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Configuration files for:

  • (Neo)Vim
  • i3
  • tmux
  • polybar
  • i3bar
  • pacaur
  • make
  • vnc
  • cmder
  • wbar
  • ideavim
  • mutt
  • bash
  • openbox
  • rofi
  • lxpanel
  • termite


  • Use stow
  • I.e: cd to the dotfiles repository, and from the root of the repo do:
  • $stow -t <target location> -S <directory>
  • I.e: stow -t /home/reinaldo/.config -S mutt
  • Directories must be in the format mutt/mutt/<files>
  • Otherwise the folder /home/reinaldo/.config/mutt has to be created manually and the <target> updated to this location.
  • Full installation example:
  • stow -t /home/reinaldo -S defaults
  • If this is a new system, not predator or surbook and has hdpi screen (UHD) you may need to create a .Xresourses-hostname file.
  • stow -t /home/reinaldo -S defaults_<system>
  • Other is generic. If any of these options need to be changed is better to create a whole defaults_<X> system and update there.

Configuration for different hosts

  • Wed May 02 2018 06:22
    • Its very cumbersome to have different configs for termite and rofi.
    • Their configs rarely change.
    • Therefore I have decided to leave them as is. Just change the font size on the configs on each machine and just not commit those files.
    • Any other change however should be committed.