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Can I Walk My Dog Today?

Screenshot 2024-08-02 165846

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Overheating in dogs can be a fatal. In the UK, exertional heat-related illness (HRI) affects (74.2%), and kills more dogs, than confinement in a hot vehicle (5.2%).

Simply relying on 1 metric (ambient temperature) usually is not enough to determine how much or how vigorously you can exercise your dog. Thus this one-page-website aims to combat that, by providing multiple other factors. As well as, generic walking times based on various other sources.

  • Humidity
  • Heat Index
  • Heat Index Score
  • Apparent Temperature
  • WBGT (temp. Celsius, humidity, wind speed, solar radiation)

And provide some generic advice based on ASSA Humidity Reference Chart weather you can do Canicross, Bikejorring or Scooter/Rig Classes.

Key Factors Affecting a Dog's Body Temperature

  1. Ambient Temperature: High temperatures can quickly increase a dog's body heat, especially during exercise.
  2. Humidity: Humidity is one of the most difficult aspects of heat stroke - usually it comes with overcast conditions and cooler temperatures that lead many to believe that it is safe to walk or exercise their dogs outside. However, High humidity (over 35%) reduces the effectiveness of evaporative cooling, and humidity above 80% can negate it entirely.
  3. Exercise Intensity: Physical activity generates body heat, which can compound the effects of hot and humid weather.

How It Works

Formulas for Recommendations

  • ASSA has a few recommendations:
    • General Advice. ASSA Recommends that ambient temperatures are below 15 degrees and below 75% humidity, if you still feel this is too warm then don't run (ASSA Beginner Guide p.8)
    • Apparent Temperature. For more detailed calculation humidity is taken into consideration, and then specific advice provided based on different activity level (ASSA HUmidity Reference and Apparent Temperature Chart)
      • Canicross: Shortenned distances and timings when Apparent temperture is between 18-21.5C
      • Bikejoring: Shortenned distances and timings when Apparent temperture is between 15-17.5C
      • Scooter/Rig: Shortenned distances and timings when Apparent temperture is between 10-14.5C
  • Heat Index Score. recommends simple formula: HUMIDITY x Temperature = Heat Index Score (if this score exceed 1000 - caution should be taken, and exercise distances and timings shortened) (This is covered across all their freely provided training plans CanniCross Training Plan provided by Canicross UK)
  • Chelmsford Dog Association. Provides Heat Index Chart for Dogs Engaged in Low Activity. [CDA - Low activity Duration]

To Do

  • Add explanation for color coding and progress bars under each metric.
  • Activity Advice. Current MAX advice is to simply not to harness your dogs, but if conditions are extreme dogs hsould not be exercised at all in paticualr Bikejoring/Scooter
  • Time Locale. Show time at location. Calculate all graphs based on destination time.
  • Projecting becomeing too large. Split and move into Typescript? Look into React, Tailwinds, Next? Look into minification and speed up load time, reduced API calls etc.
  • Fix walking advice! It is dangerously high.
    • Newline for walking advice. Provide explanation why? e.g. expnd wlaking advice card or maybe provide a small chart with all possible metrics?
  • Look into Input Validation: cities, postcodes, locations
  • Unit options: Celsius, Farenheit
  • Implement breed-specific recommendations
  • Look into heat acclimation
  • Incorporate findings that male dogs have a higher chance of heatstroke
  • Factor in coat color, as dark-coated dogs have a higher chance of heatstroke
  • Add a Calendar View to plan safe walking times over the coming days based on weather forecasts
  • Provide alternative walking times, suggesting cooler parts of the day if the current conditions are too hot
  • Allow users to input their dog's typical activity level for more precise recommendations
  • Tailor advice based on the age of the dog
  • Include an option to factor in specific health conditions
  • Implement real-time alerts for sudden changes in weather that could impact planned walks
  • Integrate an interactive map showing nearby shaded parks, water stations, and dog-friendly cooling areas
  • Include educational resources on recognizing signs of heat stress and first aid steps for heatstroke



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