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This is a student project for the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.


Microservices for Books, Users, Orders, Rating, Analytics. Users and Books can be administered. User order and rate books. Orders and ratings can be analysed.



The client communicates with the respective services synchronously via an API gateway. The services themselves communicate asynchronously with events via spring cloud stream and a rabbitMQ broker. An eureka discovery service is used for service discovery. A configuration service is used to store the configurations in one repository and to be able to provide different configuration profiles for each service (e.g. develop, staging).


Clients should be able to:

  • add users and addresses for users
  • view users and addresses
  • add, view and delete books
  • add, view and cancel orders for books from users
  • add, view and delete ratings for books from users
  • view orders by rating, average order user, orders per day


Discovery Service

A Eureka discovery service is implemented.

public class DiscoveryServiceApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);



Each client must have an @EnableDiscoveryClient Annotation, an property and the following dependency:


Configuration Service

Since all the files should be contained in this git repository the configuration service was configured to look for properties files on the classpath. Therefore it has to be started with the native spring boot profile. Alternatively a separate VCS repository can be used. The properties must have the name (e.g. to be distributed when services request properties for profiles. The configuration service is also a discovery client, so other services can find it. Therefore the discovery service cannot use the configuration service.

public class ConfigurationServerApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


Services can use the following properties to request configurations

They also need the following dependency


Gateway service

An API gateway is used to centralise all incoming graphql requests. Also Hystrix is used to map error status codes to 503 (See Problems/GraphQL and Hystrix).

public class GatewayServiceApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public RouteLocator customRouteLocator(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
        return builder.routes()
                .route("account-graphql", r -> r
                        .filters(f -> f
                                .rewritePath("^/account", "")
                                .hystrix(c -> c

Spring Cloud Stream

Spring cloud stream is used for event based asynchronous messaging between services. A RabbitMQ broker is used to handle the messaging.

A service must therefore have the following properties to connect to the rabbitMQ broker.

To send or receive messages with spring cloud stream, a service must declare bindings for a channel, where destination maps to the rabbitMQ exchange and group maps to one or more queues., bookRatingQueue

To send messages an interface has been defined to use custom or multiple channels. This interface can be injected containing a message channel that provides a send method;

public interface EventSource {
    MessageChannel userEvent();
    //[...] other channels

public class Sender {

    private final EventSource eventSource;

    public Sender(EventSource eventSource) {
        this.eventSource = eventSource;

    public UserEvent sendCreateUser(User user) {
        UserEvent userEvent = new UserEvent(user, UserEvent.Action.CREATE);
        return userEvent;
    //[...] other events

To receive messages a similar interface can be defined.

public interface EventSink {
    SubscribableChannel bookEvent();

    SubscribableChannel userEvent();

public class Receiver {

    private final BookService bookService;
    private final UserService userService;

    public Receiver(BookService bookService, UserService userService) {
        this.bookService = bookService;
        this.userService = userService;

    @StreamListener(value = "bookChannel")
    public void receiveBook(BookEvent event) {
        Book book = event.toBook();
    //[...] other channels


GraphQL is used to provide a way to access and manipulate data from the outside. Each service must therefore provide a graphQL schema containing types, queries and mutations.

type Address{

type User{
    name: String
    firstName: String
    lastName: String
    addresses: [Address]

type Query{
    allUsers: [User]
    allAddresses: [Address]
    user(id:ID!): User
    address(id:ID!): Address

input AddressInput{

type Mutation{
    addUser(name: String, firstName: String, lastName:String) : User
    addAddressToUser(userId:ID, address:AddressInput): Address

Resolvers must be implemented according to the schema.

public class Mutation implements GraphQLMutationResolver {


    public User addUser(String name, String firstName, String lastName){
        return userService.saveUser(name, firstName, lastName);

    public Address addAddressToUser(Long userId, AddressInput address){
        return addressService.addAddressToUser(userId, new Address(address));

To map Exceptions to GraphQL Errors, these exceptions must implement the GraphQLError interface. The stacktrace is ignored to hide server specific information from clients.

public class NotFoundException extends RuntimeException implements GraphQLError {
    public NotFoundException(String message) {
    public NotFoundException(Long id, String type) {
        super(type + " with ID:'" + id.toString() + "' not found.");

    public List<SourceLocation> getLocations() {
        return null;

    public ErrorType getErrorType() {
        return ErrorType.ValidationError;

    public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() {
        return super.getStackTrace();

Account-, Book-, Ordering-, Rating-Service

Account service handles user information (user, address). Book service handles book information (book, publisher, author). Ordering service handles orders of books by users (orderEntry, book, user). Rating service handles ratings of books by users (rating, book, user). These services are of course barebone and incomplete for business appliance (especially account and ordering). They can however be easily extended and are meant to show the architecture and the interaction of the services. They each are very similar in structure, therefore they are summarized here. Each of these services is a discovery client and a configuration client. They also declare streaming channels. Where account service and book service only have outgoing channels, whereas ordering service and rating service also have incoming channels. They all use hibernate and jpa to access their separate maria database and have a graphQL interface to access this data.

#data base

#Hibernate Configuration

Analytics Service

This service is very similar to books-, ordering-, account- and rating-service. It however uses spring scheduling to calculate analytics results in a fixed interval and to save them to the database. This is necessary, because such calculations can require a large amount of time. Also a mongo database is used to store data.

    @Scheduled(fixedRateString = "${analytics.update.rate}")
    public void calculateAnalytics(){
        AnalyticsResult result = new AnalyticsResult();

        result.setTimestamp(dateFormat.format(new Date()));
        analyticsResultService.saveAnalyticsResult(result);"result calculated");;


GraphQL and Hystrix

GraphQL maps each exception that is thrown in the service to an graphQL error. This error is contained in the graphQL response message. If an exception occurs on the service when a specific query or mutation is requested a Response with 200 OK status and error messages in the body is returned. I have found no way to configure hystrix on the API Gateway to check if the body contains an error message or to change the status of the response. Therefore each exception thrown on the service that does not implement GraphQLError is mapped to a "internal server error" - error message and a 200 OK status. Exceptions that implement GraphQLError are mapped to their specific message and also a 200 OK status. For this reason hystrix does not work with GraphQL.

To show this I implemented a hystrixDebug graphql-query, that throws a RuntimeException, in the account service.

  • Request: GET localhost:8080/account/graphql?query={hystrixDebug}
  • Response: 200 OK
    "data": {
        "hystrixDebug": null
    "errors": [
            "message": "Internal Server Error(s) while executing query",
            "path": null,
            "extensions": null

To show that hystrix usually works i have also implemented a TestController with binding /test/hystrix on the gateway service. This one also throws a RuntimeException. The gateway maps /hystrix to /test/hystrix. The fallback returns a 503 Service Unavailable.

  • Request: GET localhost:8080/hystrix
  • Response: 503 Service Unavailable service unavailable (fallback)


account service

GET http://localhost:8080/account/graphql?query={allUsers{id}}

200 OK

    "data": {
        "allUsers": [
                "id": "1"
                "id": "2"
                "id": "6"
                "id": "7"
                "id": "11"
                "id": "12"
                "id": "16"
                "id": "17"
                "id": "18"
                "id": "19"
                "id": "20"
                "id": "21"
                "id": "22"
                "id": "23"
                "id": "24"
                "id": "25"
                "id": "26"

GET http://localhost:8080/account/graphql?query={allAddresses{id}}

    "data": {
        "allAddresses": [
                "id": "3"
                "id": "4"
                "id": "5"
                "id": "8"
                "id": "9"
                "id": "10"
                "id": "13"
                "id": "14"
                "id": "15"

user does not exist:

GET http://localhost:8080/account/graphql?query={user(id:4){id, name, firstName, lastName}}

    "data": {
        "user": null
    "errors": [
            "message": "Exception while fetching data (/user) : User with ID:'4' not found.",
            "path": [
            "exception": {
                "cause": null,
                "locations": null,
                "errorType": "ValidationError",
                "message": "User with ID:'4' not found.",
                "path": null,
                "extensions": null,
                "localizedMessage": "User with ID:'4' not found.",
                "suppressed": []
            "locations": [
                    "line": 1,
                    "column": 2
            "extensions": null,
            "errorType": "DataFetchingException"

GET http://localhost:8080/account/graphql?query={user(id:2){id, name, firstName, lastName}}

    "data": {
        "user": {
            "id": "2",
            "name": "userName2",
            "firstName": "Karl",
            "lastName": "Karlsberger"

GET http://localhost:8080/account/graphql?query={address(id:3){id, country, zip, town, street, house}}

    "data": {
        "address": {
            "id": "3",
            "country": "austria",
            "zip": "4664",
            "town": "SteyermĂĽhl",
            "street": "HauptstraĂźe",
            "house": "1"

POST http://localhost:8080/account/graphql/

mutation {
  addUser(name:"Hans123", firsName:"Hans", lastName:"Hansson"){
    "data": {
        "addUser": {
            "id": "27"

Rating service:

received: User[id=27, name='Hans123', deleted=false]

Ordering service:

received: User[id=27, name='Hans123', deleted=false]

POST http://localhost:8080/account/graphql/

mutation {
  addAddressToUser(userId:27, address:{country:"austria", zip:"4232", town:"Hagenberg", street:"softwarepark", house:"1"}){
    "data": {
        "addAddressToUser": {
            "id": "28"

analytics service

GET localhost:8080/analytics/graphql?query={orderByRating{rating, orders}}

    "data": {
        "orderByRating": [
                "rating": 1,
                "orders": 9
                "rating": 3,
                "orders": 9
                "rating": 0,
                "orders": 0

GET localhost:8080/analytics/graphql?query={avgOrderPerUser}

    "data": {
        "avgOrderPerUser": 6

GET localhost:8080/analytics/graphql?query={ordersPerDay{orders, day}}

    "data": {
        "ordersPerDay": [
                "orders": 1,
                "day": "2019-04-03"
                "orders": 1,
                "day": "2019-04-04"
                "orders": 14,
                "day": "2019-05-04"

book service

GET localhost:8080/book/graphql?query={allBooks{id}}

    "data": {
        "allBooks": [
                "id": "5"
                "id": "6"
                "id": "7"
                "id": "8"
                "id": "9"
                "id": "10"
                "id": "11"
                "id": "12"

GET localhost:8080/book/graphql?query={book(id:6){name, author{firstName, lastName}, publisher{name}}}

    "data": {
        "book": {
            "name": "n2",
            "author": {
                "firstName": "Fritz",
                "lastName": "Fritzberger"
            "publisher": {
                "name": "Springer Verlag"

publisher does not exist

POST http://localhost:8080/book/graphql/

mutation {
  saveBook(name:"Spring Framework for dummies", authorId:1, publisherId:2){id}
    "data": {
        "saveBook": null
    "errors": [
            "message": "Exception while fetching data (/saveBook) : Publisher with ID:'2' not found.",
            "path": [
            "exception": {
                "cause": null,
                "locations": null,
                "errorType": "ValidationError",
                "message": "Publisher with ID:'2' not found.",
                "path": null,
                "extensions": null,
                "localizedMessage": "Publisher with ID:'2' not found.",
                "suppressed": []
            "locations": [
                    "line": 2,
                    "column": 3
            "extensions": null,
            "errorType": "DataFetchingException"

POST http://localhost:8080/book/graphql/

mutation {
  saveBook(name:"Spring Framework for dummies", authorId:2, publisherId:3){id}
    "data": {
        "saveBook": {
            "id": "13"

Rating Serivce

received: Book[id=13, name='Spring Framework for dummies', deleted=false]

Ordering Service

received: Book[id=13, name='Spring Framework for dummies', deleted=false]

POST http://localhost:8080/book/graphql/

mutation {
    "data": {
        "deleteBook": {
            "id": "13"

Rating Serivce

received: Book[id=13, name='Spring Framework for dummies', deleted=true]

Ordering Service

received: Book[id=13, name='Spring Framework for dummies', deleted=true]

ordering service

GET localhost:8080/order/graphql?query={allOrders{id}}

    "data": {
        "allOrders": [
                "id": "1"
                "id": "2"
                "id": "3"
                "id": "4"
                "id": "5"
                "id": "6"
                "id": "7"
                "id": "8"
                "id": "9"
                "id": "10"
                "id": "11"
                "id": "12"
                "id": "13"
                "id": "14"
                "id": "15"
                "id": "16"
                "id": "17"

GET localhost:8080/order/graphql?query={orderEntry(id:1){book{id}, user{id}, date}}

    "data": {
        "orderEntry": {
            "book": {
                "id": "5"
            "user": {
                "id": "11"
            "date": "2019-04-03"

book does not exist

POST http://localhost:8080/order/graphql/

mutation {
  addOrder(date:"2019-06-26", userId:1, bookId:1){id}
    "data": {
        "addOrder": null
    "errors": [
            "message": "Exception while fetching data (/addOrder) : Book with ID:'1' not found.",
            "path": [
            "exception": {
                "cause": null,
                "locations": null,
                "errorType": "ValidationError",
                "message": "Book with ID:'1' not found.",
                "path": null,
                "extensions": null,
                "localizedMessage": "Book with ID:'1' not found.",
                "suppressed": []
            "locations": [
                    "line": 2,
                    "column": 3
            "extensions": null,
            "errorType": "DataFetchingException"

POST http://localhost:8080/order/graphql/

mutation {
  addOrder(date:"2019-06-26", userId:11, bookId:5){id}
    "data": {
        "addOrder": {
            "id": "18"

Analytics service:

received: OrderEvent[id=18, book=5, user=11, date='2019-06-26', action=CREATE]

POST http://localhost:8080/order/graphql/

mutation {
    "data": {
        "cancleOrder": {
            "id": "18"

Analytics service:

received: OrderEvent[id=18, book=5, user=11, date='2019-06-26', action=DELETE]

Rating Service

GET localhost:8080/rating/graphql?query={allRatings{id}}

    "data": {
        "allRatings": [
                "id": "1"
                "id": "2"
                "id": "3"
                "id": "4"
                "id": "5"
                "id": "6"
                "id": "7"
                "id": "8"
                "id": "9"
                "id": "10"
                "id": "11"
                "id": "12"

GET localhost:8080/rating/graphql?query={rating(id:1){id, book{name}, user{name}}}

    "data": {
        "rating": {
            "id": "1",
            "book": {
                "name": "n3"
            "user": {
                "name": "userName1"

book does not exist

POST http://localhost:8080/rating/graphql/

mutation {
  addRating(value:2, userId:1, bookId:1){id}
    "data": {
        "addRating": null
    "errors": [
            "message": "Exception while fetching data (/addRating) : Book with ID:'1' not found.",
            "path": [
            "exception": {
                "cause": null,
                "locations": null,
                "errorType": "ValidationError",
                "message": "Book with ID:'1' not found.",
                "path": null,
                "extensions": null,
                "localizedMessage": "Book with ID:'1' not found.",
                "suppressed": []
            "locations": [
                    "line": 2,
                    "column": 3
            "extensions": null,
            "errorType": "DataFetchingException"

POST http://localhost:8080/rating/graphql/

mutation {
  addRating(value:2, userId:11, bookId:5){id}
    "data": {
        "addRating": {
            "id": "13"

Analytics service:

received: RatingEvent[book=5, user=11, value=2, action=CREATE]

POST http://localhost:8080/rating/graphql/

mutation {
    "data": {
        "removeRating": {
            "id": "13"

Analytics service:

received: RatingEvent[book=5, user=11, value=2, action=DELETE]

Configuration Service

on startup of client on client

2019-06-26 18:02:32.873  INFO 8028 --- [           main] c.c.c.ConfigServicePropertySourceLocator : Fetching config from server at : http://localhost:8888
2019-06-26 18:02:34.572  INFO 8028 --- [           main] c.c.c.ConfigServicePropertySourceLocator : Located environment: name=sve.project.analyticsservice, profiles=[develop], label=null, version=null, state=null
2019-06-26 18:02:34.572  INFO 8028 --- [           main] b.c.PropertySourceBootstrapConfiguration : Located property source: CompositePropertySource {name='configService', propertySources=[MapPropertySource {name='classpath:/config/'}]}

Gateway Service

service turned off

GET localhost:8080/analytics/graphql?query={orderByRating{rating, orders}}

503 Service Unavailable

service unavailable (fallback)


No description, website, or topics provided.






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