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LostPets: Lost Pets Ads System
LostPets: Lost Pets Ads System 🐾

This is a Kotlin application for lost pets ads (my master's thesis) built for Android. The Web application is available at LostPets.

Code Quality 🔍

Quality Gate Status

Maintainability Rating Reliability Rating Security Rating

Bugs Code Smells Vulnerabilities

DevOps (CI/CD) ☁

DevOps (CI) DevOps (CD)

Installation 🔧

To install this application you can use Gradle.

gradlew build  

Scripts 📜

gradlew ktlintCheck

Runs the Kotlin linter.

gradlew lint

Runs the Android linter.

gradlew test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

gradlew assemble

Builds the app for production to the app/build/outputs/apk folder. The app is ready to be installed on Android devices!

License 🔑