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Payload plugin that enables scheduled publishing for draft-enabled collections, inspired by wordpress post scheduler.

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npm i payload-plugin-scheduler


// payload.config.ts

import { buildConfig } from 'payload/config'
import { ScheduledPostPlugin } from 'payload-plugin-scheduler'
import Pages from './collections/Pages'
import Posts from './collections/Posts'
import Home from './globals/Home'

export default buildConfig({
  collections: [Pages, Posts],
  globals: [Home],
  plugins: [
      collections: ['pages', 'posts'],
      globals: ['home'],
      interval: 10,
  // ...more config


At least one collection / global is required.

collections?: string[]

An array of collection slugs. All collections must have drafts enabled.

globals?: string[]

An array of global slugs. All globals must have drafts enabled.

interval?: number

Specify how frequently to check for scheduled posts (in minutes). This value will also be passed to the DatePicker component. Defaults to 5 mins.

scheduledPosts?: Partial<CollectionConfig>

Custom configuration for the scheduled posts collection that gets merged with the defaults.


In a nutshell, the plugin creates a publish_date field that it uses to determine whether a pending draft update needs to be scheduled.


Custom Datetime field added to documents in enabled collections. Includes custom Field and Cell components that include schedule status in the client-side UI.


Collection added by the plugin to store pending schedule updates. Can be customized via scheduledPosts option.


A configurable timer checks for any posts to be scheduled in the upcoming interval window. For each hit, it creates a separate job that's fired at that document's publish_date (via node-schedule). The idea here is that you can configure your interval window to avoid super long running tasks that are more prone to flaking.


  • This plugin doesn't support Payload 3.0 beta. I intend to update it once 3.0 is stable, but it'll require substantial re-architecting to work in a serverless environment.

  • There's no logic in place to dedupe schedules across multiple instances of a single app (see #9)