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Simple API handling implementation for Nette\Application\IPresenter


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API Controller

Simple implementation for Nette\Application\IPresenter.

This allows to completely avoid Nette\Application\UI\Presenter and focus only on stateless API actions; ApiController avoids e.g.:

  • Nette Component model (components hierarchy, forms, custom controls, etc.),
  • Signals (handleAction),
  • Creating links, canonicalization requests,
  • Redirects,
  • Templates rendering (you can manually render Latte with Latte Engine but it's not integrated directly inside the Controller)


  • Add dependency composer require vitekdev/nette-api-controller
  • ApiController uses PSR 3 logging, if you want to use Tracy, just register this bridge in your services config: Tracy\Bridges\Psr\TracyToPsrLoggerAdapter
  • That's it, you can create your first Controller




final readonly class HelloController extends \VitekDev\Nette\Application\ApiController
    public function __construct(
        private UsersService $usersService,
    ) {
    // Controller actions are in httpmethodActionName format

     * @return UserDto[]
    public function getIndex(): array // List of users
        return $this->usersService->listUsers(); // Automatically translates to JSON
    public function postIndex(CreateUser $dto): UserDto // Create new user; automatically maps payload to object
        return $this->usersService->createUser($dto);
    public function postSayHello(string $id): string // Say hello to user; automatically maps route parameter to action parameter
        $user = $this->usersService->get($id);
        if (!$user) {
            throw new ResourceNotFound('User not found'); // Automatically returns HTTP 404 Not Found
        return sprintf('Hello %s', $user->name); // Automatically sends text response 'Hello John'


Action name with request method

Expected request method is defined directly in action name.

E.g. public function getFoo(): void will accept only GET requests, public function postFoo(): void will accept only POST requests.

Auto mapping of route parameters

Route parameters are automatically mapped to action parameters.

E.g. public function getFoo(int $id): void will automatically map route parameter id to action parameter $id. Parameters itself are handled via Nette\Routing (see

Auto mapping of request body JSON to object

All objects extending VitekDev\Nette\Application\Request\RequestBody are automatically mapped from request body JSON.

Mapping is done via ::map(array $json): self method. Some exceptions thrown here (ValidationFailed | InvalidArgumentException | DomainException) are automatically translated to HTTP 400 Bad Request.

E.g. if we have following DTO class:

class SayHelloDto implements \VitekDev\Nette\Application\Request\RequestBody
    public string $name;
    public static function map(array $json): self
        $dto = new self();
        $dto->name = $json['name'] ?? throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing name');
        return $dto;

We can set up following controller action just as simple as:

public function postHello(SayHelloDto $request): void
    // do what you have to do

Validation & fully automated mapping

You can also use e.g. Nette\Schema if you want fully automated validation and/or need more complex validation.

Implementation of Nette\Schema and RequestBody is already bundled in VitekDev\Nette\Application\Request\AutoMappedRequestBody.

If you need to add some additional validation, you can override method ::getCustomRules(): array in implementing class.

class SayHelloDto extends \VitekDev\Nette\Application\Request\AutoMappedRequestBody
    public string $name;
    public int $age;
    public static function getCustomRules(): array
        return [
            'age' => \Nette\Schema\Expect::int()->min(0)->max(90),

Action result = Controller response

The ApiController automatically sends response with data returned from action.

public function getCustomResponse(): \Nette\Application\Response
    return new Nette\Application\Responses\VoidResponse(); // you can manually send any compatible Response

public function getText(): string
    return 'hello world'; // will send HTTP 200 response with 'hello world' text

public function getJson(): array
    return ['foo' => 'bar']; // will send HTTP 200 response with '{"foo":"bar"}' JSON

public function getDto(): SayHelloDto
    $dto = new SayHelloDto();
    $dto->name = 'John';
    return $dto; // will send HTTP 200 response with '{"name":"John"}' JSON

public function getJustNothing(): void
    // will send HTTP 204 No Content

Automatic handling specific Exceptions

Listed exceptions are automatically translated to VitekDev\Nette\Application\Response\StatusResponse.

  • DomainException => HTTP 500 Internal Server Error (with exception message)
  • VitekDev\Shared\Exceptions\AuthenticationRequired => HTTP 401 Unauthorized (with exception message)
  • VitekDev\Shared\Exceptions\AuthorizationInsufficient => HTTP 403 Forbidden (with exception message)
  • VitekDev\Shared\Exceptions\ResourceNotFound => HTTP 404 Not Found (with exception message)

All other errors, especially RuntimeException, are translated to HTTP 500 Internal Server Error without exception message.

Recommended Router

You can use Route as simple as: api/v1/<module>/<presenter>/<action>[/<id>] that is already bundled and ready to use: VitekDev\Nette\Application\ApiRouter.

Side notes


The ApiController is readonly so all child classes must be readonly.


Simple API handling implementation for Nette\Application\IPresenter







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