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Lookup Tables Spanish

tajmone edited this page Sep 17, 2021 · 2 revisions

Lookup tables to quickly find the English counterparts of elements from the Spanish Foundation library.

Useful for translators and maintainers who need to compare code from the Spanish library with the English library to replay changes and new features from the latter unto the former.

WARNING — Some of the information in these tables might be outdated. Each table indicates the library versions used at the time of its last update. These tables are only updated when someone actually needs them to carry out some work — there's no one in charge of ensuring they always mirror the latest libraries changes.

Table of Contents

Modules Correspondence: Spanish to English

Beware that some modules found in the Spanish library might not have an English counterpart, because they are unique to the Spanish library and its needs.

Sometimes multiple Spanish modules are associated to the same English module, which means that the original module was split into independent modules for whatever reason.

We strive to keep track of such derivative changes in the comments at the beginning of each module, where the module's filename is followed by one or more modules name, indicating the English source they correspond to, and intermediate module names (in case it was renamed on either library at some stage).

Spanish v0.2.0 English v0.2.1
Library.i Library.i
abrir.i open.i
atacar.i attack.i
atributos.i global.i
besar.i kiss.i
comer.i eat.i
dar.i give.i
direcciones.i nowhere.i
empujar.i push.i
encender.i turn.i
escenario.i scenery.i
escuchar.i listen.i
espera.i wait.i
examinar.i examine.i
hablar.i talk.i
heroe.i hero.i
inventario.i invent.i
lanzar.i throw.i
leer.i read.i
limbo.i nowhere.i
llamar.i ???
llevar.i wear.i
mensajes.i messages_runtime.i
meta_ayuda.i meta_help.i
meta_brief.i meta_brief.i
meta_sesión.i meta_session.i
oler.i smell.i
persona.i people.i
poner.i put.i
saltar.i jump.i
temp.i temp.i
tocar.i touch.i
tomar.i take.i

Modules Correspondence: English to Spanish

English v0.2.1 Spanish v0.2.0
Library.i Library.i
attack.i atacar.i
eat.i comer.i
examine.i examinar.i
give.i dar.i
global.i atributos.i
hero.i heroe.i
invent.i inventario.i
jump.i saltar.i
kiss.i besar.i
knock.i none
listen.i escuchar.i
lock.i abrir.i
look.i examinar.i
messages_runtime.i mensajes.i
meta_brief.i meta_brief.i
meta_help.i meta_ayuda.i
meta_session.i meta_sesión.i
nowhere.i direcciones.i/limbo.i
open.i abrir.i
people.i persona.i
push.i empujar.i
put.i poner.i
read.i leer.i
scenery.i escenario.i
smell.i oler.i
take.i tomar.i
talk.i hablar.i
temp.i temp.i
throw.i lanzar.i
touch.i tocar.i
turn.i encender.i
wait.i espera.i
wear.i llevar.i