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Inapp Debugger

Test common in-app issues


  • ✅ View console
  • ✅ View OS/Browser
  • ✅ View user agent
  • ✅ View in-app detection
  • ✅ Test in-app downloads (on-the-fly and static assets)
  • ✅ Test in-app escape links (Android + iOS)


  • nvm install / nvm use
  • yarn install
  • yarn run dev

Deploying to GitHub Pages

  • yarn run deploy

Results from Mobile App Tests Using


While many social media sites fail to download assets properly, on Android you can use the intent link reliably to escape.

  • ❌ Silent - Fails to download file without any indication to user.
  • ❌ With note - Fails but provides some feedback to user.
  • ❌ Opens file in default browser - Unexpected behavior. Continues to confuses user on how to download file.
  • Intent link escape (opens link in default browser instead of in-app) - intent:;end
  • Last updated: Feb 7, 2024
  • "*" I have to come back to these some are using the default browser iin-app view of sorts and some are using Chrome in an in-app
App (Android) Uses default browser Detect In-app On-the-fly download Static asset download Intent link escape
TikTok ❌ Silent ❌ Silent
Threads ❌ Silent ❌ Opens file in default browser
Facebook ❌ With note ❌ Opens file in default browser
Instagram ❌ With note ❌ Opens file in default browser
Messenger ❌ With note ❌ Opens file in default browser
SnapChat * NA NA
LinkedIn * NA NA
Twitter * NA NA
Gmail * NA NA
YouTube * NA NA
Google Search App * NA NA
GroupMe * NA NA


There is no reliable way to exit in-app browsers on iOS. And even when a user is prompted to select a browser to open a given link from an app, Safari in the pared down SFSafariViewController provides a uniquely bad downloading experience. The user is shown the file details via text but one must click on "More..." then scroll below the fold to "Save to image" to download the file. This bizarre behavior is captured on the first row of the table below.

  • ❌ Silent - Fails to download file without any indication to user.
  • ❌ Opens file in in-app browser - Provides no easy way to download
  • ❌ Shows file, but have to... - You can technically download in this view after click ("More..."), scroll, click ("Save image" or file) in SFSafariViewController but the UX is exceedingly bad and not on-par with Safari or any other browser experience that I believe it doesn't fulfill the capabilities of what is expected from a web download link.
  • Safari search link - x-web-search://?
  • Browser app link - In example Chrome: googlechromes://
  • Last updated: Feb 7, 2024
App (iPhone) Uses default browser Detect In-app On-the-fly download Static asset download Safari search link Browser app link
SFSafariViewController - Selecting "Safari" icon to open a link from an app like in Gmail or Twitter. ❌ SFSafariViewController ❌ Shows file, but have to click "More..." then scroll to "Save image" ❌ Shows file, but have to click "More..." then scroll to "Save image"
TikTok ❌ Opens file in in-app browser ❌ Opens file in in-app browser
Threads ❌ SFSafariViewController ❌ Shows file, but have to click "More..." then scroll to "Save image" ❌ Shows file, but have to click "More..." then scroll to "Save image"
Facebook ❌ Opens file in in-app browser ❌ Opens file in in-app browser
Instagram ❌ Opens file in in-app browser ❌ Opens file in in-app browser
Messenger ❌ Silent ❌ Opens file in in-app browser
SnapChat ❌ Silent ❌ Opens file in in-app browser
LinkedIn ❌ Silent ❌ Opens file in in-app browser
Twitter ❌ SFSafariViewController ❌ Shows file, but have to click "More..." then scroll to "Save image" ❌ Shows file, but have to click "More..." then scroll to "Save image"
Gmail NA As long as you don't select Safari icon (SFSafariViewController) As long as you don't select Safari icon (SFSafariViewController) Selected browser dependent Selected browser dependent
YouTube NA As long as you don't select Safari icon (SFSafariViewController) As long as you don't select Safari icon (SFSafariViewController) Selected browser dependent Selected browser dependent
Google Search App ❌ not yet, but UA is searchable (GSA) ❌ Silent