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This repository contains the source for

The pages are generated using Jekyll. All pages are written in Markdown and converted into HTML by Jekyll.

The actual webpage is hosted by GitHub ( with a custom domain ( GitHub automatically runs Jekyll to regenerate the website whenever a commit is push to the repository.


  • - The main page

  • _config.yml - Jekyll configuration file

  • Gemfile, Gemfile.lock - Defines tool vesions used to build the site

  • img - Directory containing images

  • _includes - Directory containing html fragments 'included' into pages by Jekyll (e.g. Header, Footer)

  • _pages - Directory containing *.md files defining stand-alone pages

  • _posts - Directory for blog posts (currently unused)

  • _site - Build directory created by Jekyll

  • CNAME - Defines the custom domain (used by GitHub)

Modifying the Website

Modifying an existing page

Simply edit the associated *.md file, commit the change and push it to GitHub.

Adding a new page

Add the new Markdown file (e.g. to the _pages directory.

Ensure the top of the file contains the following:

layout: page
title: <title>
permalink: /<link>/

Where <title> is replaced with the title of the page (e.g. My New Page), and <link> is replaced with the page URL (e.g. if <link> is mynewpage the new page will be served at

New pages will be automatically added to the header navigation bar by Jekyll (see _includes/header.html).

Building Locally

It is useful to test changes locally before pushing to GitHub.

See here for details on installing Jekyll with a configuration to match GitHub's.

Once complete you can run

bundle exec jekyll serve

Which will start a local server (e.g. you can connect to with a browser to preview your changes.