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Processing Library Steps

todbot edited this page Dec 15, 2012 · 7 revisions

Greetings! I hope you've got your blink(1) in the mail. If you have not yet, but are excited about it, you may want to get go ahead and load the Processing Library. I have tested these steps for both Processing v 2.0b6 and v 1.5.1 and it works.

Steps for Windows 7:

  1. Quit Processing if it's running

  2. Download zip bundle:

  3. Go into your processing library location (which is typically this location): C:\Users"username"\Documents\Processing\libraries\

  4. Unzip the bundle inside the "libraries" directory.

  5. Restart Processing!

Test Step: Open Processing's "Examples" menu and scroll to the "blink1" examples.
Open "Blink1Test0", press "Run" and random colors should appear on your blink(1).
Watch the console for any error messages. If it finds the library but blink(1) isn't plugged in, you should see "uh oh, no Blink1 device found" in the console.

Possible Error messages:

"The package "blink1" does not exist. You might be missing a library." You may have tried to use "import blink1.;" in your processing sketch instead of "import thingm.blink1.;"

"UnsatisfiedLinkError C:...\libraries\Blink1\library\Blink1.dll Can't load IA 32-bit.dll on a AMD 64 bit platform." - This error can occur using 64 bit versions of processing. Please install a 32 bit version of Processing.

Need more help loading a library into Process? Try some other options from here:

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