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Extended Deepstream client

Promise based deepstream client. It's basically the with basic calls promisified, plus some extra methods. All methods are added as polyfills.


npm i -S extended-ds-client


Creating a client through this package will give you additional methods on the client object, leaving everything from the default client untouched (getRecord, getList etc).

These are the additional functions:

In case of rejection on any of these functions, the rejected argument is always an instance of Error.

There is also a utility function to import from this module:

Tunneling export of CONSTANTS & MERGE_STRATEGIES (so that you don't also have to import for these).

Example 1

import getClient from 'extended-ds-client';

const client = getClient('localhost:6020');

  .then(data => {
    console.log('Successful login.', data);
  .catch(data => {
    console.log('Login failed.', data);

const users = {};
client.record.p.getList('users').then(list => {
  // With the list of entries, map each entry to a record promise and
  // wait for all to get finished:
  Promise.all(list.getEntries().map(path => client.record.p.getRecord(path))).then(records =>
    records.forEach(record => {
      // Now save all data etc
      const user = record.get();
      users[] = user;

// Default functions still work
client.record.getList('article/x35b/comments').whenReady(l => {
  // ...

Example 2

import getClient, { CONSTANTS, ds } from 'extended-ds-client';

ds.client = getClient('localhost:6020'); // use singleton feature

ds.client.loginP({}); // using alias pattern (instead of p.login)

console.log(CONSTANTS); // MERGE_STRATEGIES is also available as import

Example 3

// Given Example 2 file is imported together with this one

import { ds } from 'extended-ds-client';

// And why not use async-await now...

async function fetchUsers() {
  const l = await ds.client.record.p.getExistingList('users');
  const records = await Promise.all(
    l.getEntries().map(path => ds.client.record.p.getExistingRecord(path)),
  const users = {};
  records.forEach(r => {
    const user = r.get();
    users[] = user;
  return users;


Default export from this module is the function getClient to create a client (just like deepstream() in original client). In the same way it also accepts an options object.

const client = getClient('localhost:6020', {
  datasetRecordFullPaths: false,
  datasetRecordIdKey: 'rid',
  splitChar: '.',
Option Type Default Description
datasetRecordFullPaths boolean true Full paths in lists (or only id) for datasetRecord methods.
datasetRecordIdKey string 'id' ID key for dataset records.
splitChar string '/' Splitting character in paths (for dataset records).

Promisification API

The promises will be resolved with the same argument(s) as the default client callbacks would get (or the whenReady when applicable). See the deepstream JS client documentation.


Alias: loginP

Straightforward promisification of login. See Example 1 above.

Note: Default login still works, you can still do the standard line with callback: client.login({}, success => console.log(success));


Alias: record.getRecordP

Promisification of record.getRecord.

  .then(dsRecord => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);


Alias: record.getListP

Promisification of record.getList.

  .then(dsList => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);


Alias: record.setDataP

Promisification of record.setData.

client.record.p.setData(name, path, data)
  .then(() => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);


Alias: record.snapshotP

Promisification of record.snapshot.

  .then(record => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);


Alias: record.hasP

Promisification of record.has, but will reject if it does not exist (and on error of course).

A second optional argument makes the check inverted -- rejecting on existing record. (This can be handy to make sure an id is free).

  .then(() => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);

await client.record.p.has('record1');
// if we get here, record1 is a non-taken record id


Alias: rpc.makeP

Promisification of rpc.make.

client.rpc.p.make(name, data)
  .then(result => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);

Additional API functions


Alias: record.getExistingRecordP

Additional method that does a .has-check before .getRecord to get a record handler without implicit record creation (Compare with snapshot that also fails if the record does not exist, but returns the actual record instead of a record handler). It rejects the promise if the record does not exist.

  .then(dsRecord => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);


Alias: record.getExistingListP

Like p.getExistingRecord above, but for List.

  .then(dsList => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);


Alias: record.deleteRecordP

Will resolve when the delete event is emitted (avoiding the race condition risk).

  .then(() => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);
Argument Type Default Description
arg string/Object The path to the record OR a DS Record object.


Alias: record.deleteListP

Like p.deleteRecord above, but for List.

  .then(() => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);
Argument Type Default Description
arg string/Object The path to the list OR a DS List object.


Alias: record.addToListP

Add an entry or multiple entries to an existing list, without duplicates.

client.record.p.addToList('books', 'selfish-gene')
  .then(dsList => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);
Argument Type Default Description
listPath string The name/path of the record.
id string/Array Entry(ies) to add.


Alias: record.removeFromListP

Remove an entry or multiple entries from an existing list.

client.record.p.removeFromList('books', 'selfish-gene')
  .then(dsList => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);
Argument Type Default Description
listPath string The name/path of the record.
id string/Array Entry(ies) to add.


Alias: record.updateExistingRecordP

Update a record, choosing from one of multiple update modes:

  • shallow: Default mode. Overwrite each property at the base level.
  • overwrite: Replace the whole record.
  • deep: Deep merge of the updates into record (using lodash.merge).
  • deepConcat: Deep merge, but concatenate arrays with only simple values.
  • deepConcatAll: Merge like deepConcat, but concatenate ALL arrays.
  • deepIgnore: Deep merge, but leave unchanged if some value in updates is '%IGNORE%'.
  • deepConcatIgnore: Merge like deepConcat, but skip values like deepIgnore.
  • removeKeys: With updates as an array, remove corresponding keys in record.

Two additional array arguments, lockedKeys and protectedKeys, makes it possible to lock or protect given keys, regardless of update mode. Locked keys won't be altered and protected ones won't be removed.

client.record.p.updateExistingRecord('record1', { a: 1, data: { b: 2 }})
  .then(() => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);

  { data: { configs: [{ items: ['toBeConcatenated'] }] } },
  .then(() => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);

  { data: { confs: ['%IGNORE%', { items: ['replacingFirstItem'] }] }, id: 'xb24' },
  .then(() => ...)
  .catch(error => ...);
Argument Type Default Description
name string The name/path of the record.
updates Object/Array The updates. Array for mode = removeKeys
mode string "shallow" Update mode, see details above.
lockedKeys Array Keys which values can't be altered.
protectedKeys Array Keys which can't be removed.


Alias: record.getDatasetRecordP

In case you often end up with the structure of having a list of some type of records as the "parent" of those records. For example a list of all bookings at bookings and the bookings at bookings/room-19, bookings/room-27 etc.

On resolve you get back both the deepstream list handle and record handle.

The options described in getClient above will influence how this function operates.

client.record.p.getDatasetRecord('bookings', 'room-27').then(([dsList, dsRecord]) => {
  const booking = dsRecord.get();
  console.log(booking.time, '-', booking.customer);
Argument Type Default Description
listPath string The path to the list.
recordId string The ID of the record.
initiation Object If created, initiate record with this.


Alias: record.deleteDatasetRecordP

Removes both a record and its entry in the list, as created with getDatasetRecord.

client.record.p.deleteDatasetRecord('bookings', 'room-27').then(dsList => {
  console.log('List of records after delete:', dsList.getEntries());
Argument Type Default Description
listPath string The path to the list.
recordId string The ID of the record.

Utility functions

These are not extensions of the client object, but freely importable functions.


An alternative way to add entries to a deepstream list, that prevents duplicates.

See also above method record.p.addToList that utilizes this one.

import { addEntry } from 'extended-ds-client';

  .then(dsList => addEntry(dsList, 'selfish-gene'));
  .catch(error => ...);
Argument Type Default Description
list Object A DS List object.
str string The entry to add.



Change log


  • Removed \*ListedRecord in favor of new getDatasetRecord & deleteDatasetRecord
  • Name changes of options
    • listedRecordFullPaths -> datasetRecordFullPaths
    • listedRecordIdKey -> datasetRecordIdKey
  • Added a very versatile updateExistingRecord method
  • record.p.has now rejects on non-existent record


  • Added getListedRecord that returns list & record handles
    • Will create both list & record if non-existent
    • Consistent with original getList/getRecord
  • setListedRecord now only returns the record id
  • Added method deleteListedRecord
  • addToList & removeFromList now also accepts multiple entries
  • Options added that controls how *listedRecord operates
    • datasetRecordFullPaths
    • datasetRecordIdKey
    • splitChar


  • New primary naming / method access, using p as scope
    • Keeping old naming as aliases
  • Full test coverage
  • Much smaller footprint in node_modules
  • Dropping unofficial tenant extension
  • Dropping deprecated methods
  • Improved documentation with more examples/code


  • Methods added as polyfills
  • New method addToList
  • Re-exporting of deepstream client constants

Please create an Issue in github if you feel something is missing!


Extended deepstream client







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