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Advanced Redstone

Thathockeynut98 edited this page Oct 24, 2023 · 2 revisions

This plugin can make Redstone contraptions wireless! Yes you heard me right, wireless!

ALWAYS remember to use /rs clear to DESLECT the transmitter to prevent unwanted links.

  • Simple usage, basic link:
  1. A repeater point to an empty sign or on a side of a block which has a detector rail on it.
  2. Right click the sign with redstone dust to initialize it as a transmitter and select it.
  3. Right click a lever/button to link it. (use sneak to set it to absolute link)
  • switch sign mode
  1. Hold a piece of redstone and right click the target transmitter sign.
  2. Type command "/rs signmode MODE" (Run without MODE parameter to list all the modes you can use.) Note: All lines under it will be affected. The default mode is NORMAL, which is direct copying the transmitter's state.
  • SSWO mode For example you want to make a long railway and create a small track state display, it will be painful to manually create all the links, SSWO can help you to map indexes on axies.
  1. First use redstone to select the FIRST transmitter sign. (OPTIONAL) ?. Change the sign mode to your desginated one.
  2. Find out the transmitter array axis/direction and the total length for one section.
  3. Find out the receiver array axis and the total length for one section.
  4. With the first transmitter selected, go to the FIRST receiver sign.
  5. Stand within its block area and type: /rs sswo <TX_AXIS> <TX_LEN> <RX_AXIS> <RX_LEN> TX/RX_AXIS: Can be X+/X-/Z+/Z-/Y+/Y- RX/RX_LEN: Is the total length for one section, from first transmitter/receiver to one block BEFORE the second one, a positive integer.
  6. Go to the FIRST receiver

How do you use the redstone clock?

  1. Place an empty sign.
  2. Look at it and type /clock FREQ, eg. /clock 20 for one update per second.
  3. Place repeater and hook enable signal in at the front of the sign.
  4. Put an output lever behind the sign.

Lines will be parsed from top to bottom! Select a transmitter and use /rs signmode to add a mode change.

Redstone sign modes: NORMAL: Just like wireless repeater. FLIP_FLOP: Will trigger a flip-flop when powered. TURN_ON: Will turn on the output when powered, won't turn off. TURN_OFF: Opposite to TURN_ON. INVERTED: Name says it all, it inverts signals.

Here is a tutoiral on how to use the plugin, :)

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