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Publish ceph images

RHCS Dashboard Dev. Env.

Quick Install

  1. Clone the Ceph repo (both --depth 1 --single-branch are optional flags but they'll dramatically reduce the amount of data transferred and stored):
    git clone --depth 1 --single-branch
  2. Clone this repo:
    git clone
  3. Enter ceph-dev directory.
  4. To install docker and docker-compose, if you're using:
    • Fedora: sudo bash ./docker/scripts/
    • CentOS/RHEL: sudo bash ./docker/scripts/
    • Other OSes: please check this. Additionally, please ensure that SELinux is running in permissive mode:
      setenforce 0
      sed -i -E 's/^SELINUX=enforcing$/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config
  5. Use .env.example template for ceph-dev configuration: cp .env.example .env, edit .env and modify CEPH_REPO_DIR=/path/to/... to point to the directory where you cloned the Ceph repo (step #1)
  6. Download the container images: docker-compose pull
  7. Launch it (for a minimal Ceph-only deployment):
    docker-compose up -d ceph
    or (for Ceph + monitoring stack):
    docker-compose up -d ceph grafana prometheus alertmanager node-exporter
  8. Check how things are going with docker-compose logs -f ceph:
    • After a couple of minutes (aprox.) it'll finally print All done.
  9. The dashboard will be available at: with credentials: admin / admin.

Advanced Installation

  • Clone Ceph:
git clone
  • Clone rhcs-dashboard/ceph-dev:
git clone
  • In ceph-dev, create .env file from template and set your local values:
cd ceph-dev
cp .env.example .env
  • Install Docker Compose by running the following, depending on your OS:
# Fedora:
sudo bash ./docker/scripts/

# CentOS 7 / RHEL 7:
sudo bash ./docker/scripts/

If you ran the above script, then you can run docker and docker-compose without sudo if you log out and log in.

  • Download docker images:
docker-compose pull
  • Optionally, set up git pre-commit hook:
docker-compose run --rm -e HOST_PWD=$PWD ceph /docker/ci/


You don't need to build ceph if you've set CEPH_IMAGE=rhcsdashboard/ceph-rpm:... container image (the default).

Start ceph + dashboard feature services:

docker-compose up -d

# Only ceph:
docker-compose up -d ceph
  • Display ceph container logs:
docker-compose logs -f ceph
  • Access dashboard with credentials: admin / admin$CEPH_HOST_PORT

Access dev. server dashboard when you see in container logs something like this:

ceph                 | *********
ceph                 | All done.
ceph                 | *********$CEPH_PROXY_HOST_PORT

  • Restart dashboard module:
docker-compose exec ceph /docker/
  • Add OSD in 2nd host (once ceph dashboard is accessible):
docker-compose up -d --scale ceph-host2=1
  • Stop all:
docker-compose down

Build Ceph:

# Set a build-ready image and your local ccache path in .env file:
CEPH_IMAGE=rhcsdashboard/ceph:main  # DO NOT use ceph-rpm:... image.

docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/
  • Rebuild not proxied dashboard frontend:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/

Backend unit tests and/or lint:

# All tests + lint:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox

# Tests

# All tests:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox py3
# All tests in nautilus branch:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox py3-cov,py27-cov

# Only specific tests:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox tests/ tests/

# Only 1 test:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox tests/

# Run doctests in 1 file:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox run -- pytest --doctest-modules

# Lint

# All files:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox lint
# All files in nautilus branch:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox py3-lint,py27-lint

# Only 1 file:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox lint controllers/
# Only 1 file in nautilus branch:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox py3-run pylint controllers/
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox py3-run pycodestyle controllers/

# Other utilities

# Check OpenAPI Specification:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox openapi-check

# List tox environmnets:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_tox run tox -lv
  • Check dashboard python code with mypy:
# Enable mypy check in .env file:

docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_mypy

# Only 1 file:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_mypy src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/controllers/
  • Run API tests (integration tests based on Teuthology):
# Run tests interactively:
docker-compose run --rm -p 11000:11000 ceph bash
source /docker/ci/ && create_api_tests_cluster
run_teuthology_tests tasks.mgr.dashboard.test_health
run_teuthology_tests {moreTests}
cleanup_teuthology  # this also outputs coverage report.

# All tests:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/

# Only specific tests:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ tasks.mgr.dashboard.test_health tasks.mgr.dashboard.test_pool

# Only 1 test:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ tasks.mgr.dashboard.test_rgw.RgwBucketTest.test_all

Frontend unit tests or lint:

# Tests

# All tests:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_jest

# Only specific tests:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_jest health.component.spec.ts

# Only 1 test:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_jest health.component.spec.ts -t "^HealthComponent should create$"

# Lint

# All files:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_npm_lint

Frontend E2E tests:

# If ceph is running:
docker-compose exec ceph /docker/ci/ run_frontend_e2e_tests
# Against a running nautilus cluster:
docker-compose run --rm -e DASHBOARD_URL=https://ceph:11000 ceph-e2e

# Only 1 specific test file:
docker-compose exec ceph /docker/ci/ run_frontend_e2e_tests --spec "cypress/integration/ui/dashboard.e2e-spec.ts"

# If ceph is not running:
docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_frontend_e2e_tests

Monitoring tests:

docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_monitoring

Sanity checks:

docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/

Build Ceph documentation:

docker-compose run --rm ceph /docker/ci/ run_build_doc

Display Ceph documentation:

docker-compose run --rm -p 11001:8080 ceph /docker/ci/ run_serve_doc

# Access here:


If you have started grafana, you can access it at:$GRAFANA_HOST_PORT/login


If you have started prometheus, you can access it at:$PROMETHEUS_HOST_PORT

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Keycloak (open source Identity and Access Management solution) will be used for authentication, so port 8080 must be available in your machine.

  • Start Keycloak:
docker-compose up -d --scale keycloak=1 keycloak

You can access Keycloak administration console with credentials: admin / keycloak or

  • Enable dashboard SSO in running ceph container:
docker-compose exec ceph /docker/sso/
  • Access dashboard with SSO credentials: admin / ssoadmin$CEPH_HOST_PORT

  • Disable dashboard SSO:
docker-compose exec ceph /docker/sso/

RGW Multi-Site

  • Set appropriate values in .env:
  • Start ceph (cluster 1) + ceph2 (cluster 2):
docker-compose up -d --scale ceph2=1 --scale prometheus2=1
docker-compose exec ceph2 bash
hsbench -a <rgw-user-access-key> -s <rgw-user-secret-key> -u -z 4K -d 100 -t 10 -b 10

Access local dashboard connected to remote cluster

  • Set appropriate values in .env:
  • Start only ceph:
docker-compose up -d ceph

Build and push an image to docker registry:

  • Build image:
docker build -t {imageName}:{imageTag} -f {/path/to/Dockerfile} ./docker/ceph

# Examples

# Build base image:
docker build -t rhcsdashboard/ceph-base:centos8 -f ./docker/ceph/centos/Dockerfile  ./docker/ceph

# Nightly ceph-rpm main:
docker build -t rhcsdashboard/ceph-rpm:main \
-f ./docker/ceph/rpm/Dockerfile ./docker/ceph \

# Using custom repo URL (only for ceph-rpm images):
docker build -t rhcsdashboard/ceph-rpm:v16.2.0 \
-f ./docker/ceph/rpm/Dockerfile ./docker/ceph \
--build-arg REPO_URL= \
--build-arg VCS_BRANCH=v16.2.0 \

# Using custom repo files placed in './docker/ceph/rpm' (only for ceph-rpm images):
docker build -t rhcsdashboard/ceph-rpm:rhcs5.0 \
-f ./docker/ceph/rpm/Dockerfile ./docker/ceph \
--build-arg USE_REPO_FILES=1 \
--build-arg VCS_BRANCH=v16.2.0 \

# Nautilus E2E image:
docker build -t rhcsdashboard/ceph-e2e:nautilus \
-f ./docker/ceph/e2e/Dockerfile ./docker/ceph \
--build-arg VCS_BRANCH=nautilus \
  • Optionally, create an additional tag:
docker tag {imageName}:{imageTag} {imageName}:{imageNewTag}

# Example:
docker tag rhcsdashboard/ceph:main rhcsdashboard/ceph:latest
  • Log in to rhcs-dashboard docker registry:
docker login -u rhcsdashboard
  • Push image:
docker push {imageName}:{imageTag}

# Example:
docker push rhcsdashboard/ceph:main

Start Ceph 2 (useful for parallel development)

  • Set your CEPH2_ local values in .env.

  • Start ceph2 + ceph + ...:

docker-compose up -d --scale ceph2=1 --scale prometheus2=1

# Start ceph2 but not ceph:
docker-compose up -d --scale ceph2=1 --scale ceph=0

Start a downstream ceph product

  • Set your DOWNSTREAM_BUILD to a product.

and start the ceph normally.

docker-compose up -d ceph