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Getting Started

Stephen Papierski edited this page Mar 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

Install OS

  1. Download Raspian Lite (Raspian Buster Lite version February 2020 at the time of writing this) []
  2. Install Raspian on the Pi []
  3. Enable SSH by placing a file named “ssh” (without any extension) onto the boot partition of the SD card
  4. Insert SD card and network cable, then power the Pi

Raspberry Pi Config

  1. SSH to the Pi ssh pi@raspberrypi (default password is “raspberry”)
  2. Run configuration sudo raspi-config
  3. Optional: Change default password (Default passwords can be a security risk. If you’re worried about it, you should change it.)
    • Select “Change User Password
    • Enter new password
  4. Optional: Change hostname (Set the visible name for this Pi on the network)
    • Select “Network Options”
    • Select “Hostname”
    • Enter new hostname (PiGarage)
  5. Configure Wi-fi (unless you plan to run hardwired)
    • Select “Network Options”
    • Select “Wi-fi”
    • Select country
    • Enter SSID (Network name)
    • Enter network password
    • See WiFi Setup for more advanced wireless options.
  6. Select “Finish”
  7. Configure DHCP IP Reservation (process varies per router)
    • This will ensure the IP of the device doesn’t change, which would cause the Hubitat driver to lose connection with the device.
  8. Reboot the Pi
    • sudo reboot

Software Install

  1. SSH to the Pi
    • ssh pi@PiGarage
  2. Install dependencies
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt install git python3-pip
  3. Install python packages
    • pip3 install RPi.GPIO flask
  4. Install PiGarage
  5. Make PiGarage start when the Pi does
    • sudo cp PiGarage/raspi/pi-garage.service /etc/systemd/system/
    • sudo systemctl start pi-garage.service
    • sudo systemctl enable pi-garage.service
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