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Map Format

Kilian edited this page Mar 20, 2020 · 8 revisions

Level data is stored in simple text files (example here) formatted in a way that is easy to parse and process but hard to read and understand on user side. By design, the file is read line by line so each object declaration must fit on a single line and informations come in a certain order to ensure the file integrity and coherence to build playable levels out of them.

In the following explanations, "?" represent where the numerical values should be set for parameter.


Header :

This section contains critical informations about the file content (vertices and sectors amount). This line must be at the top of the file.

total vertexes ? sectors ?
Parameter Possible Values Explanations
vertexes 3 >= ? > +INF At least 3 vertices are needed to build a polygon (triangle).
sectors 1 >= ? > +INF At least 1 sector is mandatory to play inside afterwards.

Player :

This line is meant to locale the player inside the map. It can be anywhere in the file after the header.

player x ? y ? sector ? angle ?
Parameter Possible Values Explanations
x 0 >= ? > +INF Our map-editor doesn't handle negative coordinates.
y 0 >= ? > +INF Our map-editor doesn't handle negative coordinates.
sector 0 >= ? > +INF There is at least 1 sector in the map which is sector 0.
angle 0 >= ? < 360 Since negative angles or above 360 are just multiple of these ones it simplify everything.

Vertex :

This one locates the coordinates of a point on an endless oriented 2D plane. These objects are reused later in the format to build sectors so any given vertex declaration must be above every sector declaration that reference it.

vertex number ? x ? y ?
Parameter Possible Values Explanations
number 0 >= ? > +INF Acts as a lookup index, negative values are invalid.
x 0 >= ? > +INF Our map-editor doesn't handle negative coordinates.
y 0 >= ? > +INF Our map-editor doesn't handle negative coordinates.

Sector :

And finally where all is brought together to build the surrounding world for the player. Theses objects need vertices to be assembled and fully functional so any given sector declaration must come after every referenced vertex declaration.

sector number ? texture ? type ? data ? light ? h_floor ? h_ceil ? gravity ? friction ? vertex_num ? vertexes ?...? portals ?....?
Parameter Possible Values Explanations
number 0 >= ? > +INF Acts as a lookup index, negative values are invalid.
texture 0 >= ? >= 10 Acts as a lookup index, negative values and above 10 are invalid.
type -INF > ? > +INF Sector effector, plates (positive) and doors (negative) are unbound.
data -INF > ? > +INF Used in various way (money generation, elevation etc...), no-bounds.
light -1 >= INT_MAX Must be a color so up to 0xFFFFFF which is the highest color value possible.
h_floor -INF > ? > +INF Must be strictly lower than h_ceil.
h_ceil -INF > ? > +INF Must be strictly higher than `h_floor.
gravity 0 > ? <= 100 Negative gravity isn't possible and high ones aren't handled.
friction 0 >= ? <= 100 Negative friction isn't friction possible and high ones aren't handled.
vertex_num 0 >= ? > +INF Acts as a lookup variable.
vertexes 0 >= ? > +INF A list of referenced vertices.
portals 0 >= ? > +INF A list of linked sectors.
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