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DISCLAIMER: We use Google Analytics for sending anonymous usage information such as agent's and client's names, and their versions after a successful launch start. This information might help us to improve both ReportPortal backend and client sides. It is used by the ReportPortal team only and is not supposed for sharing with 3rd parties.

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The latest version: 5.2.15. Please use Maven Central link above to get the client.

JVM-based clients configuration

How to provide parameters

There are several ways to load parameters. Be aware that higher sources override lower ones. For example, properties from file can be overridden by JVM variables.

Order Source
1 JVM arguments
2 Environment variables
3 Properties file

JVM arguments

ReportPortal client does not necessarily need properties file to be configured. One of the option is to use JVM arguments which have the highest priority among configuration ways. To use them you need to specify them in command line after Java executable using -D flag. Example:

$ java -Drp.endpoint= -jar my-tests.jar

Environment variables

In case of bypassing parameters through environment variables they should be specified in UPPERCASE separated by underscores (_). E.G.:

  • rp.endpoint --> RP_ENDPOINT
  • rp.skipped.issue --> RP_SKIPPED_ISSUE

Property file

The most common way to start using an agent is to copy your configuration from UI of ReportPortal at User Profile section or configure property file in the following format:

rp.description=My awesome launch

For detailed parameter description see below sections.

Default properties file should have name. It can be situated in the class path (in the project directory) and if client can’t find the file it logs a warning. But you can also use your custom property file specifying file's path in system property or RP_PROPERTIES_PATH environment variable. The first option has priority, so if you specify the path in both system properties and environment variables then system property value will be used.


Common parameters

Property name Type Description Required
rp.endpoint String URL of web service, where requests should be send Yes
rp.api.key String Api token of user Yes
rp.launch String A unique name of Launch (Run). Based on that name a history of runs will be created for particular name Yes
rp.project String Project name to identify scope Yes
rp.launch.uuid String A unique Launch UUID to which the whole test execution will be uploaded. No new launch will be created if the property specified. No
rp.launch.uuid.print Boolean Enables printing Launch UUID on test run start. Default False. No
rp.launch.uuid.print.output Enum Launch UUID print output. Default stdout. Possible values: stderr, stdout. No
rp.enable Boolean Enable/Disable logging to ReportPortal: rp.enable=true - enable log to RP server. Any other value means 'false': rp.enable=false - disable log to RP server. If parameter is absent in properties file then automation project results will be posted on RP. No
rp.description String Launch description No
rp.attributes String Set of attributes for specifying additional meta information for current launch. Format: key:value;value;build:12345-6. Attributes should be separated by “;”, keys and values - “:”. No
rp.reporting.async Boolean Enables asynchronous reporting. Available values - true (by default) or false. Supported only in 5+ version. No
rp.reporting.callback Boolean Enables callback reporting. Available values - true or false(by default). Supported only in 5+ vesion No
rp.rerun Boolean Enables rerun mode. Available values - true or false(by default). Supported only in 5+ version No
rp.rerun.of String Specifies UUID of launch that has to be rerun. No
rp.convertimage Boolean Colored log images can be converted to grayscale for reducing image size. Values: ‘true’ – will be converted. Any other value means ‘false’. No
rp.mode Enum ReportPortal provides possibility to specify visibility of executing launch. Currently two modes are supported: DEFAULT - all users from project can see this launch; DEBUG - all users except of Customer role can see this launch (in debug sub tab). Note: for all java based clients (TestNG, Junit) mode will be set automatically to "DEFAULT" if it is not specified. No
rp.skipped.issue Boolean ReportPortal provides feature to mark skipped tests as not 'To Investigate' items on WS side. Parameter could be equal boolean values:
  • true - skipped tests considered as issues and will be marked as 'To Investigate' on ReportPortal.
  • false - skipped tests will not be marked as 'To Investigate' on application.
  • No
    rp.batch.size.logs Integer Put logs into batches of specified size in order to rise up performance and reduce number of requests to server. Default = 10 No
    rp.batch.payload.limit Long Limit batches by payload size to avoid request rejection due to server limitations. No
    rp.rx.buffer.size Integer Internal queue size for log processing, increase this value along with log batch size if you see not all your logs passing to server. Default = 128 No
    rp.keystore.resource String Put your JKS file into resources and specify path to it No
    rp.keystore.password String Access password for JKS (certificate storage) package, mentioned above

    Launch name sets once before first execution, because in common launch parts are fixed for a long time. By keeping the same launch name we will know a fixed list of suites behind it. That will allow us to have a history trend. On Report Portal UI different launch iterations will be saved with postfix "#number", like "Test Launch #1", "Test Launch #2" etc.

    If mandatory parameters are missed client will log a warning and will be initialized in inactive state.

    Multi-process join parameters

    Property name Type Description
    rp.client.join Boolean Default: true
    Enable / Disable multi-process launch join mode
    rp.client.join.mode Enum [FILE, SOCKET], Default: FILE
    Which mechanism will be used to join multi-process launches:
  • FILE - the client will create a locking file
  • SOCKET - the client will open a socket
  • rp.client.join.port Integer Default: 25464
    If client join mode set to SOCKET, this property controls port number of the socket
    rp.client.join.timeout.value Integer Default: 1.8M milliseconds (30 minutes)
    Timeout value for secondary launches. Primary launch will wait that amount of time after test execution for secondary launch finish.
    rp.client.join.timeout.unit Enum Default: MILLISECONDS
    Timeout value time unit. Should be one of values from java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class String Default: reportportal.lock
    A name of a main lock file, can be an absolute path. A client which managed to obtain that lock count itself as a primary launch process. It rewrites synchronization file with its launch ID. String Default: reportportal.sync
    A name of a launch ID synchronization file, can be an absolute path. Each client waits for a lock on that file to get a launch ID (first line) and write its own ID to the end of the file.
    rp.client.join.lock.timeout.value Integer Default: 1 minute
    Files lock / connection timeout for launches.
    rp.client.join.lock.timeout.unit Enum Default: MILLISECONDS
    Timeout value time unit. Should be one of values from java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class

    HTTP parameters

    Property name Type Description
    rp.http.proxy String A URL of a HTTP proxy to connect to the endpoint.
    rp.http.proxy.username String A username for used proxy, works only if Proxy URL is set.
    rp.http.proxy.password String Password for proxy, works only if Proxy URL and Proxy Username are set.
    rp.http.logging Boolean Default: false
    Enable / Disable HTTP logging. Integer Default: Infinitive
    Timeout value for the entire call: resolving DNS, connecting, writing the request body, server processing, and reading the response body. If the call requires redirects or retries all must complete within one timeout period. Enum Default: MILLISECONDS
    Timeout value time unit. Should be one of values from java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class
    rp.http.timeout.connect.value Integer Default: 10 seconds
    Connect timeout for new HTTP connections.
    rp.http.timeout.connect.unit Enum Default: MILLISECONDS
    Timeout value time unit. Should be one of values from java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class Integer Default: 10 seconds
    Data read timeout for new HTTP connections. Enum Default: MILLISECONDS
    Timeout value time unit. Should be one of values from java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class
    rp.http.timeout.write.value Integer Default: 10 seconds
    Data write timeout for new HTTP connections.
    rp.http.timeout.write.unit Enum Default: MILLISECONDS
    Timeout value time unit. Should be one of values from java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class

    Truncation parameters

    Property name Type Description
    rp.truncation.field Boolean Default: true
    Enable / disable certain field truncation to avoid API failures.
    rp.truncation.replacement String Default: ...
    Replacement pattern for truncated fields Integer Default: 1024
    Maximum item names length before truncation.
    rp.truncation.attribute.limit Integer Default: 128
    Maximum attribute key and value limit (counts separately)

    Proxy configuration

    ReportPortal supports 2 options for setting Proxy configuration:

    • JVM arguments (-Dhttps.proxyHost=localhost)
    • file

    JVM arguments

    ReportPortal uses OkHttp as HTTP client, which can pick up JVM proxy settings. This is the most flexible and preferable way to configure proxies, since it supports different proxy types. You can find out more about JVM proxies on Java networking and proxies page.

    Properties file

    If you need to set up just a simple HTTP proxy you can use file. rp.http.proxy parameter accepts HTTP proxy URL. This parameter can override JVM proxy arguments, so watch your back.