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How to add new genome

Andrey Kartashov edited this page Oct 29, 2017 · 1 revision

UCSC Genome Browser

Downloading genome browser MySQL/MariaDB database

Download genome of interest into MySQL data directory (/var/lib/mysql for OpenSUSE).

 rsync -avzP rsync:// ./dm3/
 chown -R mysql.mysql ./dm3

Add indices

Download a corresponding fasta files into /wardrobe/indices/dm3, unzip and make one file, for example

mkdir -p /wardrobe/indices/dm3
cd /wardrobe/indices/dm3

zcat *.gz >>dm3.fa

Bowtie index

Make a bowtie index than copy it into /wardrobe/indices

bowtie-build dm3.fa dm3
cp dm3* ../

STAR index

To make STAR to pay attention to annotation it has to be provided in gtf format. One way to get right annotation is from UCSC genome browser Table Browser function. Save file into /wardrobe/indices/gtf/dm3_refseq.gtf

mkdir -p /wardrobe/indices/STAR/dm3
cd /wardrobe/indices/STAR/dm3
STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir ./ --genomeFastaFiles ../../dm3/dm3.fa --runThreadN 48 --sjdbGTFfile ../../gtf/dm3_refseq.gtf --sjdbOverhang 100 

Ribosomal index

Download a ribosomal sequence in fasta format then make a bowtie index with the prefix ribo and organism bowtie-build ribo.fasta ribo_dm3 and put index files into /wardrobe/indices/

Wardrobe update

Run next SQL command in command line mysql tool or in MySQL Workbench.

INSERT INTO ems.`genome` VALUES(genome,db,findex,annotation,annottable,gsize)
('D. melanogaster v3','dm3','dm3','dm3_refseq_genes','refGene','1.2e8');

Where db is UCSC genome browser database name dm3 in my case and findex is the base name used in bowtie-build and directory name after STAR/.