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This repository contains SQL queries for solving different SQL problems available on datalemur(fpr practicing SQL and Data Science Interview questions). The problems are divided into four categories: Basic SQL, Intermediate SQL, Advanced SQL, Data Analysis.

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SQL-data-challange-datalemur- DB used - Postgree SQL

Linkedin - Data science skills question Linkedin

With T as (SELECT candidate_id, count(skill) FROM candidates where skill IN ('Python', 'Tableau', 'PostgreSQL') GROUP BY candidate_id HAVING COUNT(skill) = 3 ORDER BY candidate_id) select Candidate_id from T;

Facebook - pages with no likes question

with T as (SELECT pages.page_id, COUNT(page_likes.user_id) FROM pages LEFT JOIN page_likes on pages.page_id = page_likes.page_id GROUP BY pages.page_id HAVING COUNT(page_likes.user_id) < 1) select page_id from T;

#Tesla unfinished part question

SELECT distinct(part) FROM parts_assembly where finish_date is NULL;

New york times - Mobile vs Laptop viewership question

select count (DISTINCT user_id) where device_type = 'laptop' as laptop_views, count (DISTINCT user_id) where device_type in ('tablet', 'phone') as mobile_views from viewership;

Linkedin - Duplicate job listings question

with T as (select company_id, title, description, count(title) from job_listings group by company_id, title, description having COUNT(title)>1) SELECT count(title) as duplicate_companies from T;

Facebook - Average post hiatus question

SELECT user_id, EXTRACT(day from (max(post_date)-min(post_date))) as duration FROM posts where EXTRACT(year from (post_date)) = 2021 group by user_id having count(post_id) > 1;

Microsoft - Team power users question

SELECT sender_id, count(message_id) FROM messages where EXTRACT(month from sent_date) = 08 and EXTRACT(year from (sent_date)) = 2022 group by sender_id order by count(message_id) DESC limit 2;

Robinhood - Cities with completed trade

SELECT, count(trades.user_id) FROM trades JOIN users on trades.user_id = users.user_id where status = 'Completed' group by ORDER BY count(trades.user_id) desc limit 3;

Amazon - Average Review rating

SELECT EXTRACT(month from submit_date) as mth, product_id, ROUND(AVG(stars), 2) from reviews GROUP BY EXTRACT(month from submit_date), product_id order by EXTRACT(month from submit_date), product_id;

Facebook - App click through rate question

with T as (select app_id, count(case when event_type = 'impression' then event_type end) as imp, count(case when event_type = 'click' then event_type end) as clk from events where EXTRACT(year from timestamp) = 2022 group by app_id) select app_id, round(100.0*(CAST(clk as float)/cast(imp as float))::numeric,2) as ctr from T;

Tik-Tok second day confirmation

SELECT user_id FROM emails JOIN texts on emails.email_id = texts.email_id where signup_action = 'Confirmed' and (action_date::date - signup_date::date) = 1;

J.P. Morgan Chase - Cards Isuued difference question

SELECT card_name, case when card_name = 'Chase Freedom Flex' then MAX(issued_amount) - MIN(issued_amount) when card_name = 'Chase Sapphire Reserve' then MAX(issued_amount) - MIN(issued_amount) end as Cnt FROM monthly_cards_issued GROUP BY card_name order by cnt desc;

Alibaba - Compressed mean question

with T as (SELECT cast(sum(item_count * order_occurrences) as decimal) as total_items, cast(SUM(order_occurrences) as decimal) as cnt FROM items_per_order) select ROUND((total_items/cnt),1) as mean from T;

CVS - health : Pharmacy Analytics 1 Question

SELECT drug, sum(total_sales-cogs) as total_profit FROM pharmacy_sales GROUP BY drug having COUNT( DISTINCT manufacturer) = 1 order by total_profit desc limit 3;

CVS - health : Pharmacy Analytics - 2 Question

select manufacturer, count(product_id), sum(cogs - total_sales) as total_loss from pharmacy_sales where cogs - total_sales > 0 group by manufacturer order by sum(cogs - total_sales) desc;

CVS - health : Pharmacy Analytics - 3 Question

SELECT manufacturer, '$'|| ROUND(sum(total_sales/1000000),0) ||' '|| 'million' FROM pharmacy_sales group by manufacturer order by sum(total_sales) desc;


with t as (SELECT policy_holder_id, count(case_id) FROM callers group by policy_holder_id having count(case_id) >= 3) select count(policy_holder_id) from t;

United Health - Patient Support Analysis - 2

select ROUND(100.0*(select Count(case_id) from callers where call_category = 'n/a' or call_category is NULL)/count(case_id),1) from callers;

Uber - User's third Transaction

with t as (select user_id, spend, transaction_date, RANK() over(partition by user_id order by transaction_date) as rnk from transactions) select user_id, spend, transaction_date from t where rnk = 3;

Snapchat - Sending VS Opening Snaps

WITH S as (SELECT age_bucket, sum(case when activity_type = 'send' then time_spent else 0 end) as totalsendtime, sum(case when activity_type = 'open' then time_spent else 0 end) as totalopentime, sum(time_spent) as total_time from activities JOIN age_breakdown on activities.user_id = age_breakdown.user_id where activity_type IN('send', 'open') GROUP BY age_bucket)

select age_bucket, ROUND(100.0totalsendtime/total_time, 2) as send_perc, ROUND(100.0totalopentime/total_time, 2) as open_perc from S;

Twitter - 3 day rolling tweets

with t as (SELECT user_id, tweet_date, COUNT(tweet_id) cnt from tweets GROUP BY user_id, tweet_date order by user_id, tweet_date)

select user_id, tweet_date, ROUND(avg(cnt) over(partition by user_id order by tweet_date rows between 2 preceding and current row ), 2) from t;

Amazon - Highest grossing items

select category, product, total_spend from (SELECT category, product, sum(spend) total_spend, dense_rank() over(PARTITION BY category order by sum(spend) desc) FROM product_spend where date_part('year', transaction_date) = 2022 group by category, product ) as T where dense_rank in (1,2)

Spotify - Top 5 artists

with t as (select artists.artist_id a, artists.artist_name b, songs.song_id c, d, global_song_rank.rank e FROM artists join songs on artists.artist_id = songs.artist_id join global_song_rank on songs.song_id = global_song_rank.song_id where global_song_rank.rank <11), n as (select b, count(c), dense_rank() over(order by count(c) desc ) artist_rank from t
group by b) select b, artist_rank from n
where artist_rank <= 5


This repository contains SQL queries for solving different SQL problems available on datalemur(fpr practicing SQL and Data Science Interview questions). The problems are divided into four categories: Basic SQL, Intermediate SQL, Advanced SQL, Data Analysis.







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