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Payment Gateway

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The objective is to accept payments from the merchant, pass the request through different stages and return a response describing the outcome. Below is a high level flow of the process.

    participant Merchant
    participant PG as Payment Gateway 
    participant DB as Database
    participant Bank as Mock CKO Bank
    Merchant->>PG: POST Payment Request
    PG-->>DB: Save to Database
    PG->>Merchant: Return Created Status (201)

    PG->>Bank: POST HTTP Request 
    Bank->>Bank: Retry If Unavailable     
    Bank->>PG: Return Response
    PG-->>DB: Update Database    
    PG->>Merchant: Return Details (200)


  • Dotnet 6 SDK

Getting Started

Running the applications

  1. Start the mock bank

    > .\payment-gateway
    dotnet run --project .\MockBank\PaymentGateway.AcquiringBank.MockCKOBank
  2. You can run the API from Visual Studio, ensuring that PaymentGateway.Api is set as the startup project.

    Alternatively, from the command line, in another terminal window:

    > .\payment-gateway
    dotnet run --project .\Api\PaymentGateway.Api\

Accessing the API

  • Use Swagger UI from https://localhost:7196/swagger
  • Use Postman, importing the url https://localhost:7196/swagger/v1/swagger.json, requires setting the baseUrl variable.

Authenticate using a bearer token below, click Authorize in Swagger or add the Bearer <tokenhere> authentication header. Below are some pre-generated tokens, without these you will receive a 401 Unauthorized response.

Merchant: Apple


Merchant: Amazon


Example Requests & Responses

Submit Payment

  • Verb: POST
  • Url: /payment/submit

201 Created

When specifying any other payment reference than ba1c9df4-001e-4922-9efa-488b59850bc4 and returning a successful response.


  "paymentReference": "ba2c9df4-001e-4922-9efa-488b59856bd2",
  "amount": 12.34,
  "currency": "gbp",
  "cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
  "cvv": "123",
  "expiryDateYear": 2022,
  "expiryDateMonth": 12,
  "cardHolder": "s jones"


    "processedOn": "2022-06-23T16:53:29.6963308Z",
    "paymentStatus": "Successful",
    "paymentReference": "ba2c9df4-001e-4922-9efa-488b59856bd2"

400 Bad Request

When specifying ba1c9df4-001e-4922-9efa-488b59850bc4 as the payment reference, unsuccessful response is returned.


  "paymentReference": "ba1c9df4-001e-4922-9efa-488b59850bc4",
  "amount": 12.34,
  "currency": "gbp",
  "cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
  "cvv": "123",
  "expiryDateYear": 2022,
  "expiryDateMonth": 12,
  "cardHolder": "s jones"


    "processedOn": "2022-06-23T16:55:18.5857683Z",
    "paymentStatus": "Unsuccessful",
    "paymentReference": "ba1c9df4-001e-4922-9efa-488b59850bc4"

401 Unauthorized

When not providing a valid bearer token.


Any request.


No content.

409 Conflict

When submitting a payment that already exists.


Any request with a previously used payment reference.


"Payment already exists."

504 Gateway Timeout

When the mock bank is unavailable after multiple retries.


Any request


    "status": 504,
    "traceId": "00-c1c0d397f0ed8e835fdd39a3ea644ba2-5660b5e9909df082-00"

Get Payment Details

  • Verb: GET
  • Url: /payment/details/{paymentReference}

200 OK

When specifying an existing payment reference.




    "processedOn": "2022-06-23T18:39:58.0807858Z",
    "paymentReference": "ba2c9df4-001e-4912-9efa-488b5985asd2",
    "paymentStatus": "Successful",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "amount": 12.34,
    "isAuthorised": true,
    "cardNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXXX1111"

401 Unauthorized

When not providing a valid bearer token.


Any request.


No content.

404 Not Found

When specifying an non-existent payment reference.




"Payment not found."


Unit tests

Unit tests can be run from Visual Studio, or using the command line:

> .\payment-gateway
dotnet test

Integration Tests

The integration tests are configured to run in two ways. By default they run against a bank stub, however you can also run them against the mock bank application over a localhost port, ideal for testing against hosted instances.

The payment gateway url used by acceptance tests is configured in acceptance.runsettings.

Running against the bank stub

This method will run the acceptance tests against the HttpClient provided by WebApplicationFactory, which then uses a BankConnectorServiceStub and doesn't make any real calls to the PaymentGateway.AcquiringBank.MockCKOBank.

  1. Run the payment gateway
> .\payment-gateway
dotnet run --project .\Api\PaymentGateway.Api\
  1. And in another terminal window, run the tests:
> .\payment-gateway
cd .\Tests\PaymentGateway.Api.IntegrationTests
dotnet test

Running against the mock bank application

This method makes the acceptance test call the application gateway over http, which then calls the mock bank application.

  1. Run the mock bank
> .\payment-gateway
dotnet run --project .\MockBank\PaymentGateway.AcquiringBank.MockCKOBank
  1. In another terminal window, run the payment gateway:
> .\payment-gateway
dotnet run --project .\Api\PaymentGateway.Api\
  1. And in another terminal window, run the tests:
> .\payment-gateway
cd .\Tests\PaymentGateway.Api.IntegrationTests
dotnet test --%  -- TestRunParameters.Parameter(name=\"UseInMemoryHttpClient\", value=\"false\")

Implementation Details

JSON Web Tokens

Authentication is handled using JSON Web Tokens but due to time constraints and requirements I haven't provided a JWT issuer. However, pre-generated bearer tokens which will authenticate and identify the request can be found under Accessing the API.

The JWT identifer is used to identify the merchant reference.


  • A valid bearer token must be provided to perform any action
  • Merchants can only access payment details submitted by themselves

API Routing

I first implemented routes using MapPost and MapGet using the Minimal API format, but then I found this in the fluent validation documentation.

Note that Minimal APIs that are part of .NET 6 don’t support automatic validation.

I then re-wrote the routing in the Controller style as I wanted the request validation to be handled via the middleware.

All routes are defined in PaymentGateway.Domain.Constants.ApiRoutes for maintainability.

Acquiring Bank Connector

All code and configuration for calling the PaymentGateway.AcquiringBank.MockCKOBank is separated into its own PaymentGateway.AcquiringBank.CKO project, and is only referenced from the PaymentGateway.Api project using startup extensions.

Benefits are:

  • Easy swapping out for other bank implementations
  • Replacing the mock with a real world bank or (vice versa) with minimal changes
  • A step closer for separating the acquiring banks into their own nuget packages for use in other applications.
  • Self contained including the configuration


I've used mediator to handle the command and query handling, in this case it's mainly used for decoupling as i'm not taking advantage of the notification benefits. I could have built on this using CQRS, but I didn't think the benefits were justifiable.

The Mock Acquiring Bank

The mock bank (.\MockBank\PaymentGateway.AcquiringBank.MockCKOBank) is a very simple aspnet core 6 Web API project which returns either successful or unsuccessful responses depending on the payment reference.

Given more time I would write this to be more configurable to use json files a request/response templates.

Data Storage

The payments are stored and updated using an in-memory cache, but could be swapped out for another implementation of IRepository.

Data Security

I thought about adding an IRepository decorator, encrypting on add/update and decrypting on read. I decided against this as it was "out of scope", but i'm not happy with storing card details in plain text NoSql database unless there were access restrictions or some other mechanism in place.


AutoMapper is used throughout, the command/query/domain model mapping is found in PaymentGateway.Domain and the acquiring bank mapping profiles are part of PaymentGateway.AcquiringBank.CKO.

    participant Merchant as Merchant 
    participant Gateway as Payment Gateway
    participant Bank as Bank
    Merchant->>Gateway: Command mapped to Payment Domain Model
    Gateway->>Bank: Payment Domain Model mapped to Bank Request Model
    Bank->>Gateway: Bank Response returned and Payment model updated 
    Gateway->>Merchant: Payment Domain Model mapped to Payment Response 


Extra mile bonus points

  • JWT Authentication
  • Retry policy with delay when calling the bank endpoint
  • Encapsulation of the bank connector, allowing easy replacement
  • A Github actions CI pipeline is configured to build, and then run all unit tests.
  • Mend bolt (previously Whitesource bolt) scans the code for vulnerabilities and raises issues if detected.

Next Steps

  • Host the API behind an API management portal which would handle the authentication, rate limiting, other transient faults, etc
  • Replace the In-Memory cache with a database, either using SQL Server with column-level encryption or NoSQL and access restrictions.
  • Add logging, both local plain text logging using serilog and a hosted platform such as Application Insights
  • Add telemetry to track request/response times and performance
  • Update the CI pipeline to include Sonarqube or another static code analysis service.