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Releases: rafay99-epic/Flutter-Blog-Portfolio

Version 1.3.1 - "Enhanced Interaction" 🚀

14 Apr 22:53
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Here are all the changes in this version of the application

New Features:

  • Text Selection Capability: Users can now select and copy text from blog content, enhancing accessibility and usability. 📝
  • Search Filter for Blog Titles: Implemented a search filter allowing users to quickly find specific blog titles, improving content discoverability. 🔍
  • Page Navigation System: Introduced a new page navigation system on the home page utilizing PageView, enhancing navigation fluidity and user experience. 📄
  • User Activity Tracking: Implemented user activity tracking via an external script, providing valuable insights into user behavior and engagement within the web platform. 📊


  • Updated Navigation Icons: Navigation icons have been updated from IconlyBold to FontAwesomeIcons, providing a more modern and consistent visual experience. 🔧

Bug Fixes:

  • Case-Insensitive Blog Filtering: Corrected a bug in blog filtering to consider case-insensitivity in search queries, ensuring accurate search results and improving user satisfaction. 🐞


  • App Version Update: Updated the application version in pubspec.yaml, ensuring consistency and clarity in version management. 🔄
  • Development Automation: Implemented new scripts in PowerShell to automate the process of running the application for development, streamlining development workflows and improving efficiency. ⚙️

Auto Generated Notes:

Full Changelog: 1.3...1.3.1

Version 1.3: Enhancements and Fixes 🚀

06 Apr 22:26
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In this patch, several improvements and bug fixes have been implemented. Below is a detailed overview of the changes:

Bug Fixes 🐞

  • UI Bugs: Addressed issues with the user interface on the landing page in the Android application to ensure smoother navigation and visual consistency.
  • Auto Routes: Resolved bugs related to automatic routing, ensuring seamless transitions between different sections of the application.

New Features 🆕

  • Related Blog Posts: Added functionality to display related blog posts, enhancing content discoverability and engagement.
  • Social Sharing: Implemented the ability to share blog posts via links on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Mobile Application Improvements 📱

  • Floating Button Fix: Rectified issues with the floating action button, ensuring its proper functionality across different screen sizes and devices.
  • WhatsApp Integration: Implemented redirection to WhatsApp for direct communication when the application is installed, enhancing user accessibility.

Blog Read UI Enhancements 📝

  • Thumbnail Preview: Updated the blog post reading page to include thumbnail previews for a more visually engaging experience.
  • Layout Optimization: Reorganized the layout elements, relocating the author information and table of contents for improved readability and aesthetics.

Code Refactoring 🛠️

  • Component Modularization: Divided large code files into smaller, modular components for better maintainability and scalability, improving code organization and readability.

OTP Handling Improvements 🔐

  • Error Handling: Implemented error handling mechanisms for OTP (one-time password) generation and verification, providing better feedback to users and enhancing security.

Enhanced Page Redirection 🔄

  • Logout Behavior: Optimized page redirection logic to ensure that users are properly logged out and cannot navigate back to previous pages after logging out, enhancing overall security and user experience.

These updates collectively aim to enhance the application's functionality, usability, and reliability, providing users with a more seamless and enjoyable experience.

Pull Request:

You can find the pull request #13

Auto Generated Notes

Full Changelog: 1.2...1.3

Version 1.2: New UI and Code Structure 🛠️

04 Apr 20:21
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In this patch, I've made significant updates to enhance functionality and improve overall performance. Here's a detailed rundown of the changes:

  • New Features 🆕

    • Introduced blog management functionality in the admin interface, enabling tasks such as adding, editing, and deleting blog posts.
    • Enhanced message management features, including options to hide, save, delete, and unhide messages.
    • Implemented a user-friendly blog display with scrolling capabilities, search functionality, and dynamic content loading.
    • Introduced a new project gallery view with a grid layout to showcase projects effectively.
    • Upgraded the contact page with message-saving functionality for improved user experience.
    • Added customization options for social media icons and implemented smooth scroll functionality for enhanced navigation.
  • Refactor 🔄

    • Updated Kotlin version and adjusted build configurations for the Android app to ensure compatibility and efficiency.
    • Refactored blog and message functionality to utilize new service classes, improving code organization and maintainability.
    • Enhanced responsiveness of the dashboard layout to provide a seamless experience across devices.
  • Style 🎨

    • Optimized HTML structure in web/index.html for enhanced readability and better user experience.
  • Chores 🧹

    • Implemented plugin registrations for file selector and URL launcher across platforms to streamline operations and enhance functionality.
  • Documentation 📝

    • Added a file for Google site verification to facilitate site management and enhance search engine visibility.
    • Implemented a site map for improved navigation and accessibility.

These updates represent a significant step forward in optimizing performance, enhancing user experience, and ensuring smooth operation across various platforms. 🚀

Pull Request:

To checkout detail Pull request by clicking here: #12

Auto Generated Note:

Full Changelog: 1.1...1.2

Admin Functionality

18 Mar 18:38
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Version 1.1: Admin Functionality

🚀 In this Pull Request, I am developing all the admin functionality and some more features to make the application more stable and much better.

Detail Notes:

Here are the detailed notes and a list of all changes.

Admin Login

  • Implemented admin login functionality with OTP support.
  • Developed the admin dashboard UI and functionality.

Admin Dashboard Functionality

  • Implemented functionality for managing messages on the Contact Me page:
    • ❌ Delete messages.
    • 👀 View messages.
    • 📦 Archive messages.
  • Implemented functionality for managing blog posts:
    • ✔️ Enabled/disabled blog posts.
    • ✏️ Created, updated, displayed, and deleted blog posts.
    • 🔍 Searched for blog posts.
    • 🗂 Sorted blog posts by category.
    • 🖥 Previewed blog posts.
  • Implemented logout functionality.

Contact Me Page

  • Developed the Contact Me page using Firebase for communication.

Blog Post UI

  • Designed the UI for displaying blog posts.
  • Implemented filters and search functionality for blog posts.
  • Displayed all blog posts with the ability to read each individual post.

New Features and Major Changes:

Here are a few improvements to the whole application.

Removing Features:

🔧 We're removing the Android GitHub Actions for building APK files. This decision stems from the realization that certain Flutter components are exclusive to web development and do not support Android applications.

UI Redesign:

🎨 The Experience Page lacked responsiveness on both web and mobile platforms, leading to numerous errors. Redesigning became the only viable solution to address these issues effectively.

Crash Detection & Analysis:

🔍 I have integrated Firebase to support crash detection for both the Android application and the website. Additionally, I have enabled website analysis, allowing me to track usage metrics and gain insights into my audience.

Progress and Task List:

  • Admin Login
    • OTP Support
  • Admin Dashboard
    • UI Design
    • Functionality
      • Contact Me Page Message
        • Delete Messages
        • View Messages
        • Archive Message
      • Blog Functionality
        • Enable Blog Post
        • Disable Blog Post
        • Create Blog Post
        • Update Blog Post
        • Display Blog Post
        • Delete Blog Post
        • Search Blog Post
        • Category Blog Post
        • Preview Blog Post
      • Logout Functionality
  • Contact Me Page with Firebase
  • Blog Post UI
    • Filter Blog Post
    • Search Blog Post
    • Display All Blog Post
      • Read one blog Post

My Portfolio

18 Mar 18:28
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🌟 My Portfolio

Welcome to my Personal Portfolio website with blog support!

🚀 Progress

Here's the progress of the project:

✅ Completed Pages

Here are the completed pages and UI of the application:

  1. 🏠 Home Screen
  2. 💦 Splash Screen
  3. 🌟 Experiences Page
  4. 💼 Project Page
  5. 👨‍💼 About Me section

Feel free to explore and enjoy the content on each page!