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Japa edited this page Jul 3, 2016 · 2 revisions

Used to define texture patterns used by Armok Vision.

Typically, the pattern and specular textures are set on the tiles according to material (Though other methods of setting them are valid), so objects made from wood will get a wood-grain texture, colored some shade of brown, according to the specific wood, while the same object made from stone can use the same mesh, but will get a stone texture.

The pattern map is merged with the material color, using overlay blending, to make the final texture. Meaning that white and black on the texture will remain white and black, and grey will be colored fully by the material color.

#Valid Attributes:

Attribute Description Valid Values
pattern Surface albedo pattern. This is combined with the material color to make the final texture. Any PNG or JPG file.
specular Surface specular roughness. White is smooth and shiny, and black is matte. Any greyscale PNG or JPG file.
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