "start" Navigation to the location has started
CALCULATING String "calculating" Calculating the route to the location
GOING String "going" Calculated the route and is on its' way
COMPLETE String "complete" Arrived at the desired location
ABORT String "abort" Navigation aborted
REPOSING String "reposing" Reposing during the navigation

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    location String The name of the location temi is navigating to
    status String Navigation status
    descriptionId int Numerical code that reflects the description of the status
    description String Verbose more informative description of the navigation status (Such as obstacle info)
  • DescriptionId 对应内容

    DescriptionId Description
    500 "Complete"
    0 "Abort General"
    1003 "Abort no movement"
    1004 "Abort timeout"
    1005 "Abort by user"
    1006 "Abort out of map bounds"
    1060 "Path Plan"
    2000 "Obstacle"
    2001 "Ground Obstacle"
    2002 "Hight Obstacle"
    2003 "Lidar Obstacle"
    2004 "Front Obstacle"
    2005 "Back Obstacle"
    2006 "Abyss Obstacle"
    2007 "Virtual Wall Obstacle"
    2008 "Cliff Detected"
    2009 "Stuck Wheel"
    1020- 1050 "Calculating"
    5000- 5021 "Calculating"
    10007 "Going"
    10008 "Path Planing" // Added in 134 version
    10009 "Docking" // Added in 134 version
    - "Unknown"
  • Prototype

    void onGoToLocationStatusChanged(String location, String status, int descriptionId, String description);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnGoToLocationStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnGoToLocationStatusChangedListener(OnGoToLocationStatusChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnGoToLocationStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnGoToLocationStatusChangedListener(OnGoToLocationStatusChangedListener listener);
  • Support from



Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to get the distances to saved locations.


package com.robotemi.sdk.navigation.listener;

interface OnDistanceToLocationChangedListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    distances Map<String, Float> A key-value pair collection with String type key(location name) and Float type value(distance)
  • Prototype

    void onDistanceToLocationChanged(Map<String, Float> distances);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnDistanceToLocationChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnDistanceToLocationChangedListener(OnDistanceToLocationChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnDistanceToLocationChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnDistanceToLocationChangedListener(OnDistanceToLocationChangedListener listener);
  • Support from



Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to get current position information.


package com.robotemi.sdk.navigation.listener;

interface OnCurrentPositionChangedListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    position Position Current position
  • Prototype

    void onCurrentPositionChanged(Position position);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnCurrentPositionChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnCurrentPositionChangedListener(OnCurrentPositionChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnCurrentPositionChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnCurrentPositionChangedListener(OnCurrentPositionChangedListener listener);
  • Support from



Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to listen to the status changes of repositioning.


package com.robotemi.sdk.navigation.listener;

interface OnReposeStatusChangedListener {}

Static constant

All constants here are only for the status of repositioning.

Constant Type Value Description
IDLE int 0 Idle
REPOSE_REQUIRED int 1 Ready to reposition
REPOSING_START int 2 Reposition started
REPOSING_GOING int 3 Repositioning
REPOSING_COMPLETE int 4 Reposition completed
REPOSING_OBSTACLE_DETECTED int 5 Obstacle detected during repositioning
REPOSING_ABORT int 6 Reposition abort

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    status int Status of reposition
    description String Description of status
  • Prototype

    void onReposeStatusChanged(int status, String description);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnReposeStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnReposeStatusChangedListener(OnReposeStatusChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnReposeStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnReposeStatusChangedListener(OnReposeStatusChangedListener listener);
  • Support from



Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to listen to the status changes of loading map.



interface OnLoadMapStatusChangedListener {}

Static constant

All constants here are only for the status of loading map.

Constant Type Value Description
COMPLETE int 0 Complete
START int 1 Start
ERROR_UNKNOWN int 1000 Unknown error
ERROR_ABORT_FROM_ROBOX int 2000 Abort by Robox
ERROR_ABORT_ON_NOT_CHARGING int 2001 Loading without charging
ERROR_ABORT_BUSY int 2002 temi is on another blocking task
ERROR_GET_MAP_DATA int 5000 Get error while getting map data from remote

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    status int Status of loading map
    requestId String Request id obtained from loadMap(), Supported from 129.
  • Prototype

    void onLoadMapStatusChanged(int status, String requestId);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnLoadMapStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnLoadMapStatusChangedListener(OnLoadMapStatusChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnLoadMapStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnLoadMapStatusChangedListener(OnLoadMapStatusChangedListener listener);
  • Support from



Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to get the distance to the destination.


package com.robotemi.sdk.navigation.listener;

interface OnDistanceToDestinationChangedListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    location String Location name of the destination
    distance float Distance to the destination
  • Prototype

    void onDistanceToDestinationChanged(location: String, distance: Float);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnDistanceToDestinationChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnDistanceToDestinationChangedListener(OnDistanceToDestinationChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnDistanceToDestinationChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnDistanceToDestinationChangedListener(OnDistanceToDestinationChangedListener listener);
  • Support from



Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to get the status for loading.



interface OnLoadFloorStatusChangedListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    status int 0 complete
    1 start
    -1 error
  • Prototype

    void onLoadFloorStatusChanged(int status);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnLoadFloorStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnLoadFloorStatusChangedListener(OnLoadFloorStatusChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnLoadFloorStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnLoadFloorStatusChangedListener(OnLoadFloorStatusChangedListener listener);
  • Support from



A callback to notify robot is being dragged when itself is not in a movement state.


package com.robotemi.sdk.listeners;

interface OnRobotDragStateChangedListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    isDragged Boolean true being dragged
  • Prototype

    void onRobotDragStateChanged(Boolean isDragged);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnRobotDragStateChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnRobotDragStateChangedListener(OnRobotDragStateChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnRobotDragStateChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnRobotDragStateChangedListener(OnRobotDragStateChangedListener listener);
  • Support from



A callback to notify robot‘s path plan on navigation.


package com.robotemi.sdk.listeners;

interface OnGoToNavPathChangedListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    path List The path from current postion to destination
  • Prototype

    void onGoToNavPathChanged(List<LayerPose> path);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnGoToNavPathChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnGoToNavPathChangedListener(OnGoToNavPathChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnGoToNavPathChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnGoToNavPathChangedListener(OnGoToNavPathChangedListener listener);
  • Support from




Used to hold the position information.


package com.robotemi.sdk.navigation.model;

class Position {}


Attribute Type Description
x float Position coordinate x
y float Position coordinate y
yaw float Will be round to [-π, π], 0 degree is the direction of robot when map is reset on home base
tiltAngle int Head tilt angle


Used to hold the map data.



class MapDataModel {}


Attribute Type Description
mapImage MapImage The map image data
mapId String Map ID, this is the identifier of map data, which is different from id in MapModel, which is used to identify map backups
mapInfo MapInfo Map information
virtualWalls List<Layer> Layer collection of virtual walls
greenPaths List<Layer> Layer collection of navigation paths
locations List<Layer> Layer collection of locations
mapName String Current map name (added in 130 version)


Used to hold the map image data.



class MapImage {}


Attribute Type Description
typeId String -
rows int The size of the rows of the map data matrix
cols int The size of the columns of the map data matrix
dt String -
data List<Integer> The one-dimensional array converted from map data matrix


Used to hold the map information.



class MapInfo {}


Attribute Type Description
height int height
width int width
originX float Origin coordinate x
originY float Origin coordinate y
resolution float Resolution


Used to hold the map layer data.



class Layer {}


Attribute Type Description
layerCreationUTC int Timestamp of creating the layer
layerCategory int Layer category
layerId String Layer ID
layerThickness float Layer thickness
layerStatus int Layer status
layerPoses List<LayerPose> Coordinate collection of the layer
layerDirection int Direction of virtual wall layer, value can be -1, 0, 1. Added in 1.132.1 version.
layerData String String data of layer, added in 1.133.0 version to support MapEraser layer.


Used to hold the coordinate data that make up the map layer.



class LayerPose {}


Attribute Type Description
x float Coordinate x
y float Coordinate y
theta float -




class MapDataModelKt {}

Static constant

Layer category
Constant Type Value Description
GREEN_PATH int 0 Navigation path
VIRTUAL_WALL int 3 Virtual wall
LOCATION int 4 Location
MAP_ERASER int 6 Map eraser
Layer status
Constant Type Value Description


Used to hold the map information of the backed up map list.



class MapModel {}


Attribute Type Description
id String ID of the map backup
name String Name of the map


Used to hold the information of the floor.



class Floor {}


Attribute Type Description
id String ID of the floor
name String Name of the floor
mapId String mapId of the floor, this is the one from MapDataModel
locations List locations on the floor
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