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Thathockeynut98 edited this page Oct 24, 2023 · 6 revisions


How do you get a pet? You hit the pet with a lead, or someone from the FreedomSMP staff will glady give you a pet.

/petinfo [username] : shows the following info about your or another player's pet. You can also do /pinfo or /petname

  • hit-points
  • hunger
  • food items
  • behavior
  • experience
  • level
  • owner (only when pets isn't yours)
  • skilltree

/petname This sets the name of your pet.

/petrelease [pet-name] This releases your pet so you don't have a pet anymore.

/petcall This teleports your pet to you. You can also do /pc or /petc .

/petsendaway This sends your pet away, so that it is no longer out with you. You can also do /psa or /petsa

/petswitch This allows you to switch between pets. You can also do /pswitch

/petchooseskilltree This shows all available skilltrees and lets you select a skilltree for your pet. You can also do /pcst or /petcst (You can change your skilltree at any time)

/petinventory [playername] This opens the inventory of your pet (if you have that skilltree active). You can also do /pi or /peti

/petpickup This toggles pickup of your pet on/off (if you have that skilltree active). You can also do /pp or /petp

/petbehavior [mode] This toggles the behavior your pet


  • friendly -> the pet will not fight even when it's attacked by anything
  • normal -> the pet will act like a normal wolf
  • aggressive -> attacks automaticly everythink within 15 blocks of the owner
  • farm -> attacks automaticly every Monster within 15 blocks of the owner
  • raid -> like normal but the pet will not attack players and their minions (wolves, ocelot, pets)
  • duel -> pets will attack other pets with active duel behavior within a 5 block radius

/petbeacon This opens the beacon window of your pet (if you have that skilltree active). You can also do /pbeacon.

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