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Releases: CommonCoreOntology/CommonCoreOntologies

Version 1.5 2024-02-14

06 Mar 18:58
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Summary of Changes

Major Change

CCO now imports BFO 2020, which results in:

  • The Relations Ontology (RO) is no longer used.
  • obo:BFO_0000144 [process profile] is now curated in CCO Event Ontology.
  • Characteristics, aka Roles, for most properties with domain or range of continuant have been deleted. An annotation has been added to indicate what role was deleted but may be applicable given a more robust temporal interpretation.
  • Removed the restriction on cco:GeospatialRegionBoundingBox that uses cco:non_tangential_part. This is inconsistent with BFO 2020, which adds disjointness between 'site', 'spatial region', and 'continuant fiat boundary'.
  • cco:has_process_part & cco:is_part_of_process are now subs of obo:BFO_0000117 & obo:BFO_0000132 [has occurrent part & occurrent part of].
  • cco:is_site_of & cco:occurs_at are now subs of obo:BFO_0000183 & obo:BFO_0000066 [environs & occurs in]. The domain & range of the CCO properties are fixed to match their definitions, now restricted to 'site'.
  • Changed range and inverse of cco:is_temporal_region_of. The range now matches definition (process or process boundary) and is now an inverse of obo:BFO_0000199 [occupies temporal region] rather than cco:occurs_on
  • Five CCO properties are deleted and replaced by equivalent BFO ones:
    -- cco:occurs_on, cco:is_starting_instant_of, cco:has_starting_instant, cco:is_ending_instant_of, cco:has_ending_instant

Additional changes

  • Removed dubious parthood restrictions from cco:WiredCommunicationRelayArtifactFunction.
  • Small updates to repository structure.

Adopting this release may require users to update their extension ontologies, instance data, queries, ETL routines, etc. Any use of properties from RO in those files will need to be replaced. Details can be found here.

The mapping in most cases is one-to-one. E.g., obo:RO_0000057 > obo:BFO_0000057 [has participant].

There are other mapping cases:

  1. Moving from a specific property to a more general one. E.g., obo:RO_0000079 [function of] > obo:BFO_0000197 [inheres in]
  2. Conditional replacement, obo:BFO_0000050 [part of] and obo:BFO_0000051 [has part] map to occurrent- or continuant-specific versions in BFO2020. This will a require a more sophisticated mapping routine, or a manual process to be done effectively.

There are cases where no mapping is needed.

  1. The IRIs are the same, the term from RO used a BFO ID space. E.g., obo:BFO_0000054 [realized in] > obo:BFO_0000054 [has realization]. Note that in this example, the label differs. In some cases, the label is the same. E.g., obo:BFO_0000055 [realizes].
  2. The term is effectively deleted from CCO. E.g, obo:RO_0002000 [2D boundary of] has no replacement in BFO2020.

Version 1.4 2023-04-07

07 Apr 20:46
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Summary of Changes

  • Using an old version of RO, not adopting new 'has characteristic' properties, which introduces breaking changes
  • Addition of class for Disrupting Disposition, with associated changes to Vulnerability, and two new property-pairs for interest_in and disrupts
  • Artifact now a subclass of BFO Material Entity, with label change to “Material Artifact”
  • Addition of new terms and a major refactoring of exiting ones for geopolitical entities
  • Equivalent axiom for Agent relaxed from (Animal or Organization) to Material Entity
  • Terms for Infrastructure refactored, label for Infrastructure changed to ”Infrastructure System”, most subtypes moved to the Material Artifact branch, new terms added, defintions
  • Terms for Portions of Geosphere added, axiom added to Facility
  • All equivalency axioms now contain asserted superclasses
  • Updates to Representational ICE and property pair for represents
  • Changed labels of Intentional Act and Unintentional Act to “Planned Act” and “Unplanned Act”
  • Deletion of redundant equivalency classes for role-based component-of or element-of artifacst, and 14 temporal identifiers

Deleted Classes:

  • ElectricalPowerSourceComponent, ElectronicComponent, FluidControlArtifactComponent, FuelSystemComponent, HydraulicPowerSourceComponent, Machine element, PowerSourceComponent, Nozzle component, PropulsionSystemComponent, SteeringControlComponent, VehicleControlSystemComponent, VehicleFramePart, + 14 subclasses of Temporal Interval Identifier

New Classes:

  • DisruptingDisposition, DelimitingDomain, GeopoliticalOrganization, GeopoliticalPowerRole, GovernmentOfACountry, InternationalCommunity, MaterialTerritoryOfACountry, MaterialTerritoryOfAGovernmentDomain, PermanentResident, PermanentResidentRole, InfrastructureElement, TransportationArtifact, LandTransportationArtifact, WaterTransportationArtifact, PortionOfAtmosphere, PortionOfCryosphere, PortionOfGeosphere, PortionOfHydrosphere, PortionOfLithosphere

New Properties:

  • has_interest_in, is_interest_of, disrupts, is_disrupted_by

Version 1.3 2021-03-01

15 Mar 20:42
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Summary of Changes

Deleted seven classes:

  • ProcessAggregate, FiatProcessPart, LifeEvent, ProcessRecurrenceAggregate, ProcessHistory, Economy, and EssentialServiceProvision

Modified four classes:

  • WaveCycle now a subclass of WaveProcess, update textual definition.
  • OscillationProcess now a subclass of Change, update textual definition, add definition source.
  • VibrationMotion now a subclass of Motion, update textual definition and label.
  • WaveProcess, deleted subclass restriction.

In resolution of #91

Version 1.3

23 Sep 21:18
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Summary of Changes:

  • Facility Ontology added
    • All subclasses of cco:Facility transferred from the Artifact Ontology into new ontology
  • Currency Unit Ontology now imported into All Core
  • Merged All Core Ontology added, which contains all 12 ontologies plus BFO and RO subset
  • 22 new terms added
    • Including roles for Component, Part, System, and Infrastructure
    • New properties: process_started_by and process_starts
  • 12 terms obsoleted
    • InformationStructureEntity
    • overlaps_with
    • properties for sets and proportions
  • IRI of cco:aggregrate_bearer_of renamed to cco:aggregate_bearer_of
  • Infrastructure now a defined equivalency based on new role
  • Axiom in GroupOfAgents modified
  • Top-level Modal Object Property added to group all MRO properties
  • Many object property definitions reformatted and improved
  • Other curative improvements to ontology and term metadata

Version 1.2 Interim Release 2019-12-20

20 Dec 20:56
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Summary of Changes:

  • New terms:
    • ControllablePitchPropeller
    • DocumentField
    • DocumentForm
    • TelecommunicationNetworkLine
    • BassFrequency
    • BrillianceFrequency
    • FMRadioBroadcastFrequency
    • LowMidrangeFrequency
    • MidrangeFrequency
    • PresenceFrequency
    • SubBassFrequency
    • UpperMidrangeFrequency
    • ArmoredFightingVehicle
  • Changed definition for Stasis
  • Added language tags to term annotations, removing xsd:string
  • Updated license file and readme
  • Added Getting Started Guide

Version 1.2

05 Sep 19:59
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Changes file located here


  • CCO now imports a subset of the latest release of RO. Details of the changes located here.
  • Ontologies now have version IRIs
    • Any change to a logical axiom in an ontology will result in a new version IRI. A documented full release will be assigned a new version number as well.
  • Classes Added: Animal, Plant, Organism, CurvilinearMotion, RectilinearMotion, County, LocalAdministrativeRegion, DivisionOfGeopoliticalEntity
  • Classes Deleted: 26, all related to deletion of GeopoliticalEntityPart
  • No longer referring to 'proper part' in spatial relationships. Several properties were renamed, which, due to having a new IRI, is in effect a combined deletion/addition. E.g., cco:has_tangential_proper_part deleted and cco:has_tangential_part added
  • Continual improvement of textual definitions and metadata. These non-axiomatic changes are not documented.

Version 1.1 interim release 2019-05-02

30 May 18:55
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Changes in this release include:

  • A new import module for RO is used, one that is built using a seed file. It contains all of RO-core and a subset of terms from RO-full not present in RO-core; cco-ro-import.owl and core.owl deleted.
  • A document can be found here that enumerates deletions, replacements, and additions that resulted from updating to the most current RO.
  • A local copy of BFO in turtle syntax is provided; bfo.owl deleted.
  • All ontologies now have version IRIs.
  • MRO updated to reflect current changes in CCO and RO.
  • The obsolete terms file was renamed.
  • Deleted or renamed object properties that made reference to proper parts.

Version 1.1

06 Mar 17:44
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This marks the beginning of a new development history for CCO on GitHub. The content of the ontology files in this commit is the same as the content of the files in 0838e2d.