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FlowService (PIB Flow)

The FlowService is a workflow integration framework which integrates sPrintOne into a print production line. The service takes print jobs from any source and prepares and imports them to sPrintOne. Further more, approved
gang forms are being received from sPrintOne and will be converted to PDF, so that they can be easily processed by subsequenting applications such as prepress workflows etc.


Flow Customization

In order to achieve a maximum level of integration, the FlowService provides several functions needed to be customized:

  • extractJobs() - Extraction of jobs from any source.
  • processJob() - Analyze Job Information and create BinderySignatures or an AssemblerTask.
  • processJobBinderySignatures() - Post process generated BinderySignatures.
  • generateSheetId() - Generate a sheetId for a sheet.
  • processSheet() - Post processing of a generated sheet.
  • moveFiles() - Move files from the storage folder to the sheet folder.
  • getVersion() - Version details about this implementation.
  • getFlowConfig() - Configuration for PIB Flow (optional).

All customizations have to be done in an external node library which will be automatically imported to FlowService at start up. One reference implementation of such a customization is the "DefaultPdfIntegration" which is available on github:

Function: extractJobs()

The function extractJobs() extract completes jobs from any source needed.

Input (Parameters):

The function extractJobs() requires the following input parameters:

Parameter Description Example
pathDataIn The path of the data input directory which is being scanned periodically for new jobs. /data/in

Output (JSON Object):

The function extractJobs() returns an array of complete jobs ready to be processed. Each job object SHALL include at least an attribute 'jobId' as well as a files array, which contains the list of files belonging to that job. Additional fields are optional.

        jobId: "job-1",
        files: ["/data/in/file-1-1.pdf", "/data/in/file-1-2.xml"],
        custom-field: "optional custom-field",
        jobId: "job-2",
        files: ["/data/in/file-2-1.pdf", "/data/in/file-2-2.xml"],
        custom-field: "optional custom-field",

Function: processJob()

The function processJob analyzes the job information and creates BinderySignatures or an AssemblerTask.

Input (Parameters):

The function processJob() requires the following input parameters:

Parameter Description Example
job One Job object of the job array extracted by extractJobs() before.

NOTE: The attribute 'storageDir' defines the folder where all the input files are going to be stored after successful import.
see below
mediaList A json list of SPOV3 media entities provided by the PIB-Flows media retrieval. see below
    jobId: "job-1",
    files: ["/data/in/file-1-1.pdf", "/data/in/file-1-2.xml"],
    custom-field: "optional custom-field",
    storageDir: "/data/storage/job-1/"
    "label:"Bilderdruck glänzend 170g 880x630 mm Breitbahn",
    "categories": {

Output (JSON Object):

The output is either a BinderySignature JSON or a AssemblerTask JSON as defined in the sPrintOne API.

Function: processJobBinderySignatures()

Post process of generated BinderySignatures.

Input (Parameters):

The function processJobBinderySignatures() requires the following input parameters:

Parameter Description Example
binderySignatures List of BinderySignatures generated either from processJob() before or from the Assembler.
job The job object.

Output (JSON Object):

The modified list of BinderySignatures.

Function: generateSheetId()

The function generateSheetId() generates a sheet's identifier based on the event XML.

Input (Parameters):

The function generateSheetId() requires the following input parameters:

Parameter Description Example
event The sheets Event XML

Output (String):

The output is a single string representing the sheet's identifier.

Function: processSheet()

The function processSheet is the last one called in the process. This method can be used to integrate MIS Systems. [!Currently not called!]

Input (Parameters):

The function processSheet() requires the following input parameters:

Parameter Description Example
sheetDirectory The directory where all the sheet files are stored.
outputFiles JSON Object containing the files contained by the sheetDirectory

Output (none):

The function processSheet() has no output.

Function: moveFiles()

The function moveFiles is called parallel to the function processSheet. This method can be used to copy files to subsequenting applications hotfolder.

Input (Parameters):

The function moveFiles() requires the following input parameters:

Parameter Description Example
sheetDirectory The directory where all the sheet files are stored.
jobInfos JSON Object containing infos about the gangJobEvent
storageFolder path to the storage folder


The function moveFiles() returns a error message on error containing a list of missing file ids.

Function: getFlowConfig()

The optional function getFlowConfig() offers the possibility to adapt PIB Flow to custom needs by providing a custom configuration to it. If this is not done, PIB Flow will runin default configuration.



Output (JSON Object):

The function getFlowConfig() has to return a configuration json in the following format:

    flows : {
        binderySignatureUpload : {
            options : {
                uploadToWorkspace           : { enabled : true },
                createMultipleLayoutTasks   : { enabled : false }

        notificationListener : {
            enabled : true,
            options : {
                writeGangJobEventJSON       : { enabled : true },              
                writeGangJobEventXML        : { enabled : false },
                impose                      : { enabled : true },
                generateJdfJobTicket        : { enabled : false },
                generatePdfJobTicket        : { enabled : false }   

        layoutTaskProcessor : {
            enabled : false,
            options : {
                writeLayoutTaskJSON         : { enabled : true },
                writeLayoutTaskXML          : { enabled : false },
                writeReport                 : { 
                    enabled : true,
                    params : {
                        urlParams : ""
                writeApogeeJDF              : { 
                    enabled : false,
                    params : {
                        urlParams : "?jdfIdStrategy=FIRST_ORDER_REF&jdfBinderySignatureIdStrategy=LABEL"

This example json is a maximum example containing all possible configurations and also the default configuration which is used if no custom configuration is provided. You can provide either the whole json or only parts of it, which are then merged with the default configuration. You have to respect the following rules. More infos about the configuration in section Flow Configuration.

  • Provide either the whole json or parts of it.
  • Within flow binderySignatureUpload, exactly one of the options uploadToWorkspace and createMultipleLayoutTasks has to be enabled.
  • Exactly one of the flows notificationListener and layoutTaskProcessor has to be enabled.
  • If you adress a option, you also have to provide the key enabled whereas adressing key params is optional.

Flow Configuration

PIB Flow consists of three independent NodeRed flows, each fullfills different tasks:

Flow binderySignatureUpload

The purpose of this by an endpoint triggered flow is watching an input folder for print orders, which are being converted to bindery signatures and uploaded to sPrint One. In case the print order is a brochure, the sPrint One Assembler is used to disassemble the order into bindery signatures [always enabled].

Customizing functions

  • extractJobs()
  • processJob()
  • processJobBinderySignatures()


  • uploadToWorkspace: Uploads the bindery signatures in a predefined sPrint One workspace [included, default: enabled].
  • createMultipleLayoutTasks: Optional service to receive the bindery signatures. See [webservice, default: disabled]. Environment variable in flow: MULTI_LAYOUTTASKS_SERVICE_URL

Exactly on of these options has to be enabled.

Flow notificationListener

This flow uses a websocket to listen to a predefined tenant for approved print jobs. Once a print job notification was received, the purpose of this flow is to download all information, PDF files, JSON files and JDF files needed into the out folder [dewfault: enabled].

Customizing functions

  • generateSheetId() - Generate a sheetId for a sheet.
  • processSheet() - Post processing of a generated sheet.
  • moveFiles() - Move files from the storage folder to the sheet folder.


  • writeGangJobEventJSON: Write a JSON file containing the gangjob event [included, default: enabled].
  • writeGangJobEventXML: Write a XML file containing the gangjob event [included, default: disabled].
  • impose: Impose the print job and create a sheet pdf with default marks. See This service alos provides a PPF file for cutting, a JPEG preview file, a basic XJDF file and an Identification PDF file for the sheet [webservice, default: enabled]. Environment variable in flow: IMPOSITION_URL
  • generateJdfJobTicket: This service creates a JDF jobticket accompanying the sheet PDF, that can be used to create a job in the following expositioning workflow. See [webservice, default: disabled]. Environment variable in flow: JDF_JOBTICKET_GENERATOR_URL
  • generatePdfJobTicket: This service creates a PDF jobticket, see [webservice, default: disabled]. Environment variable in flow: PDF_JOBTICKET_GENERATOR_URL

Any of those options can be enabled.

Flow layoutTaskProcessor

This flow is also triggered by an endpoint. Once it received a LayoutTask ID its purpose is to download the LayoutTask including PDF and JDF files and move them into the out folder [default: disabled].

Customizing functions



  • writeLayoutTaskJSON: Download and write a JSON file containing the LayoutTask [included, default: enabled].
  • writeLayoutTaskXML: Download and write a XML file containing the LayoutTask [included, default: disabled].
  • writeReport: Download and write the LayoutTask Report file. Optional parameter urlParams can be set which is added to the download URL [included, default: enabled].
  • writeApogeeJDF: Download and write the LayoutTask Apogee JDF file. Optional parameter urlParams can be set which is added to the download URL [included, default: disabled].

Any of those options can be enabled.

Flow UI

PIB Flow provides it's own user interface in the browser. This UI is automatically adapted to the configuration.

Development Infos

# build dev image
docker build -t pib:v1 .

# start container for development
docker run -p 1881:1881 -v $PWD/lib/flow/src:/opt/flow/src pib:v1
Parameter Description
-p 1881:1881 Port Forwarding von Container auf Host
-v [PATH]:[PATH] Verbindet das Entwicklungsverzeichnis mit src Ordner im Container

Folder Interface