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ZhangYang edited this page Sep 7, 2019 · 2 revisions

Building the image for by docker-compose

go to docker-compose folder: Build docker images:

docker-compose build

Running the container

Then spin up a new container using docker-compose

docker-compose up

Note: add a -d to run the container in background

Connecting to MSSQL

server: localhost UserName: sa Password: RestAirline123

Connecting to MSSQL container

To connect to the SQL Server in the container, you can docker exec with sqlcmd. The default password is RestAirline123 which defined in docker-compose.override.yml

docker exec -it restairline_mssql /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P RestAirline123 -Q "select 1"

Connecting to MongoDB

docker exec -it mongodb bash mongo show dbs use test{ firstname: "Nic", lastname: "Raboy" }){ firstname: "Maria", lastname: "Raboy" }) db.people.find({ firstname: "Nic" })


We setup Elasticsearch & Kibana 6.1.4 by docker-compose because EventFlow used this version. To test Elasticsearch works, go to http://localhost:5601 it should be open Kibana console, Click the Dev Tools Item and try to get cluster info: GET _cluster/health

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