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JSON Configurator

matthewi98 edited this page Jul 5, 2022 · 7 revisions

This is a GUI to create and edit settings files (JSON files in the Streaming Assets directory).

Block Parameters Screen


This is the main screen of the JSON Configurator. Here, you can set the properties of each individual block.

1: File Dropdown

Allows you to select and open a JSON file that is in the StreamingAssets folder.

2: New File Button

Allows you to create a new JSON file from scratch. This will prompt you to choose an experiment type (tool, pinball, etc.).

3: Save, Save As

The Save button will save your changes to the currently open file (as shown in the File Dropdown). The Save As button allows you to save your changes to a new file, and prompts you to name that file.

4: Block Params

Allows you to switch to the Experiment Parameters Screen

5: Exit

Exits the program.

6: Block Panel

Blocks and notches in the block panel can be selected by clicking on them. Multiple can be selected by shift-clicking. They can be rearranged by clicking and dragging them. Yellow denotes that the block or notch is selected.

6.a: Block

6.b: Notch

7: Block Buttons

7.a: Insert New

Inserts a new block at the currently selected notch. If no notches are selected, inserts a new block at the end of the list. If multiple notches are selected, inserts a new block at each selected notch.

Shortcut: CTRL+N

7.b: Delete

Deletes the currently selected block(s).

Shortcut: Del

7.c: Copy

Copies the currently selected block(s).

Shortcut: CTRL+C

7.d: Paste

Pastes the copied blocks at the currently selected notch. Only works if 1 notch is selected.

Shortcut: CTRL+V

7.e: Undo

Undos the last step. This can undo block manipulations (drag, delete, etc.), as well as block property edits. Only 10 Undos are stored.

Shortcut: Z

7.f: Redo

Redos the last Undo. Only 10 Redos are stored.

Shortcut: Y

8: Block Properties Dropdown

Allows you to select a block property to edit, for the currently selected block(s).

9: Block Properties List

Displays all block properties pertaining to the currently selected block. The highlighted property is the currently selected property. The underlined properties can be selected by clicking on them.

10: Block Properties Input

This can be either a dropdown, or input field. Allows you to enter a new value for the currently selected block property. This checks that the new value is the correct type (e.g. an integer).

Experiment Parameters Screen


This screen allows you to set the properties for experiment-wide parameters.

This can include lists used by block parameters, instruction text, and optional parameters.

1: Experiment Parameters Dropdown

Allows you to select an existing experiment property to edit. Selecting a property fills out the Property Name and Property Value fields.

2: Property Name

This displays the name of the currently selected property. You can add a new property by typing in a name here, and clicking Update.

3: Property Value

This displays the value of the currently selected property. You can change the value of a property by typing in a new value, and clicking Update.

4: Update Button

If the text entered in Property Name already exists as a property, this button updates that property. If the property doesn't exist, then this button creates it.

5: Delete Button

Deletes the currently selected property.

6: Properties List

Lists all experiment properties in use, and their values. You can click on a property to select it.