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Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Performance Metric Domain Agent (PMDA) for SAP HANA (hdb)


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pcp-pmda-hdb is a Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Performance Metric Domain Agent (PMDA) for SAP HANA (hdb).

⚠️ WARNING: Alpha Software
This project is in an early stage and should not be used in productive environments.



pcp-pmda-hdb connects to HANA via the hdbcli Python module.

pip3 install hdbcli
dnf install -y pcp python3-pcp pcp-zeroconf


# get pcp-pmda-hdb
git clone <REPO>
cd pcp-pmda-hdb

# copy files
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/pcp/pmdas/hdb
sudo cp /var/lib/pcp/pmdas/hdb/pmdahdb.python
sudo cp Install Remove pmdahdb.conf /var/lib/pcp/pmdas/hdb/
sudo chown -R root /var/lib/pcp/pmdas/hdb/
cd /var/lib/pcp/pmdas/hdb/

# Set connection parameters in pmdahdb.conf, see Configuration section of this document
sudo $EDITOR pmdahdb.conf
sudo chmod 640 pmdahdb.conf

# actual installation with pcp
sudo ./Install 
> Updating the Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS) ...
> Terminate PMDA if already installed ...
> Updating the PMCD control file, and notifying PMCD ...
> Check hdb metrics have appeared ... 188 metrics and 1522 values

# check hdb-pmda is marked as installed
pcp | grep hdb


List available metrics:

pminfo -t hdb [Number of active asynchronous input and/or output requests on the host] [Number of allocated file handles on the host]
hdb.cpu.total_time_idle_milliseconds [CPU idle time in milliseconds]
hdb.cpu.total_time_iowait_milliseconds [CPU time spent waiting for I/O in milliseconds]
hdb.cpu.total_time_system_milliseconds [CPU time spent in system mode in milliseconds]
hdb.cpu.total_time_user_milliseconds [CPU time spent in user mode in milliseconds]
hdb.alerts.active_count [Number of currently active alerts reported by the statistics server per rating]
hdb.memory.oom_events.statement_memory_limit_count [Number of out-of-memory (OOM) events since last reset caused by a statement memory limit.]
hdb.memory.oom_events.process_allocation_limit_count [Number of out-of-memory (OOM) events since last reset caused by a process allocation limit.]

Read all metrics

pminfo -Ff hdb
    inst [0 or "hxehost"] value 10240
    inst [0 or "hxehost"] value 2816

Read a metric

pminfo -dfmtT hdb.version

hdb.version PMID: 158.0.2 [HANA Version (Revision)]
    Data Type: string  InDom: PM_INDOM_NULL 0xffffffff
    Semantics: discrete  Units: none
HANA Version (Revision)
    value ""

Read a metric with multiple instances

pminfo -dfmtT PMID: 158.4.3 [Stack size in bytes]
    Data Type: 64-bit unsigned int  InDom: 158.3 0x27800003
    Semantics: instant  Units: byte
Stack size in bytes
    inst [0 or "hxehost.39001.nameserver"] value 148111360
    inst [1 or "hxehost.39003.indexserver"] value 129761280
    inst [2 or "hxehost.39006.webdispatcher"] value 40894464
    inst [3 or "hxehost.39010.compileserver"] value 29360128

The official PCP documentation contains the complete documentation on PCP.

RHEL specific information can be found in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux PCP Documentation

If you want to visualise the metrics via Grafana, have a look at this blog post: Visualizing Performance with Grafana.


pmdahdb.conf contains the configuration of pcp-pmda-hdb. Curently there is only one hdb section that contains the SAP HANA connection parameters. Quoted passwords are supported.



pcp-pmda-hdb can be used in scale-out scenarios. All metrics are Host and Port aware. Host and Port are included in the instance names (<host>.<port>.<instance>).


Metric Description
hdb.admission_control.measurement.memory_allocation_percent Last measured memory size, as a percentage of the global allocation limit
hdb.admission_control.measurement.memory_size_gigabytes Last measured memory size in GB
hdb.admission_control.measurement.timestamp The time at which the last memory size was measured
hdb.admission_control.queue_size Current waiting request queued count
hdb.admission_control.total_admit_count Accumulated request admission count
hdb.admission_control.total_dequeue_count Accumulated request dequeued count (the executed request count)
hdb.admission_control.total_enqueue_count Accumulated request enqueued count
hdb.admission_control.total_reject_count Accumulated request rejection count
hdb.admission_control.total_timeout_count Accumulated request dequeued count due to timeout (the rejected request count)
hdb.admission_control.wait_time.avg_microseconds Average wait time of the request in the queue in microseconds
hdb.admission_control.wait_time.last_microseconds Last wait time of the request in the queue in microseconds
hdb.admission_control.wait_time.max_microseconds Maximum wait time of the request in the queue in microseconds
hdb.admission_control.wait_time.min_microseconds Minimum wait time of the request in the queue in microseconds
hdb.admission_control.wait_time.sum_microseconds Total wait time of the request in the queue in microseconds
hdb.alerts.active_count Number of currently active alerts reported by the statistics server per rating
hdb.backup.cancel_pending_count Number of currently running backups with pending cancellation
hdb.backup.max_current_runtime_seconds Maximum runtime of currently running (state=running or cancel pending) backups
hdb.backup.max_successful_runtime_seconds Maximum runtime of successful backups
hdb.backup.running_count Number of currently running backups
hdb.backup.total_canceled_count Total number of canceled backups
hdb.backup.total_failed_count Total number of failed backups
hdb.backup.total_successful_count Total number of successful backups
hdb.buffer_cache.allocated_size_bytes Allocated memory for the buffer cache in bytes
hdb.buffer_cache.hit_ratio Ratio of pages found in the buffer cache to pages requested from the buffer cache
hdb.buffer_cache.max_size_bytes Maximum buffer cache memory capacity in bytes
hdb.buffer_cache.reuse_count Number of times that a buffer is released for reuse by the cache
hdb.buffer_cache.used_size_bytes Used memory for the buffer cache in bytes
hdb.buffer_cache_pool.buffers_reuse_count Number of buffers released from the LRU list for the pool so that a requested page can be cached
hdb.buffer_cache_pool.free_buffers_count Number of free buffers for the pool
hdb.buffer_cache_pool.growth_percent Rate, as a percentage, at which the buffer pool can grow
hdb.buffer_cache_pool.hot_list_buffers_count Number of buffers in the hot buffer list for the pool
hdb.buffer_cache_pool.lru_list_buffers_count Number of buffers in the LRU chain for the pool
hdb.buffer_cache_pool.out_of_buffer_event_count Number number of times that an out-of-buffer situation occurred while requesting buffers from the pool.
hdb.buffer_cache_pool.total_buffers_count Number of buffers allocated to the pool
hdb.cache.entries_count Number of entries in the cache instance
hdb.cache.hits_count Number of cache hits for the cache instance
hdb.cache.inserts_count Number of insertions into the cache instance
hdb.cache.invalidations_count Number of invalidations in the cache instance
hdb.cache.miss_count Number of cache misses for the cache instance
hdb.cache.total_size_bytes Maximum available memory budget in bytes available for the cache instance
hdb.cache.used_size_bytes Memory in bytes used by the cache instance
hdb.column_unloads.explicit_count Number of explicit column unloads
hdb.column_unloads.low_memory_count Number of column unloads caused by memory management's automatic shrink on out of memory (OOM)
hdb.column_unloads.merge_count Number of column unloads due to merges
hdb.column_unloads.shrink_count Number of column unloads caused by a manual shrink
hdb.connections.idle_count Total number of connections where no statement is being executed
hdb.connections.queuing_count Total number of queued connections
hdb.connections.running_count Total number of connections where a statement is being executed
hdb.cpu.total_time_idle_milliseconds CPU idle time in milliseconds
hdb.cpu.total_time_iowait_milliseconds CPU time spent waiting for I/O in milliseconds
hdb.cpu.total_time_system_milliseconds CPU time spent in system mode in milliseconds
hdb.cpu.total_time_user_milliseconds CPU time spent in user mode in milliseconds
hdb.instance_id SAP instance ID
hdb.instance_number Instance number Number of active asynchronous input and/or output requests on the host Number of allocated file handles on the host
hdb.memory.allocated_bytes Size of the memory pool for all SAP HANA processes in bytes
hdb.memory.code_size_bytes Code size, including shared libraries of SAP HANA processes in bytes
hdb.memory.host_allocation_limit_bytes Allocation limit for all processes in bytes
hdb.memory.host_free_bytes Free physical memory on the host in bytes
hdb.memory.host_used_bytes Used physical memory on the host in bytes
hdb.memory.oom_events.global_allocation_limit_count Number of out-of-memory (OOM) events since last reset cause by the global allocation limit.
hdb.memory.oom_events.process_allocation_limit_count Number of out-of-memory (OOM) events since last reset caused by a process allocation limit.
hdb.memory.oom_events.statement_memory_limit_count Number of out-of-memory (OOM) events since last reset caused by a statement memory limit.
hdb.memory.peak_used_bytes Peak memory from the memory pool used by SAP HANA processes since the instance started (this is a sample-based value) in bytes
hdb.memory.shared_size_bytes Shared memory size of SAP HANA processes in bytes
hdb.memory.swap_free_bytes Free swap memory on the host in bytes
hdb.memory.swap_used_bytes Used swap memory on the host in bytes
hdb.memory.used_bytes Amount of memory from the memory pool that is currently being used by SAP HANA processes in bytes
hdb.metadata_locks.total_wait_time_microseconds Accumulated lock wait time (in microseconds) for metadata locks for all available services from database start up until the current time.
hdb.metadata_locks.total_waits_count Accumulated lock wait count for metadata locks for all available services from database start up until the current time.
hdb.mvcc.acquired_lock_count Number of acquired records locks
hdb.mvcc.data_versions_count Number of all MVCC data versions per service
hdb.mvcc.metadata_versions_count Number of all MVCC metadata versions per service
hdb.mvcc.read_write_lag Difference between minimum closed write transaction ID and what all transactions can see
hdb.mvcc.snapshot_lag Difference between global MVCC timestamp and minimal MVCC timestamp which at least one transaction holds
hdb.mvcc.versions_count Number of all MVCC versions on the host
hdb.plan_cache.cached_plans.count Total number of cached plans in SQL Plan Cache
hdb.plan_cache.cached_plans.execution_count Number of total plan executions for cached plans
hdb.plan_cache.cached_plans.preparation_count Total number of plan preparations for cached plans
hdb.plan_cache.cached_plans.total_cursor_duration_microseconds Total cursor duration for cached plans in microseconds
hdb.plan_cache.cached_plans.total_execution_time_microseconds Total execution time for cached plans in microseconds
hdb.plan_cache.cached_plans.total_preparation_time_microseconds Total plan preparation duration for cached plans in microseconds
hdb.plan_cache.capacity_bytes SQL Plan Cache capacity in bytes
hdb.plan_cache.evicted_plans.avg_cache_time_microseconds Average duration in microseconds between plan cache insertion and eviction
hdb.plan_cache.evicted_plans.count Number of evicted plans from SQL Plan Cache
hdb.plan_cache.evicted_plans.execution_count Number of total plan executions for evicted plans
hdb.plan_cache.evicted_plans.preparation_count Number of total plan preparations for evicted plans
hdb.plan_cache.evicted_plans.size_bytes Accumulated total size of evicted plans in bytes
hdb.plan_cache.evicted_plans.total_cursor_duration_microseconds Total cursor duration in microseconds for evicted plans
hdb.plan_cache.evicted_plans.total_execution_time_microseconds Total execution time in microseconds for evicted plans
hdb.plan_cache.evicted_plans.total_preparation_time_microseconds Total duration in microseconds for plan preparation for all evicted plans
hdb.plan_cache.fill_ratio_percent SQL Plan Cache fill ratio in percent
hdb.plan_cache.hit_ratio SQL Plan Cache hit ratio
hdb.plan_cache.hits_count Number of hit counts from SQL Plan Cache
hdb.plan_cache.lookups_count Nmber of plan lookup counts from SQL Plan Cache
hdb.plan_cache.size_bytes SQL Plan Cache size in bytes
hdb.record_locks.acquired_count Number of locks that are currently acquired
hdb.record_locks.memory_allocated_bytes Allocated memory for record locks in bytes
hdb.record_locks.memory_used_bytes Used memory for record locks in bytes
hdb.record_locks.total_wait_time_microseconds Accumulated lock wait time (in microseconds) for record locks for all available services from database start up until the current time.
hdb.record_locks.total_waits_count Accumulated lock wait count for record locks for all available services from database start up until the current time.
hdb.schemas.memory.used_bytes Total used (column store) memory by schema in bytes
hdb.schemas.total_merge_count Total number of delta merges on the schema across all tables and partitions
hdb.schemas.total_read_count Total number of read accesses on the schema across all tables and partitions
hdb.schemas.total_write_count Total number of write accesses on the schema across all tables and partitions CPU usage percentage of the current process CPU usage of the current process since the start in milliseconds as if there would be 1 core Allocated free memory in bytes Code size, including shared libraries, in bytes Part of the memory pool that can potentially (if unpinned) be freed during a memory shortage in bytes Part of the memory pool that can be freed during a memory shortage in bytes Effective maximum memory pool size, in bytes, considering the pool sizes of other processes Memory held by SAP HANA's memory management that cannot be easily reused for new memory allocations in bytes Minimum guaranteed memory for the process in bytes Heap memory allocated from the memory pool in bytes Heap memory used from the memory pool in bytes Heap memory used in percent Virtual memory size from the operating system perspective in bytes Physical memory size from the operating system perspective in bytes Shared memory allocated from the memory pool in bytes Shared memory used in percent Stack size in bytes Memory in use from the memory pool in bytes Total size of the virtual address space in bytes Used size of the virtual address space in bytes Number of open files Number of active SQL Executor threads per indexserver Number of inactive SQL Executor threads per indexserver Number of active threads Number of total threads
hdb.statements.compilation_rate Current statement preparation count per minute
hdb.statements.execution_count Total count of all executed statements for data manipulation, data definition, and system control
hdb.statements.execution_rate Current statement execution count per minute
hdb.statements.peak_compilation_rate Peak statement preparation count per minute
hdb.statements.peak_execution_rate peak statement execution count per minute
hdb.table_locks.total_wait_time_microseconds Accumulated lock wait time (in microseconds) for table locks for all available services from database start up until the current time.
hdb.table_locks.total_waits_count Accumulated lock wait count for table locks for all available services from database start up until the current time.
hdb.transactions.aborting_count Current number of aborting transactions
hdb.transactions.active_count Current number of active transactions
hdb.transactions.active_prepare_count Current number of transactions in active prepare status
hdb.transactions.blocked_count Number of currently blocked transactions waiting for locks
hdb.transactions.blocked_metadata_count Number of currently blocked transactions waiting for metadata locks
hdb.transactions.blocked_record_count Number of currently blocked transactions waiting for record locks
hdb.transactions.blocked_table_count Number of currently blocked transactions waiting for table locks
hdb.transactions.commit_count Number of transaction commits
hdb.transactions.commit_rate Current number of commits per minute
hdb.transactions.inactive_count Current number of inactive transactions
hdb.transactions.partial_aborting_count Current number of transactions in partial aborting status
hdb.transactions.peak_commit_rate Peak number of commits per minute
hdb.transactions.peak_rollback_rate Peak rollback of rollbacks per minute
hdb.transactions.peak_rollbacks_rate Current number of rollbacks per minute
hdb.transactions.peak_transaction_rate Peak transaction count per minute
hdb.transactions.peak_update_rate Peak update transaction count per minute
hdb.transactions.precomitted_count Current number of precommitted transactions
hdb.transactions.rollback_count Number of transaction rollbacks
hdb.transactions.transaction_rate Current transaction count per minute
hdb.transactions.update_count Number of update transactions
hdb.transactions.update_rate Current update transaction count per minute
hdb.version HANA Version (Revision) Size of data volumes as reported by the file system in bytes Size of used and shadow pages in the data volume files in bytes
hdb.volumes.fill_ratio Displays the fill ratio of the data volume Number of active asynchronous reads Number of active asynchronous writes Trigger-ratio of asynchronous reads Trigger-ratio of asynchronous writes Number of blocked write requests Maximum number of blocked write requests Total number of appends Total number of triggered asynchronous reads Total number of triggered asynchronous writes Total number of failed reads Total number of failed writes Total number of full retry reads Total number of full retry writes Total number of read data in bytes Total read time in microseconds Total number of synchronous reads Total number of reads that read fewer bytes than requested Total number of writes that wrote fewer bytes than requested Total I/O time in microseconds Total write time in microseconds Total number of appends Total number of written data in bytes
hdb.volumes.log.total_size_bytes Size of log volumes as reported by the file system in bytes
hdb.volumes.total_size_bytes Total size of the data volume in bytes
hdb.volumes.used_size_bytes Used size of the data volume in bytes

Known Issues and Limitations

pcp-pmda-hdb currently does not support Multitenant Database Container (MDC) systems. The agent can only target a single database container at the moment (this container can be a tenant database).

pcp-pmda-hdb is not tested with Python2.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Dev Setup

dnf install -y pcp python3-pcp pylint python3-pylint shellcheck
pip3 install hdbcli
pip3 install mypy
pip3 install isort
pip3 install flake8

Running Tests

Unit tests ( require a running HANA instance (HANA Express is sufficient). Connection paramneters need to be set via the environment variables HDB_HOST, HDB_PORT, HDB_USER, and HDB_PASSWORD.

Installation and Removal procedure can be tested with hack/

Integration with the PCP ecosystem can be interactively tested with hack/


GNU General Public License v3.0


Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Performance Metric Domain Agent (PMDA) for SAP HANA (hdb)








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