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PeerPower VC: Nurturing Cambodia's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem


PeerPower VC stands as a pioneering micro-venture capital firm rooted in the dynamic entrepreneurial landscape of Cambodia. Our mission is to catalyz innovation, empowering startups, and fostering robust economic growth within the vibrant heart of Southeast Asia.

At PeerPower VC, we recognize that remarkable ideas often lack the resources they desperately need to flourish. It's this recognition that has guided our purpose – to pinpoint and invest in the most promising early-stage startups in the region. However, our commitment goes beyond mere financial backing. We pledge mentorship, expertise, and access to a vast network of industry leaders, all in a bid to empower the next wave of Cambodian entrepreneurs.

Our vision goes beyond the conventional scope of venture capital. We aspire to nurture a thriving ecosystem where innovation knows no bounds. We aim to drive positive change within the startup landscape of the region through strategic partnerships, community engagement, and an unwavering belief in the potential of Cambodian talent. Join us in this exhilarating journey where innovation meets opportunity, and together, we'll sculpt a brighter future for Cambodia's entrepreneurial dreamers.

PeerPower Investment Philosophy

At PeerPower VC, our investment philosophy is rooted in nurturing underdog teams for the long term. Our mission revolves around identifying and empowering visionaries who dare to challenge the established norms, disrupt industries, and bring about meaningful change in Cambodia and Southeast Asia.

Long-Term Commitment:

We wholeheartedly believe that transformative ideas often require time to evolve and mature. Thus, we commit to standing by our portfolio companies through thick and thin, offering unwavering support as they traverse the intricate pathways of growth and scalability. Our investments are not fleeting; they signify enduring partnerships built upon trust.

High-Risk, High-Reward:

Innovation, by its very nature, carries inherent risks. Therefore, we boldly embrace calculated risks associated with audacious ideas that have the potential to scale exponentially. We acknowledge that the road to greatness is frequently lined with obstacles, and we stand firmly with our founders during challenging times.

Empowering Visionaries:

We actively seek out teams and individuals who might be regarded as underdogs in their respective industries but possess the vision, determination, and tenacity to drive meaningful change. We are here to provide the resources, mentorship, and unwavering support required to metamorphose these visions into reality.

Scaling Impact:

Our ultimate goal goes beyond financial returns; it extends to catalyzing social and economic progress. We invest in ideas that hold the potential to make a lasting impact, create jobs, and contribute to the growth of Cambodia's burgeoning startup ecosystem. For us, true success is measured by the positive transformation our portfolio companies bring to society.

Building a Legacy:

We don't perceive our investments as mere financial endeavors; rather, they are the building blocks of a brighter future for Cambodia and Southeast Asia. Our commitment to underdog teams and audacious ideas is our way of leaving behind a lasting legacy characterized by innovation, empowerment, and progress.

In summary, PeerPower transcends the conventional boundaries of a venture capital firm. We metamorphose into partners, champions, and advocates for those audacious enough to dream big. We embrace the underdog spirit, take calculated risks on visionary concepts, and pledge to nurture these ideas until they thrive into impactful enterprises. Together, we are crafting a future where innovation knows no bounds.

PeerPower VC Investment Thesis

At PeerPower VC, our dedication revolves around the identification and nurturing of innovative startups across diverse industries within Cambodia. Our investment thesis pivots around ten pivotal sectors that we believe harbor immense potential for growth and impact within the Cambodian market. Here is a comprehensive overview of our investment thesis for each of these top ten industries:

1. Fintech and Financial Inclusion: Thesis: Cambodia's financial ecosystem is rapidly evolving, with a growing demand for inclusive financial services. We invest in fintech startups that leverage technology to enhance financial inclusion, streamline payments, and offer novel banking solutions.

2. Edtech and E-Learning: Thesis: The education sector in Cambodia is ripe for disruption. We support edtech startups that provide innovative online learning platforms, tools for educators, and digital resources to empower students of all ages.

3. Agritech and Food Security: Thesis: Agriculture serves as the backbone of Cambodia's economy. We invest in agritech ventures that aim to improve crop yield, enhance supply chain efficiency, and promote sustainable farming practices to ensure food security.

4. Healthtech and Telemedicine: Thesis: Access to quality healthcare is a critical challenge in Cambodia. We support healthtech startups that offer telemedicine solutions, remote patient monitoring, and digital health records to bridge the healthcare gap.

5. E-commerce and Logistics: Thesis: The e-commerce sector is experiencing exponential growth in Cambodia. We invest in startups that facilitate online commerce, last-mile delivery, and supply chain optimization.

6. Renewable Energy and Sustainability: Thesis: Sustainable energy solutions are pivotal for Cambodia's future. We support renewable energy startups that harness solar, wind, and other clean sources to power the nation.

7. Tourism and Hospitality Tech: Thesis: Cambodia's tourism industry is a major economic driver. We invest in hospitality tech startups that enhance the guest experience, streamline hotel operations, and promote sustainable tourism practices.

8. Smart Cities and Urban Solutions: Thesis: Cambodia's urban centers are evolving. We support startups that develop smart city solutions, urban planning tools, and technologies to create more livable and efficient cities.

9. Environmental Conservation and Agri-Tourism: Thesis: Cambodia's natural beauty is a valuable asset. We invest in ventures that promote environmental conservation, eco-friendly tourism, and sustainable practices in ecotourism.

10. Emerging Technologies (AI, Blockchain, IoT): Thesis: Emerging technologies hold the key to Cambodia's future innovation. We invest in startups that leverage AI, blockchain, and IoT to address diverse challenges across multiple industries.

At PeerPower VC, we are resolute in partnering with visionary founders and startups that align with our investment thesis. We firmly believe that by supporting innovation in these ten pivotal sectors, we can drive positive change, create jobs, and contribute to Cambodia's long-term economic growth.

Small Ticket Size and Rationale

At PeerPower VC, we meticulously consider the investment ticket size for each startup, taking into account various factors. Typically, our suggested investment ticket size ranges from $50,000 to $250,000 per startup. Below, we elaborate on our rationale for these suggested investment amounts:

1. Early-Stage Funding:

  • $50,000 - $100,000: This range caters to very early-stage startups, providing vital capital injections to validate their concepts, build MVPs (Minimum Viable Products), and initiate initial market testing.

2. Growth and Scaling:

  • $100,000 - $150,000: Startups that have validated their product-market fit and are focused on scaling often require additional funding to expand their operations, acquire more users, and refine their business model.

3. Development and Expansion:

  • $150,000 - $250,000: As startups continue to grow and develop, they may require more substantial investments to fund product

development, marketing efforts, team expansion, and market expansion.


Diversification: Offering a range of investment ticket sizes enables effective portfolio diversification. Smaller ticket sizes enable investments in a larger number of early-stage startups, increasing the chances of discovering promising ventures.

Startup Needs: We recognize that each startup possesses unique capital requirements. Our suggested ticket sizes align with the specific growth stage and financing needs of the startups we consider for investment.

Risk Mitigation: Smaller investments in very early-stage startups help mitigate risk by allowing us to observe a startup's progress and potential before committing more significant funds.

Partnerships: For larger ticket sizes, we often seek co-investment opportunities with other venture capital firms or strategic investors. This collaborative approach enables startups to access a broader network and pool of resources.

Flexibility: We maintain flexibility in our investment approach. Depending on the startup's potential and growth trajectory, we may adjust our ticket size to provide the optimal level of support.

Ultimately, our goal is to support innovative startups that align with our investment thesis and have the potential to create a positive impact in Cambodia's entrepreneurial ecosystem. Our suggested ticket sizes are designed to provide startups with the capital they need to thrive while ensuring prudent risk management for our investors.

Larger Ticket Size for Attractive Investment Funneling

Considering our desire to further strengthen our investment funnel and attract promising startups, we recommend introducing a larger ticket size of $500,000 for select investment opportunities. Here's the rationale behind this suggestion:

1. Attract High-Potential Startups:

  • A larger ticket size can attract startups that have already demonstrated substantial growth, achieved product-market fit, and are now seeking significant capital injections to rapidly scale their operations.

2. Access to Later-Stage Opportunities:

  • With a larger ticket size, we can explore investment opportunities in more mature startups that have moved beyond the early stages of development. These startups may already have a sizable customer base and revenue streams.

3. Portfolio Diversification:

  • By introducing a larger ticket size, we can diversify our portfolio further, allowing us to invest in a broader range of startups at different stages of growth.

4. Competitive Advantage:

  • Offering a larger ticket size can position PeerPower VC as an attractive investment partner for startups looking to secure substantial funding. This competitive advantage can help us secure deals with high-potential ventures.

5. Scaling Opportunities:

  • Startups often require significant capital to scale their operations, expand into new markets, or develop advanced features. A larger ticket size enables us to support them effectively in these endeavors.

6. Co-Investment Opportunities:

  • A larger ticket size also opens doors to co-investment opportunities with other venture capital firms or institutional investors. This collaborative approach can lead to more significant investments in startups with substantial growth potential.

7. Economic Impact:

  • Investing larger sums in startups can have a more significant economic impact, driving job creation, innovation, and economic growth in Cambodia.

8. Alignment with Startup Needs:

  • The suggested larger ticket size aligns with the financing needs of startups that have reached a stage where substantial capital infusion is essential for achieving their growth objectives.

While we propose introducing a larger ticket size, it's important to maintain flexibility in our investment approach. We will continue to evaluate each startup on a case-by-case basis, considering their unique needs, growth potential, and alignment with our investment thesis. This larger ticket size complements our existing investment strategy and enables us to tap into a broader spectrum of opportunities, ultimately contributing to the development of Cambodia's entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Open for Co-Investment with Others

At PeerPower VC, we recognize the immense power of collaboration and the value it brings to the startup ecosystem. Therefore, we are wholeheartedly committed to being open to co-investment opportunities with other venture capital firms, angel investors, and institutional investors. Here's why co-investment is an integral part of our investment strategy:

1. Diversification and Risk Mitigation:

  • Co-investing allows us to diversify our portfolio by spreading our investments across a broader range of startups. This diversification helps mitigate risks associated with individual investments.

2. Access to Expertise:

  • Collaborating with other investors brings diverse expertise and perspectives to the table. We can tap into the knowledge, networks, and insights of co-investors, enhancing our ability to support portfolio startups.

3. Leveraging Resources:

  • Co-investors often bring additional resources and support to startups, such as mentorship, strategic guidance, and industry connections. This can significantly benefit the startups in our portfolio.

4. Larger Investment Capacity:

  • Co-investment enables us to participate in larger funding rounds that might be beyond our individual capacity. This ensures that we can support startups at critical growth stages effectively.

5. Enhanced Due Diligence:

  • Multiple investors conducting due diligence can lead to a more comprehensive assessment of potential investments. This rigorous evaluation process improves our investment decision-making.

6. Building Stronger Startups:

  • Co-investment fosters an ecosystem of support around startups. When multiple investors are aligned in their goals, startups receive the necessary resources and guidance to thrive.

7. Portfolio Growth:

  • Co-investment opportunities can lead to an expanded portfolio of startups, allowing us to diversify across various industries, stages, and geographies.

8. Industry Relationships:

  • Collaborating with other investors helps us build relationships within the investment community, opening doors to future

opportunities and partnerships.

9. Regional Impact:

  • Co-investing with other firms contributes to the development of Cambodia's startup ecosystem and the broader Southeast Asian region, fostering economic growth and innovation.

10. Alignment with Our Mission: - Our mission is to support and nurture promising startups. Co-investment aligns with this mission by providing startups with the collective resources and support needed to succeed.

At PeerPower VC, we see co-investment as a strategic approach to maximize the value we bring to startups while minimizing risk. We actively seek opportunities to collaborate with like-minded investors who share our vision of empowering Cambodia's entrepreneurial landscape. Together, we can play a pivotal role in driving innovation, job creation, and economic growth in the region.

PeerPower Funds

PeerPower's Fund I - $15 Million for 3 Years


  1. Startup Ecosystem Kickstart: Fund I is designed to kickstart our investment journey in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. With $15 million, we aim to make strategic investments in early-stage startups and lay the foundation for a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.

  2. Proving Concept: Fund I serves as a proof of concept for our investment thesis and strategy. It allows us to test our approach, identify challenges, and fine-tune our processes before scaling up.

  3. Seed and Pre-Seed Focus: Given the early-stage focus, Fund I will primarily target seed and pre-seed startups. These are often the riskiest but also offer substantial growth potential, aligning with our mission to nurture and support promising ideas.

  4. Local and Regional Reach: Fund I will concentrate on startups based in Cambodia and neighboring Southeast Asian countries. This localized approach enables us to build strong connections within the regional ecosystem.

Strategic Plan of Actions:

  1. Pipeline Development: Identify and evaluate early-stage startups with high growth potential. Collaborate closely with incubators, accelerators, and local entrepreneurial networks to source promising deals.

  2. Sectoral Diversification: Diversify the portfolio across multiple industries, including technology, e-commerce, fintech, and agriculture. This diversification mitigates sector-specific risks.

  3. Hands-On Support: Provide hands-on mentorship, guidance, and networking opportunities to portfolio startups. Foster a culture of learning and innovation.

  4. Co-Investment: Actively explore co-investment opportunities with local and international partners to maximize resources and support for startups.

  5. Impact Measurement: Implement rigorous impact measurement and evaluation processes to track the progress and success of portfolio companies.

PeerPower's Fund II - $35 Million for 3 Years


  1. Scaling Up: Fund II marks the next phase of our growth, allowing us to scale up our investments and expand our reach. The increased capital enables us to take larger stakes in promising startups.

  2. Series A and Beyond: With Fund II, we shift our focus towards Series A and later-stage startups. These companies have demonstrated traction and are ready for significant growth.

  3. Portfolio Nurturing: This fund allows us to provide continued support to our existing portfolio companies, helping them scale, expand regionally, and become market leaders.

  4. Regional Expansion: Fund II extends our geographical reach within Southeast Asia, enabling us to tap into emerging startup hubs and seize cross-border opportunities.

Strategic Plan of Actions:

  1. Growth Capital: Invest in Series A and B rounds of startups with validated business models and potential for rapid expansion.

  2. Follow-On Investments: Prioritize follow-on investments in our Fund I portfolio companies, ensuring they have the resources needed for growth.

  3. Regional Expansion: Establish a physical presence in key startup hubs within Southeast Asia to strengthen our regional network.

  4. Sectoral Expertise: Develop deep sectoral expertise in selected industries to make informed investment decisions and provide specialized support.

  5. Impact Assessment: Enhance impact assessment methodologies to measure the broader economic and societal benefits of our investments.

PeerPower's Fund III - $100 Million for 3 Years


  1. Critical Mass: Fund III represents a significant milestone, allowing us to reach critical mass as a venture capital firm. The $100 million capital infusion positions us as a major player in the regional ecosystem.

  2. Late-Stage Focus: Fund III primarily focuses on late-stage startups and enterprises that are ready to scale rapidly and disrupt markets.

  3. Cross-Border Ventures: With this fund, we actively seek cross-border investment opportunities, including startups with regional and global expansion ambitions.

  4. Ecosystem Development: Fund III enables us to contribute substantially to the development of Cambodia's startup ecosystem by fostering innovation and creating high-impact job opportunities.

Strategic Plan of Actions:

  1. Cross-Border Collaborations: Forge partnerships with international venture capital firms and investors to access cross-border deals and support the expansion of regional startups.

  2. Scaling Support: Provide extensive support for scaling startups, including market entry strategies, international expansion, and mergers and acquisitions.

  3. Cohesive Ecosystem: Collaborate with government agencies, educational institutions, and industry players to create a cohesive startup ecosystem in Cambodia.

  4. Industry Verticals: Develop specialized investment teams focused on specific industry verticals to harness in-depth sectoral knowledge.

  5. Social Impact: Place increased emphasis on investing in startups that have the potential for significant social impact and job creation.

Each fund signifies a strategic progression in our mission to nurture and empower startups in Cambodia and Southeast Asia, contributing to economic growth and innovation in the region.


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