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Predator/Prey in the Grid

Project Summary

Create a predator and a prey for the predator/prey competition on 05/08/14.

Project Guidelines:

You can only modify and Rename them both with your name in front of grid.

You have two new functions at your disposal (build and blast). You may modify them both with the following restrictions:

  • build can build an obstacle at any adjacent node, but only one during a turn, and the agent cannot move during that turn
  • blast can blast away any and all adjacent obstacles (change the obstacle nodes into a free nodes) and the agent cannot move during that turn.

Any functions within your code, except get-next-robot and get-next-goal, must begin r if in the robot file and g if in the goal file.

Other than build and blast, your program cannot alter the grid or your opponent. Your programs will be graded on the speed (no excessive delays in movement), uniqueness, and effectiveness of your controller.

This is not intended to be a repeat of the mini-max assignment, although you may use mini-max up to 3 plys. For the best grade, make use of other AI methods, such as NNs, CBR, or production systems.

Thursday, 2:00PM Analysis:

TexasTony believes that the GA is failing to evolve in the right direction for the following reasons.

  1. The population size is too small.
  2. We did not train nn-b, nn-d, and nn-m before traing the entire DNA. PARKER: Not an issue.
  3. The Fitness is based on one run instead of an average. PARKER: As long as they all start on the same spot.
  4. To my knowledge, we never proved that the GA breed properly.
  5. We may have the wrong inputs. We may have wished to have kept the old input system instead of the current one, as it was more explicit. In the words of Parker, the more we can do pre-processing wise for the GA, the better. PARKER: So we do need to change our inputs. We should drop the X and Y coordinate of the agent, and we should use the REALTIVE X and Y coordinates of the opponent, possibly the distance to the walls as well.

PARKER: Figure out how to write to files every so often. Also, MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE RUNNING A GENERATION ON THE SAME GRID.

I should clarify. All of the above were meant to happen before we set this thing on full scale training. TexasTony failed to communicate that to his collaborators, because he focused to much on other problems.

Thursday, 5:00 AM Updat

TexasTony is going to crash. KatieBurke11, TexasTony, Tatwater, and Ren1us met in the Robotics lab at 6:00PM. KatieBurke11 left at midnight. Tatwater left at 4:30AM. TexasTony is leaving at 5:10AM. Ren1us is still working. We are so increadbly close...

"This is an impressive attempt at doing something somewhat intelligent." -- Famous last words.

Evolution Plan

GA and NN Questions For Parker and Ansers

Should we ease the agents into the training scheme? PARKER: Yes

How often should we switch the random seed? PARKER (hinted at, not explicit): Wait until you know it is learning. Then randomize it every so often, or once the fitness gets to a certain level.

How many layers should we do? PARKER: Both, train 2 different set ups

How many neurons inbetween layers? PARKER: At least 5, but less than the number of inputs or outputs, which ever is less.

How many bits should the weights be? PARKER: Around 6. The GA will not train chromosomes that are too big, so this is a limit on how many neurons we can have, and the primary reason we are doing multiple neural networks.

After a long discussion, it was advised that we create 4 neural networks: a neural network that predicts the behavior (M, B, D, or do-nothing), and a neural network for each of the decsions (B, D, M). The networks can first be trained individually, and then together in parallel.



The first letter stands for an action: M = Move, B = Build, D = Destroy, S = stay

1 M can be High OR 1 B can be High OR 1 to 4 D can be High OR S can be High

The above constraint may be the first real thing we "teach" our network. It could be as simple as setting the fitness of any Chromosome that breaks this constraint to 0. 0 D High is the choice to not do anything.

Inputs or Sensors

The 4 states of the adjacent blocks. (Free: 0, Blocked: 10000, Off the map: 20000)

The Agent's X and Y coordinate, and the Openet's X and Y (Discrete between 0 and 29).

Division of Labor

To me (TexasTony), it would make sense if we divided the labor amoung the following lines. One person works on the Neural Network, another on the Sensors and Outputs, another works on GA, and another on the Fitness function.

Git Process

To Start New Project

Clone Project to your Eclipse Platform via going to the Git perspective, Clone a Repository

In that view, Click the Repository, and select import project, import as general project.

Click the Repository, go to switch to, New Branch, and create a new branch. As your source, select Remote Tracking: GitHub/master. Now, if anyone updates that branch, you can pull those updates.

When Opening Eclipse

Go to the main branch, and hit Pull.

Merge any changes that have happened mannually by editing the code, and then clicking on the files that were conflicted, and then Add. Once all files have been merged manually, click commit. Do this Often and things won't be crazy when you commit and push later.

If you would like us to see your work

Push the branch to git by hitting Push. Make sure Pull first, or have a reason not to.


Chez Petite Scheme competition bots.






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