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A step by step guide to build a Ctrlr panel ( adapted from PDF to MD, images pending )

Using the Moog Sub37 as example
Original Author: Dominique aka goodweather
v1.3 - 2016-03-31


Note: the content of this Step by step document is at the moment only based on my understanding of Ctrlr. If errors in understanding, just let me know 

A step by step guide to build a Ctrlr panel v1.3


I’m a newbie in Ctrlr and I decided to describe my step by step discovery of this tool. First of all, despite the lack of a manual, we must all congratulate Atom for the creation of this higher level Midi controller software based on lower level components like Juce.

As he describes on the Ctrlr web site, the best way to learn is to look to the different existing panels and to learn from there. In the Panels section of the web site there is also a special one called Demo panels. I would add one very important point: you must have a goal. My goal was to implement a librarian for my brand new Moog Sub37.

In the 90’s I wrote in C and assembler a program called DXDOS that allowed to retrieve and send sound banks of my DX7. So I was ready to take that direction but as we all know, things didn’t stay static in the MIDI and software world during the last 25 years. The VSTi power to integrate almost any software emulated synth or effect in our DAWs is one of the most noticeable example. By browsing on the web I found thus a lot of documentation and possible way to build some librarian in today’s techniques and decided to settle for Juce (without knowing any details of it at that moment) when I discovered Ctrlr that would allow me to go faster because at higher level. Then I found the Moog Minitaur panel made by Stoner and my decision was taken: steel with pride, copy and adapt to the Sub37.

Yes, but from where do I start? Is there some documentation? Well, besides a good Getting started there is none. Looked in the forum and I saw I was not the only one requesting this. So, back to the beginning of this introduction, let’s go for a step by step guide and have our goal set to the panel creation for the Moog Sub37.

Then I realized by browsing further in the forum that there were many posts containing key information, basic scripts and basic tips. In the Step by step part I’ll only document the things that I will address and that I will understand. So, my apology if I’m not addressing the particular topic specific for you own panel. At this stage, this document is a Step by step guide and not a complete reference manual. I have seen many great things done by the Ctrlr user community mainly programming wise and of course this could also be added later on (for example a graph showing the EG curves).

At the end of the document, in the Appendix you’ll find a list of topics that should be addressed later on, a list of (possible) bugs,
enhancements and open questions but also a few references to useful posts written by the Ctrlr community. Thanks to all!

Good reading...Dominique (goodweather)

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 2
Step 1 - Let’s start with Ctrlr ......................................................................................................... 5
   Installation........................................................................................................................................... 5
   Starting Ctrlr and creating a new panel .............................................................................................. 6
   Saving your panel ................................................................................................................................ 7
   Exporting your panel ........................................................................................................................... 7
Step 2 - Adding some tabs and the main panel ............................................................................. 8
   The uiTabs modulator ......................................................................................................................... 8
   Background panel images ................................................................................................................... 9
Step 3 - Adding buttons ............................................................................................................. 11
   Button images concept ..................................................................................................................... 11
   Adding a rotary button ...................................................................................................................... 12
   The modulator list window ............................................................................................................... 14
   Copy/Paste buttons ........................................................................................................................... 14
   Adding a toggle button...................................................................................................................... 15
   Adding a momentary button ............................................................................................................. 16
Step 4 - Sending Midi data ......................................................................................................... 17
   Understanding the Midi specifications of your device...................................................................... 17
   Preparing modulators for sending a CC midi message ..................................................................... 18
   Preparing modulators for sending a NRPN midi message ................................................................ 18
   The MIDI monitor .............................................................................................................................. 19
   Setting Ctrlr to send data and testing ............................................................................................... 20
Step 5 - Introduction to automation with Lua ............................................................................. 22
   What is Lua? ...................................................................................................................................... 22
   Lua references ................................................................................................................................... 22
   Some automation .............................................................................................................................. 22
   Step by step ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................ 26
   Version history .................................................................................................................................. 26
   Things I didn’t find ............................................................................................................................. 26
   Identified things to add in this manual ............................................................................................. 26
   Identified possible bugs in v5.3.94 .................................................................................................... 26
   Possible enhancements related to the topics treated in this manual .............................................. 27
Appendix B................................................................................................................................. 28
   Ctrlr methods documentation........................................................................................................... 28

Step 1 - Let’s start with Ctrlr


  • Install Ctrlr by downloading it from the web site (you need to search for the last version by date and operating system). image
  • Then download the panel(s) of your choice. In my case it is the Moog Minitaur panel created by Stoner and I’ll refer to that one from now on.


Starting Ctrlr and creating a new panel

  • Start Ctrlr and open the Minitaur panel. Woaw! So nice!
  • Select Panel --> Panel Mode to display the properties of all elements. To come back in normal mode, just select Panel Mode again (or Ctrl-E)


  • Under File, select New Panel to create your new panel.
  • Enter some properties in the Properties panel visible on the right side:
    • Panel - Name: the name of your panel (will appear as tab name if you have several panels opened at the same time)
    • Panel - Panel author name
    • Panel - Panel author description
    • Panel - Version MAJOR and Version MINOR: set it to 0.1 (0 for major and 1 for minor)
    • Panel - Vendor, Panel - Device: Manufacturer and Device names


Saving your panel

  • Under File, select Save or Save As to save your panel. A file with .panel as extension will be created (it is an XML file).


  • As always, it is better to perform too many saves than losing some work! Use the versioning proposed, save names are adapted and proposed automatically.

Exporting your panel

  • Ctrlr reads and can export its data in different formats:
    • .panel - XML
    • .panelz - compressed XML (gzip)
    • .bpanel - Binary
    • .bpanelz - Binary compressed (the best way to share on the net, smallest and loads quick)


Step 2 - Adding some tabs and the main panel

  • In Ctrlr all components have parent modulators (in fact a component is embedded within a modulator). Modulators have properties and components have properties.

The uiTabs component

  • Right click on the panel grid and select Add component --> Groups and views --> uiTabs


  • You should see a component called “modulator-2”. Click on it to select it. The property panel on the right side will now show the uiTabs properties.


  • Scroll through the property panel and read the different properties to have an idea of the many fine tuning possibilities.

We will now add 4 tabs and adjust a few layout parameters:

  • Scroll down completely at the bottom of the property panel to see the Add tab button. Click 4 times on it in order to have 4 tabs. The component turns yellow and 4 tabs named Tab0, Tab1, Tab2 and Tab3 are created. To see the effect of your change, you need to click on an empty area of the panel then to reselect the uiTabs modulator.
  • Modulator - Name: give a name to the modulator; for example Tabs
  • Component generic - Tab name: Sub37 Editor, Arp and Seq, Librarian, Miscellaneous (you give a name to each tab)
  • Component generic - Content background color: the background color of each tab window. Set it to FF303030. The 6 last digits in hexadecimal are representing the RGB values of the color. 00 is the lowest level and FF is the maximum level for each R, G and B. 00000 is black, FFFFFF is white.
    • Look at for example to get the HEX values of colors. The 2 first digits are the alpha level (transparency setting). To see the effect of your change, you need to click on an empty area of the panel then to reselect the uiTabs modulator.
  • Component generic - Tab background color: the background color of each tab heading. Set it to FF303030. Same explanation as above for the hexadecimal setting.
  • Component generic - Name label visible: OFF. This will hide the name of the currently selected modulator.
  • Component generic - Visible name: Moog Sub37 tabs. The label of the currently selected modulator.
  • Component - Tabs orientation: TabsAtBottom. The positioning of the tabs labels.
  • Component - Tab text font (current): bold ON. The font of the selected tab labels.


Background panel images

  • You may keep the panel background as plain color but another possibility is to find an existing panel layout (if possible without any button) on internet.
  • For the Sub37 I found the actual panel on the Moog Music site and also a panel made by a Sub37 owner to register his patches. I took the Moog Music panel and adjusted it by removing the Programming and Arpeggiator sections from the left and the Output section from the right (this may evolve during the life cycle of this project).


  • Before being able to use an image in the panel it is needed to upload it in Resources. On the right side of the property panel, vertically, click on the Resources tab then upload your panel image(s) by clicking on the Add button.


  • Now, go back to the General tab of the property panel and use the image(s) as background for tab(s):
    • Component generic - Background image: select the background image for each tab. For me, the Sub37 back panel in the tab Sub37 Editor. I’ll see later on for the other tabs.
    • Resize the panel (white area)and the uiTabs modulator (orange border) by moving the mouse on their borders and dragging the border until you reach a good size for your tab/panel


Step 3 - Adding buttons

Button images concept

  • First of all, you should know that when you open a panel in Ctrlr, the images used are available in a temporary folder under C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Ctrlr\temp_folder_name where temp_folder_name is something like 8.nTdcoD3iacC (under Windows).
  • This means that you have the possibility to re-use existing nice button or panel images from the panels provided on the Ctrlr web site if you find some nice ones. For my Sub37 panel, I’m re-using the buttons used by Stoner in his Minitaur panel. Great feature and thanks Stoner!
  • Secondly, buttons, either rotary or toggle, do have different states. A toggle button will typically have only 2 states while a rotary button will have many to describe its different angular positions or values. Midi-wise, a button returning 127 values should have 127 positions.
  • This is rendered in the same “container” image by putting side by side - either horizontally or vertically - an image (frame) corresponding to each button position/value. Each frame should have the same size that will be indicated in Ctrlr properties.

Examples (the 3 first ones from Stoner’s Minitaur panel):

image image image image

  • The first image is an extract of a 127 frames 80x10160 pixels image (10160=127x80), the second one a triple state button, the third and last ones ON-OFF toggle switches.
  • The last one has been done by taking actual pictures from my Sub37 then by tweaking with different image editing software. To be honest, the most difficult part was to size the two images to get exactly the same button size and to position them exactly at 25-75% of the height and 50% of the width (use rules!). This is required to have the frame concept working fine as you need to specify the frame size in the properties.
  • I think you can also design the buttons with a 2D or 3D CAD system and there is also a nice freeware called Jknobman that supports creating buttons and all their frames. You can download it at .
  • As for the main panel, before being able to use an image for a button it is needed to upload it in Resources. On the right side of the property panel, vertically, click on the Resources tab then upload your button image(s) by clicking on the Add button.

Adding a rotary button

  • Right click on the panel grid and select Add component --> Sliders --> uiImageSlider


  • As before, set different properties:
    • Modulator - Name: give a name to the modulator; for example btnAmpAttack (I saw a post from Atom advising to keep names to max 8 characters in the case the panel is used as VST - to check)
    • Component generic - Visible name: Amp Attack. In case of, we will hide it anyway.
    • Component generic - Name label visible: OFF
    • Component generic - Image resource: your_rotary_button_image (for me: LP80)
    • Component generic - Frame width: 80 (the width of each frame)
    • Component generic - Frame height: 80 (the height of each frame)
    • Component generic - Image frame orientation: vertical (if you assembled your frames vertically)


  • Component - Slider style: RotaryVerticalDrag
  • Component - Minimum value: 0
  • Component - Maximum value: 127
  • Component - Value position: NoTextBox
  • Component - Display popup bubble when dragging: ON. This is a nice feature showing the actual value of the button when you turn it. Optional of course...
  • With the rotary button modulator selected, right-click on it and select Layout - Send to front to secure the visibility of the button when we will move it on the panel.
  • Adjust the button size by pulling the orange border down or up then move the button to its position.
  • Re-adjust size and position precisely.
  • Check that the following properties are set:
    • Component generic - Group: Tabs
    • Component generic - Is component member of a group: Yes
  • When moving the panel, the button will move at the same time.
  • Later on, it can be useful to set the property Component generic - Component size and position is locked to ON. I would advise not to do it directly as it makes selection and copy paste more tricky.
  • (Need to understand the behavior and interest of this property as once a modulator is part of a group it is moving together with the group so somewhere its position is locked...)

The modulator list window

  • If modulators are part of a group and with their position and size locked, it is not possible to select them directly. To be able to modify their properties and select them individually, select Panel --> Modulator list from the top menu then click on the modulator you want to modify. The panel properties will show the corresponding properties that you can directly edit as in a table.


Copy/Paste buttons

  • To quicker reproduce buttons, it is possible to use a classical Copy/Paste.
  • Select your modulator then right click and select Edit-->Copy.
  • Select the Tabs modulator then right click and select Edit-->Paste.
  • Position them where needed. Position and size is visible in the Component generic - Position and size property (xpos, ypos, horizontal size, vertical size).
  • Don’t forget to adapt the Modulator - Name and Component generic - Visible name properties for each new button! Use different and topic related names.

image image

Adding a toggle button

  • A toggle button is for example a two frames button that will be dark or illuminated at each click.
  • Right click on the panel grid and select Add component --> Buttons --> uiImageButton

image image

  • As before, set different properties:
    • Modulator - Name: give a name to the modulator; for example btnOsc2HardSync
    • Component generic - Visible name: OSC 2 HARD SYNC. In case of, we will hide it anyway.
    • Component generic - Name label visible: OFF
    • Component generic - Image resource: your_toggle_button_image (for me: RectangleLight)
    • Component generic - Frame width: 220 (the width of each frame)
    • Component generic - Frame height: 278 (the height of each frame)
    • Component generic - Image frame orientation: vertical (if you assembled your frames vertically)
    • Component - Button mode: normal (switching between two or more frames)
    • Component - Button values: False True (one value by row)
  • With a normal mode button, the button values are cycled row by row and the frames displayed one by one.

image image

Adding a momentary button

  • A momentary button is for example a one frame button that will cycle through different values each time it is pressed.
  • Right click on the panel grid and select Add component --> Buttons --> uiImageButton

image image

  • As before, set different properties:
    • Modulator - Name: give a name to the modulator; for example btnMod2Osc
    • Component generic - Visible name: MOD2 Osc1/2 Sel. In case of, we will hide it anyway.
    • Component generic - Name label visible: OFF
    • Component generic - Image resource: your_button_image (for me: Rectangle)
    • Component generic - Frame width: 183 (the width of the image)
    • Component generic - Frame height: 115 (the height of the image)
    • Component - Button mode: momentary (works like a push button)
  • For the values, there are 3 things to consider: the text that will be displayed, the value to test in a Lua code (for some automation, if needed) and the value that is send by Midi.
  • The text to display (you need to have Text position different than “none”) is what’s come on the left side of “=” sign. The value sent by Midi is on the right side of the equal sign. The value to test in your Lua code is the rank of each row starting by 0
  • On the Moog Sub37, our momentary button indicates the destination of the pitch modulation (Osc1+Osc2, Osc1, Osc2). CC is 88 and Midi values to send are 0, 43 and 85. The destination is indicated on the synth by 2 leds (1 and 2).
  • So, for Component - Button values you need to have (one value by row):
  • A Lua code is used to set the corresponding LEDs ON depending on each button press (see Step 5).
  • With a momentary mode button, the button values are cycled row by row and the button is hidden when pressed without the need of a blank frame.

Step 4 - Sending Midi data

Understanding the Midi specifications of your device

  • Of course you are building this panel to interact with your device through Midi. Usually all devices’ manuals do include a Midi specifications section, more or less well documented.
  • Typically you will interact through CC (Control Change), NRPN (Non Registered Parameter Numbers) or Sysex (System Exclusive) messages. Control Change messages (CC) belongs to the Channel Voice family of messages. They are made of 3 bytes with n=channel number (0-15), c=controller number (0-127) and v=controller value (0-127) as:
| Status byte | Data byte | Data byte |
| 1011nnnn | 0ccccccc | 0vvvvvvv |
  • Some controllers may use values 0-16383 instead of 0-127. They will then need 2 messages as above where the CC# of the first message will be 1 to 31 while the CC# of the second message will be 33 to 63. The value will be the combination of the value bytes of the two messages (value byte message 1 = MSB Most Significant Byte; value byte message 2 = LSB Least Significant Byte)
  • Example1: setting the Amp EG attack time on Midi channel 1 to 43 will require sending B0 1C 2B hex or 10110000 00011100 00101011 (Midi channel 1 has channel number 0)
  • Example2: setting the Modulation wheel on Midi channel 1 to 1234 will require sending B0 01 04 then B0 21 D2 hex or 10110000 00000001 00000100 then 10110000 00100001 11010010 (value is 00000100 11010010)
  • Non Registered Parameter Numbers messages (NRPN) are special Control Change subgroups used to control parameters not available by CC messages (there are usually more parameters to tune than the number of available CC’s).
  • To identify the parameter to control it is first needed to use its NRPN number (first LSB in CC 98 then MSB in CC 99) then the value in a third (and fourth if needed) message.
  • System Exclusive messages (SysEx) allow manufacturers to create their own messages (such as bulk dumps, patch parameters, and other non-specified data).
  • A System Exclusive message begins with 11110000 (240 decimal F0 hex), followed by the manufacturer ID#, then by an unspecified number of data bytes of any ranges from 0-127) and ends with 11110111 (247 decimal or F7 hex), meaning End of SysEx message.
  • The manufacturer’s Midi ID numbers are available at and for example.
  • For Moog it is 04.
  • More information on Midi and its messages on the internet at sites like

Preparing modulators for sending a CC midi message

  • For the Moog Sub37, there is a parameter in the Midi Menu to select 7 bits (0-127) or 14 bits (0-16383) communication and it is the reason I’m explaining both.
  • Let’s work with the Amplifier Envelope Generator:
    • Attack time: CC# 28, 0-127 or 16383
    • Decay time: CC# 29, 0-127 or 16383
    • Sustain time: CC# 30, 0-127 or 16383
    • Release time: CC# 31, 0-127 or 16383
  • Select each corresponding rotary button created in the Step 3 then set the following properties:
    • Component - Maximum value: 127
    • MIDI - MIDI message type: CC
    • MIDI - MIDI Channel: 1
    • MIDI - MIDI controller number: 28, 29, 30 and 31 for each button respectively (Ctrlr accepts the values in decimal)
  • Should you need 0-16383 values then this becomes:
    • Component - Maximum value: 16383
    • MIDI - MIDI message type: Multi
    • MIDI - MIDI Channel: 1
    • MIDI - MIDI controller number: 28, 29, 30 and 31 for each button respectively (Ctrlr accepts the values in decimal)
    • MIDI - Multi Message list: CC,ByteValue,MSB7bitValue,28,-1:CC,ByteValue,LSB7bitValue,60,-1

Preparing modulators for sending a NRPN midi message

  • With the Sub37, there are a lot of parameters and it is thus not possible to assign a standard MIDI message to every parameter. Therefore NRPN messages can also be used.
  • To use NRPN messages:
    • Component - Button values: 0 1 (2 lines - case for a 2 values switch)
    • MIDI - MIDI message type: Multi
    • MIDI - MIDI Channel: 1
    • MIDI - MIDI controller number: the NRPN number
    • MIDI - Multi Message list: CC,ByteValue,MSB7bitValue,99,-2:CC,ByteValue,LSB7bitValue,98,-2:CC,ByteValue,MSB7bitValue,6,-1:CC,ByteValue,LSB7bitValue,38,-1


The MIDI monitor

  • To analyze the Midi inputs/outputs it is valuable to display the Midi monitor available in the Ctrlr menu Tools-->MIDI Monitor.
  • Under View, select what data you would like to monitor (Midi channel, Device, CC number, value...) and enable/disable either Midi output (red - from Ctrlr to your device) or Midi input (green - from your device to Ctrlr).


Setting Ctrlr to send data and testing

  • Start your device then select it and its MIDI channel with the Ctrlr menu MIDI-->Output-->Device and MIDI-->Output-->Channel. A green message will be displayed at the bottom of Ctrlr if the connection is established and this will be confirmed by a happy face in the menu as shown below.


  • To have Ctrlr controlling your device, you must also set your device in the Controller section (need to understand why - read different things on the forum but not enough to be sure of what to explain)
  • For now, one of the Ctrlr users “Stoner” added this code to Ctrlr so that the Controller device does the same thing that the Input device does. MIDI In/Out will be used for communicating with the device the panel is created for, while the Controller device will be used to map “custom” MIDI events on the Controller device to modulators/components in the panel, it will come with a “MIDI Learn” function


  • As you are busy and if wished/needed you do the same for the Input section.


  • Switch panel mode to leave the Editing mode with Panel --> Panel Mode
  • Select the Attack time rotary button and move it. Messages should be sent and be visible in the MIDI monitor window:


  • You can also perform this test without an actual hardware device but a Midi output device and channel must be selected.
  • Of course, you can now check the sound of your synthesizer. It should have a different attack...
  • On the Sub37, there is an illuminated Midi switch that turns red when the synthesizer gets data.
  • Changing the attack on the device itself should trigger the display of the same kind of messages (in our case CC28, B0 1C value) in the green part of the Midi monitor window.
  • It is needed to create a Lua method (event handler) to have your Ctrlr panel buttons updated based on the value received. This will be explained later...

Step 5 - Introduction to automation with Lua

  • The panels can get some automation by using a script language called Lua. This can be used for even more complex developments like having a librarian, having graphs for envelope generators...
  • The goal of this section is just to give you an idea of some possibility. It will be developed more extensively in a coming version of this guide.

What is Lua?

  • From the web site, one can read:
  • Lua is a powerful and fast programming language that is easy to learn and use and to embed into your application. Lua is designed to be a lightweight embeddable scripting language and is used for all sorts of applications from games to web applications and image processing.
  • "Lua" (pronounced LOO-ah) means "Moon" in Portuguese. As such, it is neither an acronym nor an abbreviation, but a noun. More specifically, "Lua" is a name, the name of the Earth's moon and the name of the language. Like most names, it should be written in lower case with an initial capital, that is, "Lua". Please do not write it as "LUA", which is both ugly and confusing, because then it becomes an acronym with different meanings for different people.

Lua references

  • We want that, when clicking on the button, the value (0, 43 or 85) must be sent to the synth (CC 88) and that the corresponding LED are toggled ON or OFF accordingly (as on the hardware synth). If this is happening then we are good

Step by step

  • Check that the MOD2 Osc1/2 Sel button has its Midi properties set as:
    • MIDI - MIDI message type: CC
    • MIDI - MIDI Channel: 1
    • MIDI - MIDI controller number: 88 (this is of course specific to our example)


  • Create the LED for Osc1 and Osc2 with uiImageButton components named ledMod2Osc1Pitch and ledMod2Osc2Pitch as described in Step 4 (toggle button, a led image with 2 frames - off and on, value 0 and 1).

image image

  • As leds shouldn’t be activated by the user, it is good to set the following properties to ON:
    • Component generic - Component size and position is locked: ON
    • Component generic - Component is disabled: ON
  • Select Panel -->Lua Editor in the Ctrlr menu to open the window where you will be able to organize and edit your Lua programs.

image image

  • It is good to directly take the habit to well organize your programs. Right-click on the LUA folder and select Add group to create a new folder called Panel methods (for example).

  • Select the Panel methods folder and select Add method to add a new empty method called Mod2OscSelect image image

  • Select the MOD2OscSelect method then by double clicking display it in the editor window. Copy the following code then paste it by replacing the existing empty function.

   -- Called when a modulator value changes
   -- @mod
   -- @value new numeric value of the modulator
   Mod2OscSelect = function(--[[ CtrlrModulator --]] mod, --[[ number --]] value, --[[ number --]]
          -- Called when the MOD2 Osc selection button is pressed.
          -- Loop between 0, 43 and 85
          -- console ("Value: " .. value)
          if value==0 then
                   -- console ("Osc1+Osc2")
          if value==1 then
                   -- Send 43 to Midi
                   -- console ("Osc1")
          if value==2 then
                   -- Send 85 to Midi
                   -- console ("Osc2")

  • As you can see, the value of the modulator to test is the row number with the first row being 0.
  • Depending on the value, the two leds are set On or Off. It is the setting of the modulator and the Midi CC settings that secures sending the corresponding Midi value 0, 43 or 85.
  • Save and compile your Lua method by selecting File-->Save and compile. It should look like this:


  • Select the button and select the Mod2OscSelect method in the pulldown of the Modulator - Called when the modulator value changes property


Appendix A

Version history
     Date          Version      Description                                                    By
 2015-07-01          1.0        Initial document. Only headers in the Librarian part.          goodweather
 2015-07-04          1.1        Added Save and Export description. Explanation of first 2      goodweather
                                digits in colors (transparency). Midi Controller and Midi      Puppeteer
                                Input. Popup bubble when dragging. Lua and not LUA.
 2015-08-23          1.2        More details on button images and toggle button.               goodweather
                                Momentary button explained. Step 5 “Librarian” with
                                only a structure replaced by Step 5 “Introduction to
                                automation” with Lua fully documented.
 2016-03-31          1.3        Corrections in Lua code (beginners’ mistakes)                  goodweather
 2016-??-??          2.0        Will be completely re-written with more examples and           goodweather
                                Lua codes. Will be mainly based on DSI Pro2, Moog Sub37
                                and a generic one

Things I didn’t find

  • How to make the bubble properties visible for uiSlider, uiImageSlider?
  • Is it possible to refresh the list of MIDI devices or is it necessary to quit and restart Ctrlr to have the list refreshed when a new synth or controller is connected / switched ON?
  • How to keep the MIDI monitor window on top while moving buttons in a panel?

Identified things to add in this manual

In this section I will list things that I identified to add and that I didn’t have yet time to describe or that have not been used for the Moog Sub37 panel. So:

  • Grouping modulators
  • Example of nice style buttons
  • A few nice basic Lua programs
  • Envelope graphs display
  • Description and usage of each component
  • Properties of each component
  • Useful links chapter (Lua, Midi, Hexadecimal...)
  • Oscilloscope (is this really possible to achieve?)

Identified possible bugs in v5.3.94

  • uiTabs background image layout: centred --> centered
  • uiTabs “Content background colour”
  • Everywhere: color or colour (US vs British English )
  • uiTabs - Tabs orientation: TabsAtLeft
  • The current tab label disappears sometimes (is this a bug?). My impression is that it is after some button copy/paste. I will try to identify better next time this will occur but I got it already a few times.
  • Naming agreement: bubble or tooltip? At modulator level properties are referring to Bubble while at Panel level it is Tooltip. Is this the same object or something different?
  • Bubble: Name text justification
  • Change LUA to Lua in Ctrlr menu and all other places

Possible enhancements related to the topics treated in this manual

  • uiTabs property panel to be refreshed each time that a tab is added by pressing the Add tab button. For the moment, it is needed to click on the panel then to reselect the uiTabs component to see the adapted properties
  • Move the Add tab button at the top of the Properties panel
  • Move the Remove tab at the beginning of the properties section related to each tab
  • uiTabs content background color to be refreshed directly when the content background color is changed. For the moment, it is needed to click on the panel then to reselect the uiTabs component to see the new color applied

Appendix B

Ctrlr methods documentation

Here is some valuable info if you want to know more about the available methods in Ctrlr. I only found Atom’s post recently and I copy the text as-is from the forum because it is an important reference. There are a few ways to find out the list of Lua methods and functions. Look at the bottom of:

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