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lesson 06

Rati Wannapanop edited this page May 26, 2017 · 4 revisions

Format fields using callback option

In this lesson, we will use callback option of Vuetable to format the following fields

  • nickname -- display in all upppercase letters
  • gender -- display Male or Female as colored label with an icon
  • salary -- using accounting.js to display the value with thousand separator
  • birthdate -- using moment.js to display different date format

The callback option allows us to specify the callback function for a specific field to handle the value of the column data to be displayed. Vuetable will use the returned value of the callback to display the data in that column.

nickname field

Let's begin with displaying nickname in all upppercase.

  // MyVuetable.vue

  data () {
    return {
      fields: [
          name: 'nickname',
          callback: 'allcap'
  methods: {
    allcap (value) {
      return value.toUpperCase()

The callback option of nickname field specifies that the value of nickname should be handle by the callback function named allcap defined in this component/instance.

So, we then define the allcap function in the methods block of the component. The callback function will recieved 2 parameters from Vuetable, which are

  • the value of the column data in the current row
  • and, additional parameter string

In this case, we only use the first parameter (value). We will see the use of the second parameter later when we create a callback function for birthdate field.

gender field

Now, we will make use of the CSS framework to format the gender field to display the icon label.

  // MyVuetable.vue

  data () {
    return {
      fields: [
          name: 'gender',
          titleClass: 'center aligned',
          dataClass: 'center aligned',
          callback: 'genderLabel'
  methods: {
    genderLabel (value) {
      return value === 'M'
        ? '<span class="ui teal label"><i class="large man icon"></i>Male</span>'
        : '<span class="ui pink label"><i class="large woman icon"></i>Female</span>'

As you can see, returned value of the callback function can also be a valid HTML. So, you can freely use any CSS framework that you like to style it.

Here is example of using Bootstrap 3:

  genderLabel (value) {
    return value == 'M'
      ? '<span class="label label-info"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></i> Male</span>'
      : '<span class="label label-success"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart"></i> Female</span>'

salary field

To format the salary field, we will use formatNumber function of accounting.js library to do the job.

First let's include the accounting.js using yarn

    $ yarn add accounting --dev

We are using original accounting.js library, which is named accounting. There are other similar packages, you can pick the one the you like.

Now, we have to import it into MyVuetable before we can use it.

  // MyVuetable.vue

  import Vuetable from 'vuetable-2/src/components/Vuetable'
  import accounting from 'accounting'

  export default {

Add the callback option to salary field definition

  // MyVuetable.vue

  data () {
    return {
      fields: [
            name: 'salary',
            titleClass: 'center aligned',
            dataClass: 'right aligned',
            callback: 'formatNumber'

Then, define formatNumber function in the methods block

  // MyVuetable.vue

  methods: {
    formatNumber (value) {
        return accounting.formatNumber(value, 2)

birthdate field

To format date, we will use momentjs to do this.

We have to include momentjs library first using yarn

$ yarn add moment --dev

The NPM package for momentjs is named moment

Let's import the momentjs to be use inside the MyVuetable.vue.

  // MyVuetable.vue

  import Vuetable from 'vuetable-2/src/components/Vuetable'
  import accounting from 'accounting'
  import moment from 'moment'

  export default {

Add the callback option to birthdate fiel definition

  // MyVuetable.vue

  data () {
    return {
      fields: [
            name: 'birthdate',
            titleClass: 'center aligned',
            dataClass: 'center aligned',
            callback: 'formatDate|DD-MM-YYYY'

And, define formatDate function in the methods block

  // MyVuetable.vue

  methods: {
    formatDate (value, fmt = 'D MMM YYYY') {
      return (value == null)
        ? ''
        : moment(value, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format(fmt)


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