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v. 2.0
Last updated: September 1, 2015

The Data Dictionary Generator (DDG) is a tool that helps project editors 
quickly generate encoding documentation. It reads in a TEI-encoded file, and 
compares that to both the official TEI Guidelines and any local guidelines (if 
provided) and outputs an HTML-formatted report that can be viewed on a computer
or published to the web.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 
International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Joe Easterly
Digital Humanities Librarian
River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester

Special thanks to:
 * Syd Bauman, Northeastern University
 * Martin Holmes, University of Victoria
 * Sean Morris, University of Rochester

* A recent version of the <oXygen/> XML Editor, or Saxon HE 9.* or later.
The instructions in this readme file assume that you are using <oXygen/>.

The Data Dictionary Generator includes three files, which can be saved anywhere
on your computer. By default, the DDG assumes that all three files are in the
same folder. 
 • data_dictionary.xslt: the dictionary generation script
 • p5subset.xml: a relatively recent copy of the official TEI P5 Guidelines.
   This file is included so that the Data Dictionary Generator will function 
   properly on download, however you are strongly encouraged to replace it with
   a fresh copy from
 • sample_dictionary.xml: a template for storing customized dictionary entries.
   This file is needed only if you want to insert your own element definitions 
   alongside definitions drawn from the TEI guidelines.

In <oXygen/>, the DDG operates using oXygen's Transformation Scenarios. This 
readme assumes basic familiarity with Transformation Scenarios, however 
detailed video tutorials are available at
1) In Oxygen, Configure a new transformation scenario of the type 
   "XML transformation with XSLT."

2) In the New scenario dialog box, under Name, give it a name such as Data 

3) The New scenario dialog box is divided into three tabs, and two of them 
   will need some configuration: XSLT and Output. Under XSLT:
   a) XML URL: ${currentFileURL} (should be default value)
   b) XSL URL: click "Browse for local file" and choose your copy of 
   c) Transformer: Saxon-HE 9.* (currently
   d) Parameters: Only needed if you don't want to keep all three DDG files in
      the same folder. Click on Parameters and a Configure parameters dialog
      box should appear. Then click "New," which will spawn an Add Parameter
      under Name, put dictFile, and under Value, put the path to your
      sample_dictionary.xml file. You can use ${home} as a shortcut to your
      home directory, for example: ${home}/Desktop/sample_dictionary.xml
      Repeat the same process for the p5subset.xml file, except use the
      parameter name P5source

4) Under Output:
   a) Choose Save as, and then put in a path to the desired HTML file. You can
      click "Browse for local file" to choose a spot, or type a path in by hand
      For example, ${homeDir}/Desktop/sample_dictionary.xml
   b) Check "Open in Browser/System Application" and click the "Saved file"
      radio button.
   c) Under "Show in results view as", uncheck "XML"
   d) Click OK , and then in the "Configure Transformation Scenario(s) box, 
      click Save and close. You're ready to go!

1) Click "Apply Transformation Scenarios". A tooltip for that button should 
   have appeared which mentioned the assocatiated scenario (Data Dictonary).
2) After a couple moments (depending on the the size of your TEI file), a
   data dictionary should appear in your web browser. You can copy or save
   this file anywhere, or even publish it to the web.
The Data Dictionary Generator comes with a sample dictionary, which you can use
to provide your own element definitions and guidelines. To create an entry in
the sample dictionary, add a <div> tag to <body> in the same fashion as below:

   <div corresp="ab" type="element">
      <div type="entry">
         <span type="definition">Your definition goes here.</span>

Replace the value of @corresp with the name of your element or attribute, and 
under @type in the same line, indicate whether its an element or an attribute. 
Then, put your definition inside <span type="definition">. If you re-run the
Data Dictionary Generator script, your entry should appear— but remember, 
entries only appear if the corresponding element or attribute is used in your
TEI file.
The sample dictionary includes examples and explanatory comments of other 
features that can be added to your entries -- just copy and paste the 
appropriate code as needed:
 * hyperlinks
 * code examples
 * usage notes
 * "see also" notes / cross-references

In addition to the dictFile and P5source parameters mentioned above, the DDG
supports additional parameters which might be useful for advanced users or for
running the script from the command line:
 * debug: turns on messaging, which displays the script's current step.
 * dictFile: location of the dictionary file to be used
 * displayModule: incorporates attribute module and class data in the entries
 * outputFormat: either 'html' or 'tei' -- the dictionary can alternatively
   be generated as a TEI file, so users can provide their own styling
 * P5source: location of the TEI P5 Guidelines file (p5subset.xml)
 * teiOutPath: location of the TEI file, if using TEI output.
 * Innacurate spacing in example code display: This should (hopefully) be
   addressed in an updated release. At this time, this issue can be fixed by
   hand by editing the HTML output file.
 * Slow performance with very large TEI files: This script may take twenty
   minutes or longer to run on TEI files with tens to hundreds of thousands
   of lines of code. In these cases it may be best to install a command-line
   version of Saxon (available from, and run the
   script directly from the shell.


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