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Gianluca Sartori edited this page Feb 4, 2022 · 4 revisions

This Response type can be used to replay execution related events to a target SQL Server instance. The events that you can replay are of the type sql_batch_completed and rpc_completed: all other events are ignored.


  • string ServerName: Name of the target SQL Server instance

  • string UserName: User name to use for SQL Server authentication. When blank, Windows authentication will be used instead.

  • string Password: Password for SQL Server authentication. Only needed when User Name is specified.

  • string DatabaseName: Name of the initial catalog to connect to. Statements will be replayed by changing database to the same database where the event was originally captured, so this property only controls the initial database to connect to.

  • bool StopOnError: When true, stops the replay when the first error is encountered. When false, pipes the error messages to the log and to the console output and proceeds with the replay.


    "Target": {
        "ServerName": "(local)\\SQL2014",
        "SessionName": "replay_session",
        "FailOnProcessingError": false,
        "Filter": "database_name = 'MyDB'",
        "Responses": [
                "__type": "ReplayResponse",
                "ServerName": "(local)\\SQL2017",
                "DatabaseName": "MyDB",
                "StopOnError": "false",
                "Events": [
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