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MIhov's popfoLK ExtractoR



MILKER is a Python application that extracts audio information of songs. It does that by collecting names of songs with YouTube API from given playlists, querying them with the Spotify API and finally extracting the Spotify audio features of the song. MILKER was specifically tailored for extracting audio features of Bulgarian popfolk songs, 2014-2019.


The installation steps are as follows:

  1. Make sure to get git and Python

This is required to clone the repository and actually run the app.

  1. Clone the repository

git clone

  1. Enter the directory

cd milker

  1. Install Pipenv

python -m pip install pipenv (if you don't have it installed)

  1. Install dependencies

pipenv install

  1. Set up Youtube Data API credentials You will need to set up your project at YouTube to get the credentials necessary to make authorized calls.

Name your client_secret_CLIENTID.json -> client_yt_secret.json and paste it in the app directory

  1. Set up Spotify API credentials You will need to register your app at Spotify to get the credentials necessary to make authorized calls (a client id and client secret).

	"client_id": "your_client_id",
	"client_secret": "your_client_secret",
	"redirect_uri": "http://localhost/"

Save this file as client_sp_secret.json it in the app directory


There are three options for running the applications.

  1. Running the whole process

pipenv run start

This fetches youtube songs and downloads spotify data

  1. Fetching youtube songs only

pipenv run start yt

This fetches youtube songs (it's mandatory for running the download of the spotify data)

  1. Downloading spotify data

pipenv run start sp

This downloads spotify songs data through querieng the youtube fetched songs.


We are open to contributors. To contribute follow these steps.

  1. Fork and clone the repistory

This is required to do your own development and then finalize with pull request to us.

  1. Installation

pipenv install --dev

The installation step is a little bit different because we require linting your code and formating it with black. Pipenv this way will install the required development packages.

  1. Development work

Please write clean and well documented code. Set up the linting with flake8 in your development enviorement and run black after you are done. And write good commit messages!

  1. Create Pull request

And wait... :) We will check every pull request and make sure to give detailed remarks if we are not fully okay with your work.


I wish to thank @atronasko for having introduced me to the collection of Spotify data and for his subsequent conceptual support. Thanks to the development team of Spotipy for providing easy to use Spotify API wrapper. Thanks to Jagoda Kondratiuk for sharing their work on Unsplash.


An analysis of the chalga music genre.






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