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CMPUT 379 assignment 2 and 3


A c++ program that implements the transactions performed by a simple linear software-defined network (SDN).


This programming assignment is intended to give experience in developing peer-to-peer programs that utilize signals for examining the progress of the running processes, FIFOs and Sockets for communication, and I/O multiplexing for nonblocking I/O.

Compiling the program

Makefile commands (assignment spec):

  • Executing ‘make’ produces the a3sdn executable file.
  • Executing ‘make clean’ removes unneeded files produced in compilation.
  • Executing ‘make tar’ produces the ‘submit.tar’ archive.

Controller Mode

The program can be invoked as a controller using
a3sdn cont nSwitch port
where cont is a reserved word, and nSwitch specifies the number of switches in the network (at most MAX NSW= 7 switches).

Switch Mode

The program can also be invoked as a switch using:
a3sdn swi trafficFile [null|swj] [null|swk] IPlow-IPhigh serverAddress port
In this form, the program simulates switch swi by processing traffic read from file trafficFile. Port 1 and port 2 of swi are connected to switches swj and swk, respectively. Either, or both, of these two switches may be null. Switch swi handles traffic from hosts in the IP range [IPlow-IPhigh]. Each IP address is ≤ MAXIP (= 1000) and >= 0. Sequence matters. The controller should be set up first and should not be closed before the switches.