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packetSwiffer is a simple multithreaded traffic analyzer built in Rust

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packetSwiffer is a library that uses the rust libpcap library to capture packets on Windows, Linux and macOS.
The library allows the user to capture packet on a user specified network adapter by setting it in promiscuous mode, and generates reports on the traffic observed after a specified time interval.
The report is organized by source and destination port and address, and shows information about the number of bytes exchanged, the transport and application protocols and a time of first and last packet exchange.


NOTE: The application needs to be run with admin priviledges in order to correctly use the specified interface to sniff traffic.

The application can be run with the following arguments:

Usage: swiffer [OPTIONS]
-t, --timeout <TIMEOUT>      Optional timeout for report generation (in seconds) [default: 10]                          
-f, --filename <FILENAME>    Optional filename for generated report (<filename>_<seq_num>.txt) [default: report]        
-i, --interface <INTERFACE>  Name of the interface to be used for the sniffing                                          
-p, --promisc                Set the interface in promiscuous mode                                                      
-l, --list                   Show the net interfaces present in the system without launching the sniffing  
    --csv                    Set report file type to csv instead of default txt
-h, --help                   Print help information                                                                     
-V, --version                Print version information 

You have to run the application with the --interface flag (to start the sniffing with the specified network interface id) OR with the --list one (in order to list the available network interfaces).





  • pub fn print_index(settings: &Vec<String>) -> (): Print all index options.
  • pub fn menu() -> Settings: Main dashboard. Here you can choose all different options and return a Settings struct.
  • pub fn filter_menu() -> () : Print all filter options.
  • pub fn print_filter() -> Filter: Dashboard where you can choose which filter you want to add. Return a Filter struct.
  • pub fn filter_ip_source() -> String: Acquire source ip from I/O (keyboard).
  • pub fn filter_ip_dest() -> String: Acquire destination ip from I/O (keyboard).
  • pub fn filter_port_source() -> String: Acquire source port from I/O (keyboard).
  • pub fn filter_port_dest() -> String: Acquire destination port from I/O (keyboard).
  • pub fn filter_transport_protocol() -> String: Acquire transport protocol from I/O (keyboard).
  • pub fn parse_filter(filter: Filter) -> String: Convert a Filter struct into a String.
  • pub fn check_transport_protocol(string: &String) -> bool: Check if the user has correctly wrote the transport protocol. Written transport protocol must belong to this set: (icmp, icmp6, igmp, igrp, pim, ah, esp, vrrp, udp, tcp).
  • pub fn check_ip_address(string: &String) -> bool: Check if the user has correctly wrote an ip address.
  • pub fn check_port_number(string: &String) -> bool: Check if the user has correctly wrote a port number. The port number must be between 0 and 65535.
  • pub fn set_timeout() -> i64: Acquire timeout from I/O (keyboard).
  • pub fn set_filename() -> String: Acquire the desidered name in which you want to save the report from I/O (keyboard).
  • pub fn print_interface() -> (): List all the available interfaces.

  • fn handle_udp_packet(interface_name: &str, source: IpAddr, destination: IpAddr, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<Packet, Error>: Manage UDP Packet
  • fn handle_icmp_packet(interface_name: &str, source: IpAddr, destination: IpAddr, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<Packet, Error>: Manage ICMP Packet
  • fn handle_tcp_packet(interface_name: &str, source: IpAddr, destination: IpAddr, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<Packet, Error>: Manage TCP Packet
  • fn handle_transport_protocol(interface_name: &str,source: IpAddr,destination: IpAddr,protocol: IPProtocol,packet: &[u8],) -> Result<Packet, Error>: Recognize Transport Protocol
  • fn handle_ipv4_packet(interface_name: &str, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<Packet, Error> : Manage IPv4 Packet
  • fn handle_ipv6_packet(interface_name: &str, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<Packet, Error> : Manage IPv6 Packet
  • fn handle_arp_packet(interface_name: &str, packet: &[u8]) -> Result<Packet, Error> : Manage ARP Packet
  • pub fn handle_ethernet_frame(interface: &Device, ethernet: &[u8]) -> Result<Packet, Error>: Manage Ethernet frame

  • pub fn setup_directory(filename: &str) -> String: create the directory with specified filename, adding a timestamp to the folder name
  • pub fn produce_hashmap(buffer: Vec<Packet>) -> HashMap<ReportHeader, Report>: create the hashmap starting from a buffer of packets. Used when the Report structure are created

  • pub fn mac_to_str(addr: MacAddress) -> String: Convert a MAC Address as a String
  • pub fn tcp_l7(port: u16) -> String: Recognize Application Layer of a TCP Packet
  • pub fn udp_l7(port: u16) -> String: Recognize Application Layer of a UDP Packet


Most public functions return a Result, the possible errors are the following:

  • NoSuchDevice: No such network interface
  • ARPParsingError: Error while parsing ARP Packet
  • ParsingError: Error while parsing
  • UnknownPacket: Unknown Packet
  • IPv6ParsingError: Error while parsing IPv6 Packet
  • IPv4ParsingError: Error while parsing IPv4 Packet
  • ICMPParsingError: Error while parsing ICMP Packet
  • TCPParsingError: Error while parsing TCP Packet
  • UDPParsingError: Error while parsing UDP Packet
  • EthernetParsingError: Error while parsing Ethernet Packet


packetSwiffer is a simple multithreaded traffic analyzer built in Rust






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