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SIBILS documentation

How to edit the documentation

Git clone

  • Python must be installed
  • git clone
  • cd
  • Start mkdocs:
    • Linux and Mac: ./serve
    • Windows: .\serve.bat
  • Open
  • Change some files; the browser page is updated automatically.
  • git add .; git commit; git push
  • The website is going to update itself after a few minutes.

On GitHub

  • On a web page, click on the pencil icon in the top right corner: the link goes to the GitHub page.
  • Make the change on GitHub; check using the Preview tab.
  • Confirm the change using the "Commit changes" at the bottom of the page (commit into the master branch).
  • The website is going to update itself after a few minutes.

Change the website structure

  • git clone the project.
  • make the change into the nav section of mkdocs.yml.


Python Dependencies

Customizations used in this repository


After each commit, the website is built and updated automaticaly using .github\workflows\publish.yml.

The mkdocs plugin social adds card when links from the website are shared (the preview link on Teams, Outlook, social media etc...).

This plugin requires dependencies that are complicated to install especially on Windows. An option ask to plugin not to build the cards, however the dependencies are still required.

The implemented solution uses two mkdocs configuration file:

  • mkdocs.yml is the default configuration.
  • mkdocs.publish.yml inherits from mkdocs.yml and adds the social plugin. The GitHub workflow uses this configuration file.

To sum up:

  • don't care about mkdocs.publish.yml.
  • make change in mkdocs.yml as expected.
  • the scripts serve and serve.bat should work everything (Windows, Mac, Linux).