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MIT license

Aims to be a simple API for weather prediction in Indonesia. Data taken from Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika publicly available XML datasets here.

JSON Datasets

Converted and cleaned up JSON datasets is available as a standalone HTTP server. As with BMKG's original data, the datasets are predictions for the next 3 days. Or after seeding, you can just go to the weatherdata folder.

Running Locally

$ git clone
$ cd cuaca
$ npm i
$ npm run weather-repo

Open up a browser and go to http://localhost:5000 to see the data. This will only run the static file hosting, to update the data, do the following.

$ npm run seeder


To seed MongoDB, do the following sequence.

$ npm run seeder # Will download new feed from BMKG
$ npm run seeds-to-db # Insert the updates into MongoDB

Make sure your have a MongoDB instance running and its connection string set properly in the environment.

Updating Data

To update the data, simply run:

$ npm run update-db

Cron this script to run it periodically.

Environment Variables

Name Description Default Value
HOST Serving host
PORT Serving port 3000
MONGO_DB_CONN_STRING MongoDB connection string Empty


This sections lists all available endpoints.

Nearby Weather

[GET] /v1/nearby

Query Parameters:
* latitude: float [required]
* longitude: float [required]
* minDistance: integer [optional, defaults to 0]
* maxDistance: integer [optional, defaults to 100000]

All Areas Weather

[GET] /v1/areas