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Yves Ineichen edited this page Oct 11, 2016 · 2 revisions

This software stack provides sketching-based NLA kernels for more general data analysis and optimization applications; such tasks have significantly different input matrices and performance criteria than arise in the more traditional scientific computing applications. The crucial NLA kernels to be implemented include regression and low-rank approximations of matrices, akin to the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

Additionally this library provides a simple distributed Python interface.


Skylark uses Elemental for a dense matrix functionality. Elemental is a framework for distributed-memory dense linear algebra that strives to be both fast and convenient. It combines ideas including: element-wise matrix distributions (Hedrickson et al.), object-oriented submatrix tracking (FLAME, van de Geijn et al.), and first-class matrix distributions (PLAPACK, van de Geijn et al.). Many algorithms use techniques from LAPACK (Anderson et al.) in order to improve numerical stability.


Skylark uses CombBLAS for sparse matrix functionality. CombBLAS is a distributed memory reference implementation that implements scalable sparse (and some dense) matrix operations that is used to implement graph algorithms such as betweenness centrality and Markov clustering, see:

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