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lein new majestic your-project-name

What Just Happened?

Files were created! Files!

├── profiles.clj
├── project.clj
├── resources
│   ├── migrations
│   │   ├── 20170218150305_add_hstore_ext.edn
│   │   └── 20170218150305_create_users_table.edn
│   └── sql
│       └── users.sql
├── src
│   └── your_project_name
│       ├── core.clj
│       ├── db.clj
│       ├── env.clj
│       ├── http.clj
│       ├── logic
│       │   ├── tokens.clj
│       │   └── users.clj
│       ├── routes.clj
│       ├── server.clj
│       └── utils.clj
├── target
└── test
    └── your_project_name
        ├── db_test.clj
        ├── logic
        │   ├── tokens_test.clj
        │   └── users_test.clj
        ├── routes_test.clj
        └── server_test.clj

You can do a few different things, you can run all the tests with lein test or you can lein repl in and type (start) or you can deploy straight to heroku and run heroku run lein migrate to get the db up and running. It gives you what I think is the smallest set of working code to start a monolithic api.


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